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Theory About the Fierce Diety


i got bored and posted something
Apr 13, 2009
Pacific Northwest
Any theory, from the start, is farfetched, and, so far, the only minimally reasonable explanation I saw was from the Majora's Mask manga extra chapter(wich can be found on the main site's galleries), even though the manga is not canon

i guess I can agree with you Skull Kid. There are always shreds of information that are picked up on that may be studied to find a purpose. But there needs to be just a little more proof on one subject before any assumptions can be made.


May 9, 2009
Merced CA, USA
True, it does say in the game that the mask is bad. But my theory(THEORY mind you, you don't have to believe it) is that Majora cursed the mask a long time ago. Perhaps the ancient tribe was using the mask, and one of the tribe members pleaded for help in ridding the mask from the tribe, and was answered by the God of Light, who gave him the
Fierce Dieties Mask. But Majora(the one who was possessed by Majora) somehow ended up with the mask, and cursed it to become a dark mask.

This would explain why Majora had the mask in the first place, and Link somehow broke the curse when he put on the mask. I like to think of Link as the son of the God of Light, and Ganondorf as the son of the God of Darkness(Majora). But like I said before, this is just my THEORY, my BELIEF, you don't have to believe it.

Besides, Fierce Diety Link's sword beams look like their more light-based than dark-based.


May 9, 2009
Merced CA, USA
Ganon's energy ball in OoT looks light based too, but it doesn't mean they are. (The one he used on Link in the beginning of the game, near the castle).

Yeah, okay you got me there. But seriously, do you honestly think that Link, being the hero that he is, would ever in his life use something that was evil. I seriously don't think so.

I think Majora was trying to trick Link into thinking the mask was bad.


Blue Link
Mar 30, 2009
Zora's Domain
Pretty good theory, I just hope Nintendo releases a game revolving around the past of Majora and Fierce Diety. Although they haven't even released the 2 games they are working on now, but a Zelda Fan can dream...


Sep 15, 2008
God of Light, and Ganondorf as the son of the God of Darkness(Majora)

One thing are theories, the other are fanfics, wich what you said sounds more like.

There is no God of Light, and there is no God of Darkness.
At the most, Majora is the devil, as it is hinted by one of the Sharp brothers(if I'm not mistaken).

Ganondorf is simply and purely son of a Gerudo female and someone else, Hylian, or maybe even the predecessor single male Gerudo.
As for Link, just a regular Hylian blessed by the Goddesses to vanquish evil


May 9, 2009
Merced CA, USA
One thing are theories, the other are fanfics, wich what you said sounds more like.

There is no God of Light, and there is no God of Darkness.
At the most, Majora is the devil, as it is hinted by one of the Sharp brothers(if I'm not mistaken).

Ganondorf is simply and purely son of a Gerudo female and someone else, Hylian, or maybe even the predecessor single male Gerudo.
As for Link, just a regular Hylian blessed by the Goddesses to vanquish evil

And what do you think the devil would be, huh? I can tell you: A God of Darkness!

And before Ganondorf got the Triforce of Power, where did he get the power he already had? Well, I think it's because he is the son of the God of Darkness, but he was born from a mortal, much like how in the bible it says that Christ was born from a mortal woman. Except that Ganondorf was an evil version.


The Oath of Kinbaku, Tzion, Terra, and Iscariot.
Jun 6, 2009
OK honestly, where in the zelda games does it REMOTELY sound like theres a god of light and darkness. the fierce deity is most likely the guy who carved majoras mask in the extra chapter in the manga, or links terminan counterpart since we never see him in the game.

Besides, wat makes you think Majora is the god of darkness? The game says he is merely a SPIRIT sealed inside a mask that was created by a tribe of people who focus on some dark arts.

Last of all, ganondorf was an incredibly powerfull MAGICIAN chosen by destiny to steal the triforce and be deafeted by the hero of time


May 9, 2009
Merced CA, USA
OK honestly, where in the zelda games does it REMOTELY sound like theres a god of light and darkness. the fierce deity is most likely the guy who carved majoras mask in the extra chapter in the manga, or links terminan counterpart since we never see him in the game.

Besides, wat makes you think Majora is the god of darkness? The game says he is merely a SPIRIT sealed inside a mask that was created by a tribe of people who focus on some dark arts.

Last of all, ganondorf was an incredibly powerfull MAGICIAN chosen by destiny to steal the triforce and be deafeted by the hero of time

Manga isn't canon. And it's called the Fierce Deity's Mask. Deity means "god", dude. And the Light Spirits in TP had to come from somewhere. Plus, does it say anywhere in the games that there ISN'T a God of Light.

