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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Thinking back to this and knowing at least something about each player on the KoD wagon I'm now more unsure about KoD being town. I think it's possible if KoD is scum that there was no effort to save him because perhaps there were already scum on the Deku wagon to the point where they didn't expect the wagon to build fast enough for lynch to be a possibility? Regardless I think there is likely one scum on the Deku wagon based solely on wagonomics.
This in particular is good, but I'll need to reread EoD for d1 to really know what he's talking with.
Sep 6, 2017
I suppose now I have to address the wall that Our Royal Highness so kindly graced us with this afternoon.

With all that you've said, your logic is definitely baffling, and you're certainly avoiding giving fair consideration to the more plausible scenario that no one bothered breaking the tie (wrt to scum) because they didn't care who died. The fact that I lived and now have you, at several points, pointing and saying, "KoD may be scum," is a great indication to how insincere you are to doing the due diligence necessary to assess the context of the tie vote and my continued existence [as likely town as opposed to scum].

Okay, let's consider that scenario then: Let's assume nobody broke the tie because they didn't care who died. That does lead me to believe that yes, you are likely to be town, especially when you factor in that you could have saved yourself. I think I was weighing the fact that I know Naga's role a little too much in my initial analysis to be impartial to the fact that you could be of either alignment.

The third quote here is your initial wording regarding your thought process. Straight up, you are UNSURE of me being town, and go on to flesh out why it is possible for me to be scum. The idea you craft is strictly scum couldn't have saved me due to their votes were already on the Deku wagon (and they didn't react to my wagon because they didn't expect such a flash wagon while having already been on Deku's and thus being unwilling to unvote from there).

But it gets better.

Despite what you craft, you then say you believe that at least one scum is on Deku (not both scum, at least one) which leaves up in the air where the other scum is. You've already spoken at length of Naga. If he was scum, then he was trying to bus me were I scum (and you're certainly not pushing towards Naga like you are with me in your ideas). Who else does that leave? Anyone else not on a major wagon that could have saved me because they were not on the Deku wagon. This puts a major hole into your first idea that scum didn't save me, were I scum, since the floating scum player could have saved me.

The alternative to this complicated and unnecessary scenario? I'm town that didn't bother to save myself with my own vote.

I think you are simply reading too much into a post that was mostly postulating and thinking aloud rather than some carefully crafted scheme to paint you as scum. Your wagon got traction fast towards the end of the day and I thought that was odd, while trying to also consider that Deku was town, the last two voters of yours were also town, Naga's role, and the fact that you are still alive after the night.

The bottom line as I now see it is yes, you (or someone else) could have avoided the tie yesterday by voting Deku, and you/they didn't. That and the transition in tone between not giving a **** if you die on the first day to doing some good, if arrogant, scumhunting on the second day looks to be in your favor.

Despite all that though, when addressing the tie vote situation you simply say, "Oh I missed that. My bad," or, "True. Fair. Sorry."

Do you see how disingenuous that is? Because I do. You certainly do the mental gymnastics with painting a scenario where, as scum, I'm not saved for X and Y reasons, but when it comes to addressing the *****glaring***** reality that I could have used my vote to save myself you're rather mute on the topic at length.

I mean, what more do you want me to say? I've acknowledged where you've made good accusations and pointed out flaws in my logic where I've otherwise missed them, which are also things that you would not put the effort into doing if you were scum. If you're looking for something more explicit, I've acknowledged that your responses lead me to believe you are town in this post.


I still think that none of this this excludes scum from being on the Deku wagon and I still think there's at least one. Funnygirl in particular has been quite under the radar and has only popped in to give brief surface-level reads on Chevy and I this phase. Fig has blended together with Ex for me when backreading the thread because the two have very similar colored avatars, so I would like to ISO him tomorrow to get a clearer picture. Ex I think has brought up decent points for discussion this phase, especially with the point on Kirino saying they would vote Deku (who I also think we should include in the discussion here to that point, perhaps they would be included in this group had they been around for EoD).
Dec 13, 2019
Chevy, were you even paying attention to that particular exchange?

You said he had decent points. I asked for details. You give me part of the exchange that was of prime interest to me given what was already hashed out. You not only didn't explain/expand on what was decent about that, but you take a rain check on it as well? Especially since, given the content of what you quoted, Cap was quite direct in what he was working with wrt to that idea.
Dec 13, 2019
If you read my bio, you could have just refered to me as King. I respond to that as well; however, I'll allow "Our Royal Highness" as well.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I don't think anyone read that novel, dude. Maybe Chevy since it was directed more at him.
I believe Chevy is the sole individual who bothered to read that entire introduction post, ironic given how vague their responses have been since the start despite being recently being asked for detailed responses by KoD.
Dec 13, 2019
Okay, let's consider that scenario then: Let's assume nobody broke the tie because they didn't care who died. That does lead me to believe that yes, you are likely to be town, especially when you factor in that you could have saved yourself. I think I was weighing the fact that I know Naga's role a little too much in my initial analysis to be impartial to the fact that you could be of either alignment.

That doesn't strike me as a good consideration of the scenario. As a matter of fact, coming into D2, we knew already half the people on my wagon were town (one being the mafia nk, the other the victim of either a vig or 3p -- though I imagine a vig wouldn't let me get lynched off a serious push due to a kill they made on someone on my wagon). Then we add to that fact that Rubik, under pressure, claims a neighbor role with Deku while Naga is a jailer (per your interaction with him in some capacity). These are things that you pointed out when you posited the idea that I could be scum given knowing the roles of the people on my wagon.

