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Twilight Princess Twlight Princess: Gamecube Vs Wii Version

Wii or GC version

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  • GC version

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Wii or GC Version

I come to think of:
Which version of Twilight Princess do you think is the best, GameCube or Wii, and why?

My choice will be the GC version. This is becouse it was the version i played first and I am that type of gamer that likes to play whit an old type controller, in sted of playing whit motion controlls.

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
Lolwut? The GC version doesn't go over $30 at most while the Wii version is nearly $50 at most.

If we're still talking about playing GC games on the Wii...it depends on what you already own. The games themselves are less expensive, but you also have to buy a GC controller (which is not the same as a classic controller) as well as a GC memory card. If you own none of those, by the time you purchase those, there's a chance you'll actually be paying more than $50. The advantage, of course, is that you can use both the controller and memory card for other GC games in the future. If you're purchasing it solely for Twilight Princess, though, there's no real cost advantage.

Well, I own, and have beaten both versions for about a dozen times each, so, here is my quick opinion:

The Gamecube version is better, if you played wind waker, and, to some extent majora's mask and ocarina of time, then the controls will feel natural, and it will make it easier to adapt.

Controls are subjective. I've played all of those games and still preferred the Wii version of Twilight Princess. However, I think it really does come down to how much you like the classic controls. If you really liked them, it seems to me that there's no major advantage or disadvantage to the GC version, and you may prefer that. If you don't, the Wii version might be worth a shot. The point of these discussions should be to help people be happy with their purchase, and so really what it comes down to is what they're looking for.
May 25, 2008
In my house
Not strangely enough, Gamecube.

First of all, any game that was originally made to be on a system, and then ported over to another, almost completely different system, is going to suck. Especially if they don't have the time to do it correctly, which they didn't. Thus, they didn't spend enough time making the controls as good as they could've, along with many, many other things.

Second of all, the map flip. Completely stupid idea. There's no real point to it, and all it does is add more confusion. So, if anything, if you buy one, don't buy the other one, for this reason alone. It'll completely screw with you.

And Third of all, blah blah blah, buy the Gamecube game.


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
Personally, I enjoy the Wii version more. I own both versions, but I've never played on the GC one after I finished it.

The thing about it is that even though I play the Wii version, I switched all of the controls over to the classic controls. XD So, in a way, it's a mix between Wii/GC Twilight Princess. Your sword is still swung by shaking the Wiimote, but you don't aim by using the pointer -- instead, you just aim the classic Zelda way by using the Control Stick. I turned off the pointer as well.

I like the classic controls, but something about Wii TP does it for me. Contrary to what other people have said, swinging your sword isn't that much of a big deal. It never tires out your hand. If it does, then you're overdoing it. I went through the Cave of Ordeals twice in a row and didn't get tired one bit. :|

There's only two main problems I have with the Wii version, and they're the fact that the Shield Attack is hard to execute sometimes, and that there is no free camera control (with the C-stick). I love the Helm Splitter, which is a Hidden Skill you learn, and the only way to do it is by doing a Shield Attack and pressing A afterward. The problem is that if you shake the Nunchuk, you do a Spin Attack. Sometimes I'm trying to do a Shield Attack by thrusting the Nunchuk forward and it ends up doing a Spin Attack. -_-;

And yeah, there's no free camera control. You can only switch views the way you could in Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask by Z-targeting.

But on the bright side, the Wii version has widescreen capabilities and slightly better graphics (although this really doesn't matter much). The powerful Spin Attack is much easier to execute. The controls are arguably smoother than its GC counterpart; this is all personal preference. While I may feel like it's more natural than pressing B, a great deal of people prefer the classic way over shaking the Wiimote.

On the other hand, the GC version has everything a classic Zelda has. It's a pretty balanced game and there's really nothing wrong with it other than the fact that the Spin Attack takes a while to charge up if you don't know how to do the quick 360 on the Control Stick and press B. :\

I prefer the Wii version, but I suggest you to get the GC version. :D


Nov 21, 2010
I like the Wii version better. That may only be because I have gotten used to the controls but I also like how the noises come out of the controller :) It's neat.
Nov 5, 2010
Definately the wii version. Like many people said, you get more of a feel for the game. I like the wii because it's easy to control how you want to swing your sword. I liked the controls for MM and Oot but the wii controls are far more modern and fun to use.

Definately the wii version. You get a better feel for the controls because you actually have to swing the wiimote. I also liked that it was easier to control your sword swings (like if you wanted to stab then slash horizontaly).


I've played both, ad I'd say the Gamecube version is slightly better. I like how the Gamecube you can control the camera with the c-stick, but sense the Wii version is mirrored, playing the Gamecube version will be very confusing. I originally played the Gamecube version, then when I tried it for the Wii, can't remember how many times I got lost or went the wrong way. lol.
Feb 19, 2011
At Home.
I like it way more on the wii because the map is diffrent and it has way better graphic and who does not like good graphic? :-)


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
I'd say GCN version mainly because its consider more canon when it comes to the map. Either way though its the same game you don't get anyhting special from either game like I thought I would from the Wii version. The one thing I enjoyed in the wii version was the pointer for the sligshot and the bow, that was fun.


Never Give up
Feb 23, 2011
Well, I think it should be wii because wii Has good graphic's and i just never had played Twilight princess on the other Gc.


*Insert title here*
Feb 9, 2011
Midwestern US
I definitely prefer the Gamecube version. Both versions have the same story and the map is flipped around, but the controls are what really define the two. The Wii version was a port that had motion control slapped on. Granted, the motion control was well done, but the game was not built around it and thus can be awkward at times. For me personally, I had issues with horseback combat. Spin attacks can be especially annoying. The controls are much smoother on the Gamecube because the game was originally developed for that system and so I feel much more comfortable playing it.


Jul 26, 2010
I personally like the Gamecube. I'm a classic person. And A GC copy can sell still for 54$ at retro games stores, at least where I live. I've never been a motion person, even though I have long since given my affection to the Wii. To me the GC version was the original, so I picked up that instead. It's also more smooth as it was built for the GC and not the Wii. Also the Right handed thing is kind of weird.. I suppose they are dropping that forever now with Skyward Sword.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
Honestly, I've only played the Wii version of the game, but I suppose both versions of the games have their upsides and downsides. Technically, the only difference between the GameCube and Wii versions is that the Wii version made everything mirror image in order to compensate for Link being right handed to please the right-handed gamers out there. However, I guess it is all in how you want to play the game.

The GameCube version is more your traditional cup of tea with the GameCube taking the same controls as The Wind Waker. Everything is done on the joystick, you've got all of your buttons within easy reach, so on and so forth. Only significant thing is that they took away an inventory slot (I think) on the controller and replaced it with a button to talk to Midna. On the Wii, they actually added an inventory slot on the controller, the first time something like that has happened since Ocarina of Time back in 1998.

Another thing is the whole aiming process. There's the traditional joystick and then on the Wii, there's the aiming with the Wii remote. I admit, aiming with the Wii remote was fun, but when it came time to fight bosses and tougher enemies, I realized that I couldn't be quick enough to aim at everything using motion controls, so I set it to the "classic" mode where all pointing controls are replaced with the Nunchuck's joystick. So, honestly, it's more about what you feel comfortable with. I haven't played the GameCube version, so I right now have to say I'm more for the Wii.

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