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Things That Are on Your Mind

Azure Sage

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I've been playing with the idea of getting a hairclip for about a week, not something to wear all the time but like on bad hair days cuz there's a part of my hair that won't stay in place a lot and it bugs me a lot. Just a small black or brown clip for that one little spot. I think I could rock it. I have no idea how to put one on though and then there's the factor of how it would look if my hair were to curl back up (which it does a lot in the summer) so I need to put a lot of thought into it before I actually spend my money on one.

Also today is the birthday of my favorite oc. neato.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Am I even prepared to chase my own dream or am I still the scared kid stuck in one place I was just a few years ago? At least when I was a kid I was a kid and it didn't matter.

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