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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


Jun 19, 2010
I figure Minish is the scum kill and KJ is some vig/3rd party kill, because that makes the most sense. It's probably just because she's a strong player, though it might be notable that she was town reading Ex.

Last EoD, there was a pretty quick bandwagon on Deku, with Minish and KJ then nearly tipping the balance in favor of KoD. Both of them also flipped town, but it's interesting that there was no real attempt to save KoD, which one might expect if he were scum.

I think it makes sense to focus on Ex today, since the wagon on Deku grew pretty quickly, and to focus on those on it as well.

So shame on those people susing him over simply liking his role (I'm looking at you, Kirino).
That's not why I suspected him, though.
I get the feeling Kirino is swinging at anyone because it doesn't matter to them.
Both wagons were shallow, so I think it makes sense that I was somewhat uncertain and ambivalent.
More so because, when susing Ex, you see where Deku is coming from;
Rather, he saw where I was coming from.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Oh so you obviously know what you're doing. I don't wanna take that to just implicitly trust you since I can count the games I've played on my fingers and my first one was in November, but I'll trust that you've got reason to scumread Rubik. I'm gonna go ahead and iso Rubik myself just to see what I think of him, but thanks for the background.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I also play Among Us and am quite capable of running the crew into the ground.
Oh, well then I definitely trust you /j

In all seriousness, Rubik's main thing ever since rvs has been getting rid of KoD. Given that they have history and that KoD is such a strong player, I don't really see this as anything but scum Rubik wanting an obstacle out of the way. Maybe a bit brash, but it is early in the phase, so I feel good about

Vote: Rubik


Staff member
ZD Champion
It's probably just because she's a strong player, though it might be notable that she was town reading Ex.


I think it makes sense to focus on Ex today, since the wagon on Deku grew pretty quickly, and to focus on those on it as well.
woha woha woha what are these logical jumps here
if a veteran who's known to read me well flips green shouldn't you be trusting her reading on me rather than saying I'm the devil


Staff member
ZD Champion
and I don't go for veterans for early kills (you were the exception last time kirino but i had a personal reason im sowwy), specially one that is highly likely to get protected or watched because I'm a paranoid *****


Jun 19, 2010
In all seriousness, I don't think Minish is a kill Ex usually makes here, yeah, although he's not the only scum. Maybe I'm just being stubborn in sticking to my initial suspicion, idk.
what's the color of my underwear
trick question, you're not wearing any

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