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Things That Are on Your Mind

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
I been having majora's mask 3ds on my mind lately, maybe I should go and buy it and a Japanese circle pad pro as well?


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
That was truly marvelous! XD I would have voted for ya no doubt about it! ;)

Also, what's that song? lol

Dan said:
I can't recall, I think it was @Batman that suggested I use it so maybe he will remember.

"Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. It's like the go-to "we're about to have sex" song in comedy movies.


Azure Sage

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If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
I really, really regret agreeing to this vacation. So far I've been cold, wet, bored, eaten alive by mosquitoes, and more depressed than I've been at home for the last month. There's no decent internet connection, my family is breathing down my neck, its perpetually damp and I cant even take a walk without my hair getting soggy, and I'm constantly reminded of how this trip could have gone. So much for getting me out of my "**** life" mindset this managed to make it worse and now Im stuck in this tiny-ass hellhole town for the rest of the week.

EDIT: wow this angsty pile of **** is my 6000th post **** me I really have no life
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The game is on!
So, earlier today I was reminded of pretty peculiar situation I was in last summer.

I was at a friend's birthday party back in June last year, and I had brought with me my ukulele that I took up to play on a few times during the evening/night. So anyway, at one point when I was playing my ukulele a girl who was also on the party but who I didn't know came up to me and started talking. She was pretty obviously flirting with me. So we talked for a little while, but I was never exactly into her. And after having talked a bit she asks me in a very curious voice, "So what are you playing?" I thought for two seconds before replying truthfully: "Oh, just some Pokémon song."

She just looks at me with an "Oh..." and then pretty much turns around and leaves right away. XD

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