Whut3I ain't you so don't judge other people kindly on your standards.
Whut3I ain't you so don't judge other people kindly on your standards.
The founding fathers tried to prevent mode of this but there are always holes and after a couple centuries they will be exploited. No document can possibly be fool proof.So I think that America is a complete mess and failed experiment, and that the government should be purged through civil war, and then rebuilt on similar foundations, borrowing elements from the current constitution, but with alterations that will prevent some of the same problems from occurring and dissolving the political parties entirely, hopefully to be replaced by less corrupt alternatives later on.
I've also been thinking about how bad Sword Art Online is and how much reading I've had to do this semester.
Wbere did you use the guide? I had to use ZDs guide on stoner tower.Finished my 100% playthrough of MM3D. Still my favorite of the series by far. Took me just under 23 hours and I won't lie, I had to use the guide to stir my memory of the game more than once.
I only referenced it maybe two or three times for the required parts of the game: I forgot the locations of a couple stray fairies in the Stone Tower Temple and got lost there once, I used it to get the list of items needed for the Ikana Well trading sequence since I couldn't remember everything I needed and its really tedious to go back and forth, and I couldn't remember one stray fairy in the Snowhead Temple (the random one where you have to jump off the side of the top bridge into an invisible wall.) Other than that, I used it a few times to jog my memory on certain heart pieces such as the one where you have to play a song for four gossip stones hidden in holes in Termina Field. Lastly, I used it heavily for the Anju and Kafei quest because past the second day, I couldn't remember the times of any events or the order in which they happen. Unfortunetely, ZD doesn't have every entry in the Bomber's notebook in its guide so I had to use another guide once or twice to figure out obscure notebook entries.Wbere did you use the guide? I had to use ZDs guide on stoner tower.