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General Art Third Hunger Games Fanfic


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Last chapter of the day.

Shado Trare
District 6

In the Hunger Games, the fools will always be the first to fall, he had said to me. You must not be one of those fools, rather exploit their weaknesses and make them the fools. That was the only advice. I can't think about who specifically said it to me, as it wouldn't surprise me if the Capitol had some device that could read minds.

Almost time for my meeting with Rogue at the Cornucopia. No tributes have died, and the Gamemakers have not interfered. There's either something happening, or something is going to happen. The pain in my arm returns, and I wince. The storm died out about an hour ago, but the pain has not. Hopefully, someone will think to send something to sponsor me, I've certainly earned it.

I can barely flex my fingers, and I can only wrap it in a bandage. Another voice, another strategy. Any wound on you can be exploited by your opponent. Let them know not of your weakness, and kill them by any means possible. The same style, different teacher. Again, I don't want to think about who said it.

I unwrap the bandage, and pack up camp. I turn and look at the mountain standing among the twilight. I walk toward the mountain, and find the climbable section. I begin to climb. As I get higher, the air grows colder, and I'm glad I grabbed the coat from the Cornucopia. Hopefully, there will be some medicine at the Cornucopia.

After maybe thirty minutes I reach the top. I'm gasping by then, of course. The loot is just sitting there. If any of the other tributes were smart, they'd have taken the food by now. An arrow zooms past my head, and I snap around to see the girl from 5 standing there. "Finally. You're here. I was beginning to think I might have to kill your friend if you didn't show up........."

I pale. "Where. Is. He." She looks inquisitively at me. "The one who killed five Careers is worried about his own teammate? There's a surprise. And, he's, eh, dug himself into a hole." She points to the hole about eight feet deep several yards away. Funny I didn't notice that before. I walk over and look down to see a shivering Rogue. "Well, look what you've gotten yourself into!" I yell at him.

He stands up. "Cut it with your damn sense of humor. She captured me when she wanted to get you." I chuckle. "That much is obvious," I say. The girl's voice comes from right behind me, startling me. "You conveniently forget I'm here. Seems a bit out of character for you. Oh, and by the way, what happened to your arm?"

I jump back so that I almost fall in, and then realize she noticed my burn. I cuss viciously. "So, you know I killed them?" I ask. From the pit below, Rogue adds, "With a little help from me!" I look at him. "Shut up." She raises her eyebrow. "You're avoiding my question. Eh, doesn't matter. You're dead anyway."

She quickly notches an arrow and snaps her fingers across the bowstring. I sidestep, and unsheathe my sword. I slice the bow in two, leaving two broken pieces of wood. She pulls a sword from her sheath, and attacks. Our blades clash, and we cross our blades. I move in closer for more leverage.

I force the crossed blades to go higher, leaving her stomach exposed. I kick her, and she's sent sprawling to the ground. I pull out my second sword. These aren't my usual broadsword. These were the swords I was going to give to Rogue. My regular sword is somewhere in a tree. I'll get that later.

She gets up, and I attack with both blades, hacking at her with a controlled ferocity. I sidestep her counterattack and use both blades to send her sword clattering off the cliff. She does the smart thing, and raises her hand in surrender. "You are a formidable opponent," she says, "........despite your skin problems."

That's it. That's the thing that always gets under my skin. People often underestimate me because of the pimples scattered across my face. I know He would say that is a good thing. She smiles, as if she knows she's struck a nerve. "I'm tempted to push you off the mountain for saying that," I say calmly. "But I'll take pity on you this once. I don't kill without reason. He would say that that would be illegal, you know."

She looks at me inquisitively. "Who's He?" I silently curse myself, and then yell at her, "GO!" She stumbles off, and runs down the steep slope. I find a rope at the Cornucopia, and lower it so Rogue can get up. He climbs, and once he reaches the top, runs off and immediately grabs some bread lying there and starts eating.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
We finally get to move on to Day 3, and the little details are the most important, list all of them that you find. :P

Day 3

Mizu Kasickane
District 12

I should be dead by now. If the Capitol didn't execute me, then they should have made sure I died in the Games early on. It's not like them, unless they don't know. Or perhaps the rather sympathetic Ilio Vazon's trying to keep it quiet. Don't really know how he's remained in his position for the past three years.

I draw the sword. Its distinct glow lights up the forest around me. It feels strangely......radioactive? Don't know how, but it just feels that way. Why did you have to go and take the sword? Why not just use the weapons the Capitol gave you? I remember Rio, who I am really glad won last year, more so because District 12 tributes actually had a mentor now, saying that the Capitol can't kill you without giving the audience a reason.

And if they did, they'd appear weak. That would not be something the Capitol wants. Of course, my............colleague has already exploited the weakness of their pets. We just have to do it to the Capitol itself. Of course, we've already shoved some victories in the Capitol's face several times. The little moments of satisfaction are the best.

Like, say, stealing back a previous tribute's sword? Course, I know it'll come back to haunt me. I open my eyes, and look around. Too quiet. Been an entire day without fights or Gamemaker intervention, as far as I know. There has to be some suffering or death soon.

"In deep thought again, Mizu? How typical of you." The voice comes unexpectedly from behind me. I yelp, and literally fall out of the tree I'd set up camp in. It would be just like Terren to sneak up on me from behind. Kind of odd how he shows up directly after I think about suffering and death.

Of course, he was always the oddball back home, with his mop of black hair, dark circles under his eyes, and sunken cheeks. He kind of looks like death incarnate. It wouldn't surprise me if he was. He had an uncanny knack of sneaking up on people when they least accepted it. And, one thing I've learned, don't gossip within twenty feet of him.

