I looked over at the floor near me and saw these two ants. One of them was carrying the other, and I either thought, the one being carried is dead, or the one being carried was injured and ant 1 was trying to transport him to safety. My cat scared him and ant 1 was running around for a bit, ant 2 not moving, until my cat walked away and ant 1 picked ant 2 up again and kept moving. I was like, "Awwww…" but then I looked over again and saw the injured ant lying on the kitchen floor, alone, like his bro had abandoned him. I was like, "Oh, poor guy" and tried to lift him onto a sheet of paper so I could move him somewhere else, but then he magically regained his strength in that instant and ran away.
So... his brother was dragging him out of bed and he wouldn't move, so he was like "Screw it, I'm leaving you here".
... Wait, ants don't sleep.
Well, I'm lost.