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The Wind Waker Weakest Link in the Series, Literally?


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
I really wish Nintendo would make a zelda game that was more challenging than what they're doing now. Like everyone's been saying, the puzzles are too easy, and everything's spelled out for you. I want a zelda game that makes me think. :I


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I haven't played WW HD but based on the gamecube version I would have to agree. The ability to parry made it unlikely for an enemy to hit you in a one-on-one fight, and then you throw in all the items that somehow make the combat even easier. IIRC the boomerang will stun anything other than a covered darknut, and the grappling hook often gives you hearts from enemies. I think it's fair to say that this is the only Zelda game in which I felt completely safe from death the entire time.

In terms of puzzles this also has to be one of the easiest games as well. For instance I feel like the big mirror room near the end of the Earth Temple was designed to be one of the hardest mental challenges in the game, and I don't know if it's fair to even call it a puzzle since all you have to do is push things along preset paths and shine light on things. I do recall getting stuck in places though, but not more than in other Zelda games. The thing that often gets me is whenever you need to use the Deku Leaf to glide later in the game. I always forget that the item even exists since it's unique to the game.

In terms of achieving 100% I would have to give this game some props for all the collectibles and especially the figurine collection. This is a really time-consuming game to 100%, and I would think it would be extremely difficult to achieve without some sort of list of all the things that need to be done. This is probably the hardest Zelda from the 100% perspective.

In terms of minimalist or three heart challenges this would have to be one of the easiest if not the easiest game. In terms of a minimalist challenge this game is easy because there is so little that you can skip. I think the helpful things that are skippable include most of the bottles, the magic armor, and the hero's charm. For three hearts this game would naturally be one of the easiest because of the combat being easy. I would actually consider OoT to be easier for me at least, but this is probably due to me having more experience with that game.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
When I judge difficulty, I judge the main game...not 100%ing it. If I did, Wind Waker would be among the hardest, mainly due to Nintendo Gallery.

I judge difficultly by the purpose of the game
Ill just give a a list of games to me easiest to hardest
3.) OoT
5.) OoX
6.) Fs
7.) FSA
11.) ALttP
12.) AoL
PH and ST are unplayable do to stylist controls
This Is my personal rankings of difficulty.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I judge difficultly by the purpose of the game
PH and ST are unplayable do to stylist controls

Care to elaborate? I've beaten ST and found it quite easy to control. Everything works exactly how I'm told it would. Playing PH now and I can see where one would feel uncomfortable as its an imperfect ST, but I wouldn't call in "unplayable."


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Care to elaborate? I've beaten ST and found it quite easy to control. Everything works exactly how I'm told it would. Playing PH now and I can see where one would feel uncomfortable as its an imperfect ST, but I wouldn't call in "unplayable."
It just might be left over rage at the tower portions never being able to get items to work right.

What does that mean?

The purpus of(more likely the focus) of majoras mask is helping the people of the town. Wind waker is the main quest.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
...You say that like it's a fact. I honestly felt Wind Waker had more sidequest focus than Majora's Mask. You can do the sidequests in MM, but it's pretty easy to skip them. Wind Waker is constantly putting sidequests down our throats and often times leaves us with no clue on where to go unless we do sidequests or cheat and use a guide.


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
...You say that like it's a fact. I honestly felt Wind Waker had more sidequest focus than Majora's Mask. You can do the sidequests in MM, but it's pretty easy to skip them. Wind Waker is constantly putting sidequests down our throats and often times leaves us with no clue on where to go unless we do sidequests or cheat and use a guide.

What side quest are there that are forced on you?


May 18, 2013
The purpus of(more likely the focus) of majoras mask is helping the people of the town. Wind waker is the main quest.
I still don't get how does that relate to how who order the difficulty of the games.

...You say that like it's a fact. I honestly felt Wind Waker had more sidequest focus than Majora's Mask. You can do the sidequests in MM, but it's pretty easy to skip them. Wind Waker is constantly putting sidequests down our throats and often times leaves us with no clue on where to go unless we do sidequests or cheat and use a guide.
There's no such thing as a forced side-quest. A side-quest is optional, if it's not optional, then it's not a side-quest.


The Golden God
Sep 28, 2013
The Sacred Realm
My goddesses! The thread was supposed to be about how TWW is the easiest and how Zelda needs to be more challenging. Anyway, as for SS, it was the easiest if you actually listened to Fi and the Sheikah stones, but without the hand-holding, which is optional, it was a good difficulty.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
What side quest are there that are forced on you?

The fishman sidequest for example. If you don't do that sidequest, your chances of finding the fire/ice arrows, the boots, the bracelets, and a few of the triforce pieces are pretty low unless you're using some form of guide or beat the game before.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
The fishman sidequest for example. If you don't do that sidequest, your chances of finding the fire/ice arrows, the boots, the bracelets, and a few of the triforce pieces are pretty low unless you're using some form of guide or beat the game before.

Isn't that the point of all sidequests? To make the game easier upon completing them? I understand where you're coming from, but I definitely feel MM was the most side-quest focused game. While WW does indeed have many side-quests, you still get a good chunk of the game without exploring them. MM without its side-quests leaves the game missing a good chunk of what it had.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
MM had the best sidequests IMO...it just didn't focus on them that much. There's...2 it kinda pushes at you...the Goron Racetrack and Romani Ranch...but even then, it's a gentle nudge compared to tWW leaving you in the dark all the time. Hell, sometimes I couldn't even tell what was a sidequest in that game and what was mainquest.


May 18, 2013
The fishman sidequest for example. If you don't do that sidequest, your chances of finding the fire/ice arrows, the boots, the bracelets, and a few of the triforce pieces are pretty low unless you're using some form of guide or beat the game before.
Doesn't make it a side-quest, that's the game's hint system, no matter how flawed it seems.

MM had the best sidequests IMO...it just didn't focus on them that much. There's...2 it kinda pushes at you...the Goron Racetrack and Romani Ranch...but even then, it's a gentle nudge compared to tWW leaving you in the dark all the time. Hell, sometimes I couldn't even tell what was a sidequest in that game and what was mainquest.
Wait, it pushes you to do them? Care to explain?

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