We had a sub in Physics today, and he overheard me talking to my friend about Sephiroth and was like, "I don't think Sephiroth has much to do with your assignment." So since I figured he knew Sephiroth I asked him if he'd played TP, he says yeah, so I ask him how he feels about midlink. he doesn't like it, he was all "what why would you do that it's pointless and weird" and "Link is destined to be with Zelda". Which is just so wrong obviously, but do you know what else he said?? "Why not Link and Fi." She doesn't even have arms!!!!
I also showed him my midlink stash. He didn't seem too impressed. I also showed him the manga and he didn't seem to impressed about that neither. He liked my Smash stage but he made me get back to work right after I showed him. Of course I didn't, cause I spent the rest of the class arguing with my friends about various things. And we were pretty loud and obnoxious so I'm hoping he doesn't tell my real teacher about it. When we left, I told him to tell her I did all my work and all he said was, "Oh, I'm telling her everything." Lowkey actually scared about that though 'cause we said some pretty atrocious things (though not directly to him) and didn't do our work right at all. At least he knows what midlink is and won't have mistaken it for something weird, but I'm still half expecting an office call about this lol.