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Twilight Princess Twlight Princess: Gamecube Vs Wii Version

Wii or GC version

  • Wii version

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GC version

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Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
I would prefer the wii version. Since I got to playing that game on wii. Never played it in GC form. But the wii version everything will b flip to the right, the map will b on the left. And on the GC, everything will flip to the left, the map on the right. The price for these is pretty costy. GC=$30 Wii=$50
Jan 1, 2011
I never played the GameCube version, but I played it on the Wii. I didn't really like playing it on the Wii, too much moving of the arm.:lol:
But, I think iy was more fun on the GameCube. But, that is opinion.


The game is on!
I prefer the Wii version because it does have more enjoyable controls (especially while fishing), and one is able to register twice as many items as in the GC version. Yeah.


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Honestly, I don't think you need four items at a time. I think that's a bit overkill. Personally, Hero's Bow and Gale Boomerang/Clawshot (depending on the situation) were all I really needed.

Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but I believe the controls on the GC version are much more fluid, whereas the Wii's are... kind of jerky. I've never played the Wii version before, that's only what I've heard.

Besides that, the GC version is canon and has a more classic feel. The game was designed for the GameCube, that map is canon. It also features the same controls as it did in OoT and MM, if you've played it on GC.

I don't know, just my two cents. I personally prefer the GC version.


Pure Awesomeness
Aug 3, 2010
Somewhere over the Rainbow
I have gamecube, for I didn't want to buy a Wii until they stopped making gamecube games entirly. The control scheme is the same as the other GC Zeldas, WW, and the collection... its pretty simple!
Jan 9, 2011
Prefer the wii version, but that is because I like motion controls, it's really a matter of preference


Hyrulian Knight
Mar 7, 2011
i know this isn't fair but i haven't played the gamecube version but i sorta prefer the Wii version myself. I just think that when the Wii was announced..i automatically thought about when the next Zelda was gonna come out and if it would be for Wii. So i think when Twilight Princess finally came out that i didn't really even think about getting the gamecube version because I knew i wanted a new Zelda experience. Yes the motion controls were tacked on but i thought they worked very well. Nintendo made sure to not rely to heavily on motion controls for the Wii version. Plus for me there is something gratifying about using a motion to kill an enemy instead of a button press.
Mar 7, 2011
The Netherlands
It's easier sword control vs better shooting with slingshot/Bow etc.
The motion control with the sword on wii can be a bit tedious, however the controls in several minigames and all shooting items are superior on the Wii.


I think the Wii is by a few ways better. The sounds from the Wii-mote are great, and the motion controls are pretty good when you get used to them. Aiming with the Wii-mote makes the game have a more realistic feel, too. But then again, of you prefer classicness, the GC version would by far be better. It is canon, and better with not tiring you out xD

Another good reason is to get used to Wii controls, as Skyward Sword is coming up and its best to start now, no?
Dec 18, 2010
Idaho, USA
Gamecube by far. The controls are better and much less flunky (for example, try to perform a Shield Attack on the Wii Version. Half the time you'll get a Shield Attack, and the other half of the time you'll get a Spin Attack.) There's none of that nonsense on the Gamecube version.

Also, the fact that there are more buttons on the Gamecube lead to great things that you can't do in the Wii Version. Three things in particular come to mind: Control over the camera (like in The Wind Waker), being able to hold a spin attack, and being able to instantly, and, without stopping, do a backflip off Epona anytime. No matter what the speed you are going or where you are, you can get off Epona anytime you want.

Also, Link is traditionally a lefty in this (drives me nuts in SS and Wii Version of TP) and the whole world of Hyrule isn't flipped around. Lake Hylia is in the southwest, the desert is in the west, Kakariko is in the east, etc.

And finally, you can control what type of sword slices you do. You can switch at any moment too. You can slash to the left, the right, forward and then do a stab if you want. Also, the aiming and view for things like the Bow and Clawshot is better, in my opinion. And carefully aiming and hitting your target with the Bow in the GC feels much more satisfying, and I just love the first-person view.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
GameCube, easily. GameCube is the original version whether or not the Wii version came out first, as they held the sacred GameCube version off for the Holidays, and it has our precious left-handed Link. I know, that's not important, but the GameCube version is still the better of the two, if you ask me.

However, I would like to thank the Wii version for existing. Without the game being delayed for the Wii production, the game would probably have been half as good as it was, as many more ideas were thought up during the process.

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