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What Annoyed You Today?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
math word problems freakin suck. I can't tell if I'm just dumb or this is intentionally vague and I don't know what to do. I have 3 questions in this assignment and each one builds off the other so if I get this first one wrong I'm going to get a 0%.
crap I'm just going to throw something together and hope for the best because I can't bother with this anymore.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
math word problems freakin suck. I can't tell if I'm just dumb or this is intentionally vague and I don't know what to do. I have 3 questions in this assignment and each one builds off the other so if I get this first one wrong I'm going to get a 0%.
crap I'm just going to throw something together and hope for the best because I can't bother with this anymore.
I have had these problems.


Thug Lyfe
Apr 16, 2021
My boss moved my shift today with the sole intent of having me there to move the shoes from the old backroom aisle to a new one, but the new ones are "mobile" and you have to roll them open, which means only one can be open at a time otherwise theyre compressed. i had to wait a couple of hours for this one girl to finish in her aisle and she knew what i had to do and said i could do it right after her. she finished right as i went on break (15 minutes) so after that i came back and started moving the shoe fixtures and such, then decided a cart would be easier to move them in, and when i came back she had shut my aisle to start a new project even though i was in the middle of working on it. and when i reminded her of my own job she just acted like it was nbd for me to wait a few more hours "until she left for the day" even though this was the only reason my boss sent me in. i was really pissed, after she finally finished (without letting me know btw) i only had 2 hours of an 8 hour shift to create each shelf location, move the fixtures and tie each shoe to a location, so i didnt even get to tie all the shoes and theyre sitting back there unlocated rn. i am 100% sure whoever designed these stupid things has never worked on the floor once, cant wait to see what other problems they cause down the line
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
What annoys me today is that I have a panic attack. I freaking hate this. And I freaking hate it when something (and usually I don't know what exactly because it could literally be anything) triggers a panic attack and some people come along and tell me "you're fine, you're gonna be fine" because it makes it worse, or "you have no reason to panic, everything is fine" as if having a mental health episode in the form of panic attacks or anxiety or PTSD or depression was a freaking "choice" or something you can just "choose" to "snap out of". If only it was this freaking easy, some people really don't know what they're talking about.

I have a panic attack today. and when it happens. the only thing that helps and works for me (it doesn't cure it, but it makes it a bit more manageable) is this ASMR video that I loop until the panic attack ends and sometimes I even fall asleep listening to this video because it's calming:

I know that mental health is still (stupidly) considered a taboo in our society and that some people don't want to hear about it, but those people have no idea what it's like to live with panic attacks or anxiety or PTSD or depression or any of those conditions. They have no idea. And I wish conversation about mental health was completely destigmatized and even encouraged. That way, people with mental health issues would suffer less, more people would get support, and we could do more suicide prevention in our society (especially among youth who, more often than not, don't understand what's happening to them and how to get better, because they are left completely ignorant of anything mental health related, not to mention that according to a lot of studies and the statistics, LGBT youth are five or six times more likely than non-LGBT youth to commit suicide and nine times more likely than non-LGBT people to be victims of violent hate crimes, so I think they should be prioritized). I am 40 and have had panic attacks ever since I was 32 or 33. Having panic attacks is not fun. It makes you feel vulnerable and powerless. I know what it's like, I've had to live with panic attacks for 7-8 years.

I've been told by a number of people that it can't be cured. Even mental health professionals think that panic attacks can't be cured (our world is so primitive and far from advanced when it comes to curing mental health issues, and Big Pharma doesn't want to cure people and wants to keep people taking the drugs for the rest of their lives and keep them dependent on drugs that only mask and control the symptoms for a few hours instead of curing the condition because in their own words cures aren't profitable, not to mention that most psychologists and psychiatrists nowadays will only ask you over and over again "How did that make you feel"? which just doesn't help, they seem to be incompetent at getting at the root cause of the problem to cure the condition instead of masking and controlling the symptoms with drugs that you have to take every few hours which is only altering the surface and not the root cause of the problem because the therapist doesn't bother to dig deeper, why can't mental health professionals just do more to help people? I've often felt like my therapists were not even trying), yes even mental health prfessionals think that panic attacks can't be cured and that you just have to learn how to cope and live with it.

And people who don't have money to go see people who can actually cure it or at least make it really manageable? They are given false hopes by charlatans online who claim that they can cure it and said charlatans charge a lot of money for their so-called "cures", something that in many cases the person who suffer from the condition can't afford 'cause they are poor or low-income, Mike Figueredo was telling it like it is right here (10:57 - 18:02):

And this is what I meant earlier when I said that Big Pharma makes things so much worse (everyone deserves to know the truth about this and here's the evidence, Goldman Sachs and Big Pharma's own words condemn them):

To everyone else who suffers from panic attacks, I know what you're going through, there's nothing I can do or I would have cured myself and told you how to do it FOR FREE so you wouldn't have to suffer anymore. But know that I suffer right along with you, we're in the same boat, and I understand because I've been there, done that, and I know what it's like. To those of you who experience this too: you have my sympathy and my respect.

Take care,



Staff member
TW: Animal cruelty, gore

Twitter seems to have this "feature" where it keeps notifying me posts that are popular. I have not enabled this, and I can't seem to find a way to turn it off.

It's ****ing hell, I get like 15 notifications every couple days, and the content, even though I have a quality filter enabled, is ****ing hell. No, twitter, I don't want posts promoting crypto scams. I don't want stoner thoughts of random pseudo influencers. I don't want snuff videos of people being shot with a shotgun. I don't want braindeads promoting blatant bigotry. And I definitely don't want a video of a pet being microwaved, decapitated, and blended.

Like what the ****? I literally only like wholesome and cute memes, cats pics, and sometimes some funny videos of people being silly. What in ****s heavens makes you think I'm interested in any of this ****. How the **** is this getting through "quality control"? **** you.

People like to ***** about how bad Twitter was but it only became this open sewage after the billionaire manchild butchered its algorithm and loosened moderation on this ****ed up ****. This isn't free speech, it's just blatantly shoving crimes on my ****ing face and I'm so ****ing tired of this. What the **** is wrong with people.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
TW: Animal cruelty, gore

Twitter seems to have this "feature" where it keeps notifying me posts that are popular. I have not enabled this, and I can't seem to find a way to turn it off.

It's ****ing hell, I get like 15 notifications every couple days, and the content, even though I have a quality filter enabled, is ****ing hell. No, twitter, I don't want posts promoting crypto scams. I don't want stoner thoughts of random pseudo influencers. I don't want snuff videos of people being shot with a shotgun. I don't want braindeads promoting blatant bigotry. And I definitely don't want a video of a pet being microwaved, decapitated, and blended.

Like what the ****? I literally only like wholesome and cute memes, cats pics, and sometimes some funny videos of people being silly. What in ****s heavens makes you think I'm interested in any of this ****. How the **** is this getting through "quality control"? **** you.

People like to ***** about how bad Twitter was but it only became this open sewage after the billionaire manchild butchered its algorithm and loosened moderation on this ****ed up ****. This isn't free speech, it's just blatantly shoving crimes on my ****ing face and I'm so ****ing tired of this. What the **** is wrong with people.
I have nothing to say that could make this better. So, here you go:
Feb 25, 2021
I’ve had dermatitis lately and it’s so close to going away but my hands keep itching at times which just sets it back because not scratching can be hard. Worse is that they usually get itchy at night when I can’t wash them because my family is asleep and I don’t want to wake anyone up.

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