And I've played Majora's Mask a million times, and it never said Majora was a SPIRIT sealed inside a mask, or that a tribe of people created it, it said that they USED it, it didn't say they created it. Trust me, I'm an expert at that game.

And with all of the chaos Majora's Mask caused, and the ghost Flat referring to him as the Devil, how could he not be the God of Darkness?

Also, Ganondorf was never "chosen" by anyone to do anything. He stole the Triforce of Power in OoT because he was evil and greedy, and wanted to rule the world.

the walrus cat

the walrus who was a cat
May 12, 2009
Manga isn't canon. And it's called the Fierce Deity's Mask. Deity means "god", dude. And the Light Spirits in TP had to come from somewhere. Plus, does it say anywhere in the games that there ISN'T a God of Light.

And I've played Majora's Mask a million times, and it never said Majora was a SPIRIT sealed inside a mask, or that a tribe of people created it, it said that they USED it, it didn't say they created it. Trust me, I'm an expert at that game.

And with all of the chaos Majora's Mask caused, and the ghost Flat referring to him as the Devil, how could he not be the God of Darkness?

Also, Ganondorf was never "chosen" by anyone to do anything. He stole the Triforce of Power in OoT because he was evil and greedy, and wanted to rule the world.
I'm pretty sure the light spirits were created by din, farore and nayru.. Not the light god. And I don't understand how it never stating there IS NOT a god of light makes any difference. Have you ever seen some guy running around saying "There is no ____ (fill in the blank) god!" in a zelda game?

You're right, majora did a lot but seeing a ten or twelve year old walked in and killed majora,.. I doubt majora could be a god. Link may be a great hero but he's only human. Even if majora is "the devil" of zelda, that still isn't making him a god. Flat might of even said that as an expression but I suppose you could say we know of no other devil like being in termina besides majora...

On a side note, majora may have still been weak enough for link to defeat him.
Last edited:


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Manga isn't canon. And it's called the Fierce Deity's Mask. Deity means "god", dude. And the Light Spirits in TP had to come from somewhere.

Yes, deity does mean "god" but notice that the actual meaning is in lowercase, not uppercase. If you look it up in a dictionary it will say "god" in lowercase for its meaning. That means a lesser God. God of Light and God of Darkness seem like they would be full blown Gods, but a deity is just a god, not a God, if you get the difference.

Also, the Light Spirits were probably created by the Goddesses, just like everything else.

The fact that there is no God of Light spoken of is a good indication that there isn't one.

Plus, does it say anywhere in the games that there ISN'T a God of Light.

It also doesn't say anywhere in the game that the Mushroom Kingdom doesn't exist, but that's not evidence that it could be in the same universe as Hyrule.

God of Light has never been mentioned anywhere in the series...that's probably a good indication that there isn't one....yet, at least.

And with all of the chaos Majora's Mask caused, and the ghost Flat referring to him as the Devil, how could he not be the God of Darkness?

Major has caused chaos and destruction in one game. Ganon/dorf has made multiple appearances and is only ever referred to as a King of something (King of Evil, the Dark Realm etc..). Ganon/dorf has done many more terrible things than Majora has and is no at all considered a God of Darkness or anything of the sort.

Also, Ganondorf was never "chosen" by anyone to do anything. He stole the Triforce of Power in OoT because he was evil and greedy, and wanted to rule the world.

The Zelda games do deal with fate A LOT. Link is always the fated/destined person to save Hyrule. If his fate of being the hero is predetermined then it can easily be assumed that everyone is fated into their rolls. This means that Ganon/dorf was fated to steal the Triforce of Power (ToP). If he was fated to steal the ToP then he definitely was "chosen" for it, even if the way he was chosen doesn't seem like it.

Also, in TP, he doesn't steal the ToP. It just appears to him, randomly, when he is on the verge of death.


May 9, 2009
Merced CA, USA
Also, in TP, he doesn't steal the ToP. It just appears to him, randomly, when he is on the verge of death.

What?! Where did it say it just "appeared" to him. Why would the Gods just GIVE the most evil man that had ever existed the Triforce of Power? Ganondorf isn't "worthy" of anything! He has the Triforce of Power in TP because he stole it in OoT. What do you think the whole "invading Hyrule in hopes of establishing dominion over the Sacred Realm" meant, huh?

