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Spoiler Toughest Heart Piece Minigame?

May 3, 2012
I just finished up all the heart pieces and for the last three I beat the Goron cart race, Fun fun skydiving, and Fledge's pumpkin shooting.

Which do you think was the toughest? I I would say
1: mine cart race
2: pumpkin shooting
3: fun fun skydiving

I beat the mine cart with . 01 seconds left, it was tough. Fledge's game was a little hard but I got it after a while, and the skydiving took me maybe 10 tries.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I'm not sure if this counts as a minigame, but the most frustrating heart piece for me was the second lumpy pumpkin one. Delivering soup was a joke, carrying pumpkins wasn't unreasonable, but the harp session was pretty hard for me to pass.

Fun fun skydiving was definitely second though. That took probably 15 tries for me whereas the mine cart race took maybe 5 and Fledge's game took me 2 tries. However, I'm going by the number of times I failed, and really the skydiving seemed like mostly luck really. I'm sure it's possible to have some skill at it but luck still probably plays a role.

Actually now that I think about it skydiving took me more tries than the harp minigame anyway. It's just that the harp seemed much more frustrating since I couldn't understand how I could do it any better when I kept failing it. With skydiving I knew I would win eventually because I had so many close attempts before getting it finally- it came down to luck for me.
Last edited:
Feb 21, 2012
Toughest minigame to get a heart piece, I would have to say Fun Fun Island.
Even if you know the timing, it's still going to take good skill control & luck to land Link in the 50 spot.

Pumpkin pull became easy with the 'cheap' method & using C button instead of A to shoot.
Mine cart was just memorizing the correct path and tilting the wimote in all cornering turns, including the mini-turns.
I haven't had any problems .....yet, with the Harp minigame.
May 3, 2012
Yea I forgot about the lumpy pumpkin, but it was easy for me. The soup took one try, the pumpkin patch took one try, the harp took about 3.

You are a beast if you can beat Fledge's game in two tries. Also, the mine cart was hard because Link didn't want to lean every time!


Apr 10, 2012
Turn around...
I did the minecart one first time with 0.2 seconds to spare.
The harp one I am still trying!
Pumpkin pull I am still trying and fun fun island took me about 20 tries. Most of the time I went through all of the rings and landed one or two spaces away.


The Notorious M.O.P.
Mar 8, 2012
For me, Skydiving was by far the second hardest, mine cart racing being the easiest. For some reason people get the hang of Fledge's Pumpkin Shooting game, but not me. It took me 46 tries on my first playthrough of the game to beat it. I hate it so much.


skydiving sure was a pain on the neck, it was the hardest one in my opinion. fledge's minigame was at a medium level and the minecart one was soooooooooooo funny but very easy :)


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
The hardest two Heart Pieces minigames would have to be the Skydiving and Fledge's Pumpkin Archery! Those two took a long time for me to complete, a rough two days to be exact. o_O


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
3 - Minecart game was very easy. Got it on my first go.
2 - Skydiving was moderately easy after practice and with general tips.
1 - Archery. I detest this stupid game. Every archery game in the series has been a cakewalk, BUT NOT THIS ONE! Fledge has no pattern.
Apr 4, 2012
It took me a bunch of tries to carry the pumpkins. Almost woke up the kids when I finally got it done. ;)

1 - Archery. I detest this stupid game. Every archery game in the series has been a cakewalk, BUT NOT THIS ONE! Fledge has no pattern.

Do you view it as a bad thing that Fledge has no pattern? It did make it a little bit harder.


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
All of them were easy to me; the only thing about Fun Fun Island was that it also seemed to be based on luck. I had no problem getting through all the rings, but the last portion of the game where you have to land on the 50-Rupee spot always caused me to miss the Heart Piece because I was always a few squares off.

Fledge's minigame was also a little more challenging than the rest, but I got it after a while. 8D
Dec 18, 2010
Idaho, USA
I kind of like how there's a full heart in this game that you really have to earn.

Between the Pumpkins, Dodoh Game, Minecart Racing, and the Harp, I'd say it goes like this, from hardest to easiest.

1. Harp Minigame at TLP
2. Dodoh Game, though this one can be predicted.
3. Pumpking shooting, this one can be done within a few tries. Or you can just put the reticle right in front of where he throws them for a super cheap way to do it.
4. Minecart racing. Once you figure it out perfectly and realize you have to go right when you get the choice between right and left, this one's pretty easy.

New Link

Link's Reincarnation
Aug 12, 2011
Forest Haven
The only other zelda fan in my school was doing his 100 percent heros mode and he couldn't get the last three peices of heart! They were
Mine cart
Fleges pumpkin
Boss battle mode

I did the cart and pumpkin things for him (though I had never played either lol) and we took turns after every boss for the rush mode.

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