I am not typically good at talking about this kind of stuff, but a lot of people on ZD seem to be in a dark place in their lives right now. I guess this isn't directed at anyone in particular, but just me typing into my keyboard as thoughts come into my head. With that in mind, I'll try and keep my ramblings to a minimum.
A lot of people say that things get better as time goes on. And they do. But it's not through just sitting there and moping around. Nothing gets better if you spend the entirety of your days thinking about how bad life is. A wise man once said, "Be the change in the world you want to see." But this statement is far broader than most realize. It doesn't just mean to change the entire world. It doesn't even necessarily mean to change someone else's world. Sometimes all that matters is making a positive change in the small space in your mind that you can call your world.
You do this in more ways than just one, though. There is no clear cut path to happiness, or wisdom, or understanding of the world around you. Everything is gained through experience. Make mistakes when you're young. Fall down six times, but get back up seven times. Don't be afraid to get a broken heart. The world is harsh to people who can't take a punch, and evading doesn't help. Sometimes you need a black eye before you can take the harder hits down the road. And maybe sometimes you need to be the one dealing the blow.
Does that make you a bad person? Not always. Sometimes it's better to cause harm than to not do anything at all, and let resentment fester within you. I'd like to tell so many people this by name, every person I have ever wronged, and explain to them that it wasn't out of hatred. We've all made mistakes, and had to face the consequences. Sometimes others are hurt by it, too.
I've made plenty of mistakes in the 16 years of my life. I make them every day, and I have to live with it. That's just how life is sometimes. Does it suck? Oh god, you bet. Sometimes I sit in bed, wide awake, and imagine every scenario that I've messed up in, and think about what I should have done. But I can't go back and fix it. And if I did, what would I have learned? Nothing, because I'd learn that I can erase mistakes, as though life is just a rough draft of an essay. But it isn't. Life is far beyond that; life is a thesis paper that takes years to complete. And not everyone writes about the same topic, and not everyone reaches the same conclusion. Some give up, and others press on when everything seems lost. But isn't it more satisfying to see your labors finally reach fruition?
It makes me sad to see people in dark places in their life, and it makes me sad to know that I've hurt some of those people. It's a shame that we aren't all perfect. As hard as I try to be, I have faults. Even my role models have faults. The people I idolize and seek to emulate have faults. Being so hard on yourself isn't good for you, and it will only bring grief. Accepting your flaws, and seeking to amend them, is the only way to become a better person.
And who knows? Maybe everything does happen for a reason. Maybe one day all of this suffering will be worth something in the end. Or maybe everything is just left to chance, and it is up to us to forge the path ahead. But at the end of the day, does it matter? I like to think that we as humans have the will to stand up to adversity, whether it's battling with depression, fighting illness, or just finding the courage to ask that girl out. Things aren't always tied up into a nice ribbon at the end like a sitcom, but you can still come out of it with a lesson learned. It's up to you to find positivity in the bleakest of situations.
Humans of New York said:
"She won't love me until I get my act together."
-"Who is 'she?'"
"Everyone has a She."