What I don't understand here, despite your consideration, is why knowing Naga's role weighs my alignment heavily towards scum for you (vs knowing the other roles like you pointed out initially when constructing that idea that I may be scum). Like, yes, you know Naga's role. How does that convey, to you, that I must be scum? Him being a jailer, that jailed you, has what direct connection to me? Outside of him voting me, what else is there? Both Minish and Killjoy voted me and died as town, yet, in further fleshing out the why, it's Naga that you focus on.

The major thing here is the disconnect between knowing Naga's role and how that relates to me enough for you to consider me scum over it despite how the votes fell.

I wonder, did it take you this long to come up with something reasonable that you feel would be digestible?


I think you are simply reading too much into a post that was mostly postulating and thinking aloud rather than some carefully crafted scheme to paint you as scum. Your wagon got traction fast towards the end of the day and I thought that was odd, while trying to also consider that Deku was town, the last two voters of yours were also town, Naga's role, and the fact that you are still alive after the night.

The bottom line as I now see it is yes, you (or someone else) could have avoided the tie yesterday by voting Deku, and you/they didn't. That and the transition in tone between not giving a **** if you die on the first day to doing some good, if arrogant, scumhunting on the second day looks to be in your favor.

I disagree that I'm reading too much into it. After all, evaluating the votes should have easily rendered unto you that I had not saved myself not to mention my own post stating as such. In your first outlook over that, when assessing the wagons, you, per your words, missed that I could have saved myself. That's notable given that when you were crafting the possibility that I could be scum you took pain to address how scum were maybe tied up and didn't want to save me if that meant having to switch from Deku over to me. Despite that scenario, you settle for one where at least one scum was on Deku leaving the other to either be on Deku as well (per your original theory of possibility) or, since you said at least one, the other was off in the wind. If the latter is the case, then why leave it up to chance to let scum!me get randed vs just saving me?

That's a glaring hole on top of another glaring hole in me obv being able to save myself though choosing not to.

But there's something else in the details there. After all, I'm still alive, right? Thus far both you and Funnygirl have commented on the fact that I am not dead despite being the counter wagon. Normally, I'd factor that into the more obvious camp of, well yeah, why kill me if they can use me as a mislynch, right? Yet wrt to you, Cap, you made it plain that you overlooked the fact that I could have saved myself. All while making the subtle case for why I may be scum since, you know, two town were killed that were on me and knowing the roles of those on me D1.

You know what that looks like? That looks like you aiming for a mislynch. If it wasn't for the fact that your initial argument/proposition missed out on the fact that I could have saved myself which, by your own assertion, lends to my towniness, then you'd probably be well on the way to getting others to agree with you. *Looks at Ex.* Fact is, though, that it is hard to reconcile a scum!me in lieu of my actions wrt to not utilizing my own vote to save myself were I scum. And without being able to reconcile that, you're left with the glaring reality that I am likely town which, then, makes it harder to push sus in my direction for a possible mislynch.

I mean, what more do you want me to say? I've acknowledged where you've made good accusations and pointed out flaws in my logic where I've otherwise missed them, which are also things that you would not put the effort into doing if you were scum. If you're looking for something more explicit, I've acknowledged that your responses lead me to believe you are town in this post.

What more do I want you to say? Nothing, unless it is your death cries. I -- want you lynched.

It took me harping to get you to explicitly state what you have thus far. At least you're not trying to appease me with compliments or anything. It never works.

We'll see how others react to you though.

As for the rest, sure. I certainly don't disagree with the possibility that there is at least one scum that voted for Deku last cycle.


Slammin' Salmon
Feb 25, 2013
Hey friends checking in

I doubt I'll be around for eod again & I gotta go to work v soon but I'm back from the weekend and after this phase I should be gucci to go and I'll like reread everything and whatever

Current state is that I'm still comfortable with my chevy vote considering the way he's responded to things this phase and I'm lookin at fig for tomorrow probably. After a reread I promise for some expanded thots on players

The one thing chevy has done in his favor today imo is he said one interesting thing about caps that I'll look into but again I've been barely present so I haven't noticed the thing he's talking about

Nobody asked but rubik and I didnt really talk about anything in our chat since we were hanging out irl but we both said hi and I think I called him a stinkass

Probably not a good idea to focus on inactives now since they're either going to get replaced or modkilled

I'll check back in on my break at work I guess, that's probably the only time I'll b able to respond to anything. Thanks for ur patience pals x
Dec 13, 2019

Oh. You're that Gumball. That makes more sense.

Also, what's with the double talk? As in, similar to my issue with Cap, you say you noticed something interesting that Chevy pointed out (in his favor) concerning Cap, but you haven't noticed the thing he's talking about? How could it be interesting in the first place if you're not paying enough attention to even notice what he's talking about? Where's the reference point to make that assessment?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I just read and thought and typed and deleted for nearly 30 minutes and I still have nothing. I really messed this game up for myself, and I'm just not the type of player in general to make giant wallposts for my reads, which is obviously the caliber of content the players in this game are demanding. I'm out of my league and the only way I'll be revealed as town is when I'm dead, so


Seeing as how I'm one of the leading wagons, I'd rather just clear my name so that town can focus on finding the actual scum, and not spend a lot of time on me, because all the points against me are perfectly valid.
Dec 13, 2019
Gumball has chimed in before to let it be known that she was the one Rubik targeted the previous night for the neighbor chat. Aside from that, I don't actually know what else she has said, wrt to Chevy, other than what she's currently posted. Part of the whole not being around thing, eh?

I've already homed in on something I dislike about her post (much like Cap). Whether Gumball just needs time to put out more content for a better reading (much like Naga) or is intentionally being low impact is beyond me atm without more to see from her. That's where my opinion is on her.

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