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TPHD-Wii U TPHD First Impressions

Dec 29, 2015
I just got through the Goron Mines, and the texture work in there makes everything look stunning. I can't make a call yet since I haven't seen what the rest of the remastered dungeons look like, but so far Goron Mines in Twilight Princess HD is the best looking area I've seen in a Zelda game.
Aug 12, 2015
Just found some Zelda U artwork in Castle Town. :) It's really small, and it's a picture we've seen before, but still cool that they put this in.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Just found some Zelda U artwork in Castle Town. :) It's really small, and it's a picture we've seen before, but still cool that they put this in.
How come we are continually in the same place in this game?! Hahahaha! It's like we are twins or something
Aug 12, 2015
How come we are continually in the same place in this game?! Hahahaha! It's like we are twins or something

Lol. Looks like we've got the same playing tempo. Either that or I've been playing much more than you have, because I'm extreeemely slow. :P


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Lol. Looks like we've got the same playing tempo. Either that or I've been playing much more than you have, because I'm extreeemely slow. :P
I have around 9 and a half hours sunk into the game. How about you?
Aug 12, 2015
Just checked, 17 hours for me. :eek: A few of those were on standby, but still. I really am this slow. :P Doesn't help that I'm still dying a lot, and spent quite some time being hopelessly stuck with the third tears of light segment.
Mar 5, 2016
So I haven't played a Zelda game since Majoras Mask and I have not owned a Nintendo console since the N64. I just bought a Wii U and picked this game up. I did play a little bit of Twilight Princess on my sister's Wii some years back.

Comparatively, this game is pretty spectacular to look at. I love the over all art style but I have a few detail oriented complaints. Link's arm is really...angular...when you aim the bow. The textures don't hold up either. Not a huge issue since you don't spend a huge amount of time aiming down the bow. There's also a lot of clipping issues, mainly with Link's cap and his shield, it seems like this would have been an easy fix for an HD update. Also when hanging upside down in the Goron Mines none of Link's clothing/items/hair droop down, they all stay perfectly rigid.

I like the controls, I was a little bummed about the no motion controls, as I heard good things about them, but having access to your inventory on the game pad is very convenient. I love being able to just drag and swap items on the fly. Epona is a little difficult to control but I feel myself getting better at it.

I started my first game on normal mode and beat the forest temple with no issues. I then decided to restart and play on Hero Mode which is much better I think. It's not extremely difficult but it requires a bit more planning (mostly just packing lots of milk before a dungeon). Playing as Wolf Link on Hero is much harder than playing as human Link as you have no way to block and have no healing items, plus the regenerating shadow demons one shot you at the beginning. I'm still considering getting the Ganon amiibo for playing as human Link.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
In short, I'm extremely pleased. This remaster feels as good to play as the originals always have. It brings in the best of the previous two versions plus more. I'll be playing through this many times. Shoutout to the fact Link's head icon on the Game Pad screen is taken from his official artwork in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I find that hilarious for some reason.

I love that you can set the aiming to third person; first person always looked weird to me in Twilight Princess. Is there any way to remove most of the HUD? You can do it in Skyward Sword and The Wind Waker HD, and I can't see the option here.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
In short, I'm extremely pleased. This remaster feels as good to play as the originals always have. It brings in the best of the previous two versions plus more. I'll be playing through this many times. Shoutout to the fact Link's head icon on the Game Pad screen is taken from his official artwork in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I find that hilarious for some reason.

I love that you can set the aiming to third person; first person always looked weird to me in Twilight Princess. Is there any way to remove most of the HUD? You can do it in Skyward Sword and The Wind Waker HD, and I can't see the option here.

No option as far as I am aware. It's a shame as I liked the option in the previous games.
Aug 12, 2015
I'm right in front of Snowpeak Mansion, my favourite dungeon in the game. So far I absolutely dig the visuals. A few things are bugging me, but overall the game looks amazing. I didn't use the Ganondorf Amiibo after Arbiter's Grounds though. I decided I want to save that for my 100% playthrough, because if you don't want the game to be incredibly frustrating, you'd better pick up every heartpiece you can as early as you can, and right now I'm having much more fun just going at my own pace. :)
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Just finished the last tears of light segment, and I'm having a blast with the game.

It really does look pretty great; as I've said before, I think just a simple character model update would have made this a pretty great remaster. I haven't really been taking full use of the new gamepad features due to using the pro controller, but I haven't noticing anything incredibly dated or annoying.

I had actually forgotten how dark some of the implications of the plot are. The scene with the children in Kakariko with Barnes talking about what has happened to the rest of the village is slightly disturbing, just as is the scene with the dark interlopers after the Lake Hylia tears collection.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Just finished the last tears of light segment, and I'm having a blast with the game.

It really does look pretty great; as I've said before, I think just a simple character model update would have made this a pretty great remaster. I haven't really been taking full use of the new gamepad features due to using the pro controller, but I haven't noticing anything incredibly dated or annoying.

I had actually forgotten how dark some of the implications of the plot are. The scene with the children in Kakariko with Barnes talking about what has happened to the rest of the village is slightly disturbing, just as is the scene with the dark interlopers after the Lake Hylia tears collection.
Something that I completely forgot was just how humorous the game was. For example, the Hyrule Soldiers scene in Telmas bar is completely and utterly hilarious, and Telmas various interactions with link as well.

I also completely forgot the plot point that Telma and Renado (are?) used to be a couple. It is so subtly placed in the game, but I forgot completely about it.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Something that I completely forgot was just how humorous the game was. For example, the Hyrule Soldiers scene in Telmas bar is completely and utterly hilarious, and Telmas various interactions with link as well.

I also completely forgot the plot point that Telma and Renado (are?) used to be a couple. It is so subtly placed in the game, but I forgot completely about it.

There is humour all over the place in the game I also didn't remember it being as funny. I suppose because there are a lot of people who say TP is a dark gritty game and is not lighthearted but actually its not really very dark. It has its moments but so does OOT and MM even more so.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
There is humour all over the place in the game I also didn't remember it being as funny. I suppose because there are a lot of people who say TP is a dark gritty game and is not lighthearted but actually its not really very dark. It has its moments but so does OOT and MM even more so.
I have never seen TP as dark. MM clears that out of the park hands down.

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