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The Wind Waker Weakest Link in the Series, Literally?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Doesn't make it a side-quest, that's the game's hint system, no matter how flawed it seems.

Hint systems still aren't required, but they're part of the game so...yeah they make things easier. Using all tools available to ya, TWW is still a ridiculously easy game compared to other titles in the series.


May 18, 2013
Hint systems still aren't required, but they're part of the game so...yeah they make things easier. Using all tools available to ya, TWW is still a ridiculously easy game compared to other titles in the series.
It was an annoying hint system, I see where Darkest is coming from, they provided important information but they were annoying to acquire.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Doesn't make it a side-quest, that's the game's hint system, no matter how flawed it seems.

It's not part of the main quest, it's optional, and you have to out of your way to do it. It's a sidequest.

Wait, it pushes you to do them? Care to explain?

I never said it pushes you to do them. I said it pushes them at you. For example, right after getting Epona, Romani will inform you of the sidequest you can do. Likewise, you have to march right up to the Goron Racetrack in order to get powder kegs.


Sage of Tales
I find Wind Waker to be the easiest game in the series... that doesn't mean that it's bad. I love Wind Waker. It's an enchanting world to be in (I'm speaking from GameCube version, I haven' played the HD as I don't have a Wii U and, frankly, I'm a little afraid to say this, but I've been kind of *against* the whole concept of an HD remake because I'm in love with GC's "flat" art style for it). It, however, is very easy as far as general gameplay goes.

Skyward Sword kind of ties with it / rivals it, in that it has a lot of hand-holding. I found that it had some challenge in regards to the motion control sword-moves (I thought it was neato-burrito that certain enemies needed a certain finesse...), but Fi's uber info-dumping and other hint-systems in the games really made it... one that would make a beginning player not only take it easily, but also yelp at Fi to shut up already.

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