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Things to Bring Back in Zelda Wii


Dec 3, 2008
More than anything else, I want a massive Hyrule, with many towns and areas. Such as the Hyrule of AoL. Except a lot more interactive, and in 3D of course. I want really old items brought back. Like the raft, and the step ladder. Well, maybe not the step ladder, as I can't think of any practical use for it in 3D.

But the raft could be great for riding down streams for quick transportation. One thing I do not want, is Epona. Actually, maybe. But allow Epona to be taken everywhere. Into the towns, through the mountains, and things like that. And maybe allow her to carry items. Such as a side quest where you have to deliver a keg of milk to Castle Town. Instead of having it as an item, or carrying it all the way there, you could load it up onto Epona.

I do not want the return of Wolf Link. That was a very stupid, one time thing. Never to return. Hopefully. Another thing I would REALLY like, is 3D Sword Beams!! I loved them to death in the earlier Zelda's, and they didn't really do it right in PH, plus I use the Blue Fairy not the Green one. (Can't remember the names..) But I'm very interested to find out what the Sword Beam would look like. Would it be like FDL? If they do bring it back, I want it to be used when you have full health, and not require magic. But I think it should be a little upgrade you get. But not one that is required.

Another thing I REALLY want is as many pointless items that have no plot purpose and are found in the overworld as ALttP had. But I also want more, or as many side quests as MM had. The game needs to have a massive, beautiful, and very interactive overworld. Also, it needs to have many towns, like in AoL. (I believe I've mentioned this) But the towns need to be much better then in TP. They need to be interactive as well, with many shops, and maybe even Inns!

Also, there are a few items I want to return, but I will not go into detail, as many others already have.

Hammer (Skull, not Megatonn)
Elemental Arrows (Fire, Ice, Light, and maybe a new one)
Magic Bar (With many spells such as Jump, Shield, Heal)
Sword Upgrades
Magic Cape

I may edit this post again later.


Apr 19, 2009
The only thing left that I'd really like to be in it would be a decent villain. Someone like Ganondorf and Majora and all, not really any new, weird villains like Beldam and Agnahim (or whatever the LttP one was).

Lol it was Ganon in ALttP, but Aganahim (Spelling?) was also present.

Yeah someone said it above I think it was DarkLink, we badly need the Hookshot and Clawshot to return. It was sooooooooooo much fun just swinging around the place like Spiderman. I'd also like if they gave the Hookshot/Clawshot one of the features that the grappling hook had in WW, the ability to steal items from enemies, like hearts and magic potions.

More or less everyone has said they want back the elemental arrows. I kind of want them, but only if they introduce new ones. For example, a thunder arrow- would be used purely for combat, would be very very powerful and could be used to kill hoardes of enemies at a time if there was water around or something (Imagine Link standing, with 30 Bulbins looking at him, all standing in one long shallow puddle, Link fires a single Thunder Arrow at the puddle electrifying and killing them all.) I also want to see a Water Arrow. I'm thinking like in the game Thief, used for stealth, can put out torches and lanterns, could also be effective against some enemies and used to create diversions.


I want to see the

Magic Meter,
Fire, Ice, Light, and Bomb Arrows,
Rac's Feather,
Mirror Sheild,
Sword upgrades
Epona, and
Hammer return.

I dont want the Ball and Chain, Spinner, Dominion Rod, Wolf Link, and Midna to return. Midna was great in TP, but she couldn't be made any better, and shouldn't be brought back.
Jan 24, 2009
well of course you have to have epona,
the light sword!
and racs feather.

the reason for epona is self-explanitory. who else is gonna carry link across the vast world of hyrule?? and of course cuz she is freaking amazing!!(please excuse my french)

reason for the light sword is cuz you barely even use it in TP. well you only see it in the dark world. but thats not enough for my standards. i think you should be able to use it as a special spin attack or go back to the good ole' days and have it shoot beams of light when you have full health.

who agrees with me??



Remember the name
Jun 29, 2009
i would want:

megaton hammer
mirror shield
magic cape
magic meter
elemental arrows
an instrument
and gauntlets

btw it's called roc's feather not rac's feather


Sep 15, 2008
Magic Meter
Mirror Shield(with an OoT-like design, not anything similar to it's MM or WW/MC design)
Old Music
A musical instrument

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Recently I've been playing Zelda games such as A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, then i played Twilight Princess. I had already beaten TP but I didn't realize some classic things that it was missing, such as the magic meter, the ocarina, bombchus (I know they had bomlings but they can't walk up walls), the light, ice, and fire arrows, upgrading you're sword, mirror shield, golden gaunlets, and probably more than that too. My point is don't you think that it would be nice to bring these things back in Zelda Wii. Tell me which thing(s) you think should come back.

Oh, and one more thing, I think it would be cool to bring bombos, ether, and quake back from A Link to the Past and see what they would look like in 3D.

The things that should come back in my opinion are the ocarina (it was so annoying to have to wait like half an hour for night to change to day and vice versa), the magic meter as it added to the challenge, bombchus would be cool, the magic arrows would definately be welcomed back, i would love the mirror shield to come back, the gold and silver gauntlets would be cool to, and actually i don't think sword upgrades should come back.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
I really want to have the magic back, mirror shield and a music instrument.
Last edited:


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I want a giant Hyrule map, either as huge as Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess or even bigger than those two games. I also want the return of classic items, such as the Boomerang, Mirror Shield, and the ability to carry more than one sword in total. I believe that if Nintendo makes a Zelda game that has many elements from Ocarina of Time, then maybe more people will start buying more Zelda games, since I keep hearing that most people only play tye "epic Zelda games" such as Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword.

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