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General Art Violet's Hall of Arts.

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
094.jpg <---I seem to like this photo soo much.Seriously. (The Dialogues said: "Can I show you what is under the eyepatch?" and "That's because I don't exist....What if only you can see me?" )
095.jpg <--- An OC while I made at school.
092.jpg <--- I made this before I sleep.This was an iPhone app....
074.jpg <--- Link.
078.jpg <--- Weird Zuko...

Okay.These are mah drawings.



Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Thanks, but I'm horrible at shadings...
Moar drawingsss~~

073.jpg <---- Zelda~~~!
077.jpg <---- Zuko.You be cool.
079.jpg <---- Link!
096.jpg <---- A warrior girl...or woman.... (my friends think this is a guy)

Gah,I can't upload my Saria drawing so I re-upload it again...

Last edited:


Jul 26, 2010
I can't draw or anything, I can only do graphics. In other words good job and draw more... or else.
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Yeah,I like drawing faces... And that's because when I draw the full body,I'll make the head too big while the body is small.... (i ALWAYS do that...but i think i have improvement...)
Mmmm, you're arts style is really adorbz. x3 My complaint isn't really about the drawings themselves, per sé... more along the line of the photo quality. I'd recommend you set your camera to "marcro / close up" so it will focus more on the lineart instead of whatever it is focusing on. Really cute. Your faces are very expressive, too. ;j Keep it up, missy! ;D

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
Mandy,I don't use a camera,I use phone...but If I have the permission to use my sister's camera(which is seriously awesome),I'll go and use her camera. :)

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
This is a decent start.

First of all, you seem to enjoy drawing people so you may want to look up anatomy drawing. I see eyes out of place, and faces that are overly blown, etc. Knowing the anatomy of the character you want to draw can help your character develop more.

I would suggest rethinking your "no shading" policy. Shading is not mandatory in drawings, but it can really help bring out the atmosphere in whatever you're trying to do. Try to block out the "I'm not good at..." policy. I was originally horrible at every drawing skill imaginable with the exception of concept creation. If you want to improve on something, the best way is to practice. (Cliche saying is cliche). There's a 99.999999928% chance that you will make a mistake so I suggest using pencils and erasers.

I'm not sure about how serious you are about drawing, but if you're like me, you may want to slow down and fully analyze what you're doing while you're doing it. These all seem like sketches, which is fine; nothing wrong with quick practice, but should you ever try to make a full-out picture, be sure to care about your work because the more you care, the less you'll be likely to accept mistakes. You'll find yourself saying "This doesn't look right. I don't know why, but I'm just not satisfied with it" which I think is a good thing in artists. You want to feel that you did your best to make your picture perfect. (Pencils and erasers)!

Here's a tutorial link I always give to people who want to improve. This helped me take huge steps in my drawings. Practice these, and you should see a great difference! (And be sure to thank HP if you ever see her)
Hylian Pant's Drawing Tutorial

Let me know if you're interested in digital drawing. Some people just don't know how to get started in that area so I like to offer advice. But then again, others just don't want to ;).

*Remember that your drawing style is your own. No advice in art is mandatory ESPECIALLY when coming from a Random Person :)*

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