Well, I decided I was going to sleep in today and ride my bike to mass later at a different church in town where they have daily mass in the evening instead of morning. Haha, God really showed me how much He probably wants me to put Him first every morning instead! Well I looked up directions to where the church was (Corpus Christi, another Catholic church I go to for other church events in our diocese) and did some rearranging of the directions to make the trip shorter. I took off on my bike today, and I believe I missed my turn and I just kept going until I no longer recognized where I was! So I thought I might find my way to a road I knew would lead to the church if I turned at some street, and so I did, but I only ended up getting myself lost. I wandered town for about a half hour or more until I finally found a building I recognized. And by then it was too late to make it to mass. :< So I rode home, and I made a vow to Mary I am NEVER going to skip morning mass EVER again if I can help it! XD