"What do you want, Terren? Come to kill me?" He coughs. "Just wondered why you were in my tree." He jumps down. I narrow my eyes. "Your tree? Well, I'm sorry, but I was in this tree before you were." He looks at me, and I'm surprised he doesn't fall over asleep. He doesn't look like he got any sleep at all last night.

"Can you prove that?" he asks, while yawning. My face reddens. "I was in here since yesterday-" "And I was here since the day before, in a higher branch. Just came down to get some food, and found you." I look at him. "Well, so we're all in the same tree, huh? You have no idea."

He looks at me inquisitively but I don't answer. "So now what? Are you going to kill me?" He shrugs. "I don't think it's in my nature to kill." He must have noticed my expression, because he says, "Hey....just 'cause I look like death doesn't mean I like causing it."

A third voice catches us both by surprise. "Can the chitchat." Smoke comes from somewhere, and we both begin to cough. I fall over to the ground, and so does Terren. I notice the figure looks like one of the tributes from the 21st Hunger Games.

I just can't remember which.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
I know it's been an extremely long time (for me), but now, the next chapter is finally here!

Mary Black
District 3

Zord drags the two unconscious tributes over to our campsite. I raise my eyebrow. "What's with them?" Zord shrugs. "Found them talking with each other. Thought they might know something about the, eh, biggest threat." I nod. The biggest threat. The one we need to take out as soon as possible.

But how do we take it out when we don't even know who it is? I pass the time trying to find something to pass the time, if that makes sense. Zord tries to wake them up, but the smoke bomb must have worked too well. "I must say, I find it odd that your name is 'Zord.' Kind of odd after two Zordo's huh? Either it's just a big coincidence, or someone just doesn't have any imagination." He glares at me. "I didn't choose my name." I shrug. "Whichever."

Finally, the boy from 12 groans, and Zord turns to face him. "The zombie lives," he says jokingly, and I must say, the boy does look like a zombie. He doesn't respond, maybe because he gets that a lot, or maybe he didn't hear him. Then he sighs. "All right, what do you want?" he asks irritably.

Zord pulls out his sword. "I want to know everything you know." The boy smiles and says, "Two plus two equals four, cows say moo, 'A' comes before 'b'-" Zord points the sword at him, and he shuts up. "You know what I mean." The girl groans, making Zord jump. I roll my eyes. He can be such an idiot sometimes.

She sits up, and I walk over and stretch out my hand to help her get up. She brushes it aside, and stands up. Then, once she's done, she looks at Zord, and narrows her eyes. "You!" She hurdles at him, and she tackles him. There's a lot of punching and kicking, and the boy from 12 rolls his eyes. "Idiots............"

"Zord! Stop!" I yell at him, as he punches the girl's face. "You tell her that!" The boy from 12 just walks up to them and stamps his boot in Zord's face. "Stop, you idiots! Mizu, eh....Zord.........right? Wow, either this is a bizarre coincidence or some divine being has no imagination."

"That's what I said," I mutter. Zord gets up, wincing. "You had to stamp me in the face that hard......eh, what's your name?" "Terren," he says simply. Zord smirks. "Ok, Terren, will you please tell us what or who did that to the Careers? If you know, of course." Terren's tired eyes droop some more. "No clue."

I see the girl.......Mizu, look around uncomfortably. I realize she knows something about the killer. Something very important. I walk up to her. "Do you know?" I ask. She looks like she might answer, but then her eyes widen. She scrambles backwards, and I turn behind me. Terren and Zord raise their weapons.

There's someone there in the shadows. "Show yourself!" I yell, braver than I feel. The figure steps out of the shadows. "You......" I step backwards several paces. It's the girl from 5. She looks a bit beaten up. "What are you doing here?" I ask. She's breathing heavily. "Had.....to tell.........someone.........I know.....who the killer is.........."

Zord lowers his sword. "Ok. So why did you have to tell us?" Her eyes dart around, like she's afraid someone's going to come charge at her. "Not only that.......I know.....that the killer is not just satisfied with winning the Games. He's part of something.......bigger. His name is-" An arrow flies through the air, aimed at her, but it misses. We look up to see a figure in the trees.

The girl opens her mouth to say his name, but another arrow flies. This time, it hits its target. She falls over, clutching her chest. Mizu notches an arrow from one of our bows lying nearby, and fires, but he dodges and jumps away through the trees. I look at the girl, who is slowly dying. Her mouth forms two syllables, but no sound comes out. She falls over, and the cannon sounds.

We move away from the body so the hovercraft can collect her. She knew something, something that the killer didn't want her to share. Not just his name. Me, Zord, Terren, and Mizu come to a deal. We seperate (except for me and Zord, who were a team before) away from each other with no conflict. Then, next time, we won't show mercy.

We execute the plan, and me and Zordo head back to camp. "So, what do you think?" I ask. Zord frowns. "I......don't know. However, if we keep on going, we'll find out. We'll find out what the killer is up to, and we'll..........one of us will win." With that happy thought, I make a bed out of leaves and go to sleep.

I kind of thought this chapter seemed a bit choppy, but then again, I worked on it over several days, after having read books with different styles.

Oh, and, Jedizora, I hope you enjoy my references to your inability to make new character names. :P


Feb 25, 2010
Well, I've finally got back into reading this.Awesome chapter, and Yay, My character was Introduced.
Oh, and, Jedizora, I hope you enjoy my references to your inability to make new character names. :P
I'll hope to have a new name by The next fanfic.

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