Look, its like this. After Link opens the door of time in OoT, Ganondorf enters and steals the Triforce of Power. Then Link's adventure 7 years in the future happens, a kind of "test" of his abilities and to give him a taste of what Ganondorf could do to the world. Well after that Link returns the Master Sword to the Pedestal and closes the door of time. Link is then sent back to the time a few minutes AFTER he pulled the sword in the past and after Ganondorf stole the Triforce of Power(this also explains why Link still has the Triforce of Courage when he goes back to see Zelda). I assume they will make a game that goes inbetween OoT and MM on the timeline to explain the story of how Ganondorf was captured and sentenced at the Arbiter's Grounds(cause I don't think the knights of Hyrule could do it alone, as Ganondorf is one powerful dude).

I mean, if Ganondorf just received the Triforce of Power at his sentencing, obviously AFTER Link met with Zelda at the end of OoT, then why did Link still have the Triforce of Courage at the end of OoT. Wouldn't it have made more sense for Ganondorf to have received it at that same time?

Point is Ganondorf was not "chosen" to hold the Triforce of Power at all. He stole it. And perhaps it was fated that the Triforce would be stolen by an evil person, but that doesn't mean Ganondorf was chosen to steal it. It could've been any evil person, and that "fate" would still be fufilled.

And another thing. The Twili weren't known until TP. The Ocean King wasn't known until PH. Majora's Mask wasn't known until MM(of course I could swear I had a vision of it in one of my dreams. No seriously, I'm not kidding). If someone proposed their existance before those games, you probably wouldn't believe it, right? This is a similar case. Perhaps they just haven't fully revealed a God of Light and a God of Darkness. So cut me some slack, man!

the walrus cat

the walrus who was a cat
May 12, 2009
What?! Where did it say it just "appeared" to him. Why would the Gods just GIVE the most evil man that had ever existed the Triforce of Power? Ganondorf isn't "worthy" of anything! He has the Triforce of Power in TP because he stole it in OoT. What do you think the whole "invading Hyrule in hopes of establishing dominion over the Sacred Realm" meant, huh?

Look, its like this. After Link opens the door of time in OoT, Ganondorf enters and steals the Triforce of Power. Then Link's adventure 7 years in the future happens, a kind of "test" of his abilities and to give him a taste of what Ganondorf could do to the world. Well after that Link returns the Master Sword to the Pedestal and closes the door of time. Link is then sent back to the time a few minutes AFTER he pulled the sword in the past and after Ganondorf stole the Triforce of Power(this also explains why Link still has the Triforce of Courage when he goes back to see Zelda). I assume they will make a game that goes inbetween OoT and MM on the timeline to explain the story of how Ganondorf was captured and sentenced at the Arbiter's Grounds(cause I don't think the knights of Hyrule could do it alone, as Ganondorf is one powerful dude).

I mean, if Ganondorf just received the Triforce of Power at his sentencing, obviously AFTER Link met with Zelda at the end of OoT, then why did Link still have the Triforce of Courage at the end of OoT. Wouldn't it have made more sense for Ganondorf to have received it at that same time?

Point is Ganondorf was not "chosen" to hold the Triforce of Power at all. He stole it. And perhaps it was fated that the Triforce would be stolen by an evil person, but that doesn't mean Ganondorf was chosen to steal it. It could've been any evil person, and that "fate" would still be fufilled.

And another thing. The Twili weren't known until TP. The Ocean King wasn't known until PH. Majora's Mask wasn't known until MM(of course I could swear I had a vision of it in one of my dreams. No seriously, I'm not kidding). If someone proposed their existance before those games, you probably wouldn't believe it, right? This is a similar case. Perhaps they just haven't fully revealed a God of Light and a God of Darkness. So cut me some slack, man!
If ganondorf had the triforce on the child timeline (after split), there wouldn't be a reason for zelda to send link back in time if his childhood (which she sent link back to so he could live it normally, apparently) would be going through the exact same thing he did as an adult again. And I do agree it's possible god of light/darkness could come in a later game, but so far we know of no god of light.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
Look, its like this. After Link opens the door of time in OoT, Ganondorf enters and steals the Triforce of Power. Then Link's adventure 7 years in the future happens, a kind of "test" of his abilities and to give him a taste of what Ganondorf could do to the world. Well after that Link returns the Master Sword to the Pedestal and closes the door of time. Link is then sent back to the time a few minutes AFTER he pulled the sword in the past and after Ganondorf stole the Triforce of Power

As that walrus guy said, if Ganon/dorf had the ToP when Link was sent back in time then there would have been absolutely not reason for Zelda to send Link back in time because everything still would have happened the exact same except the only difference is that Link will know what's going to happen which doesn't matter because he will still have to do the same exact stuff.

In ToP, Ganon/dorf struggles during the execution scene. He obviously struggles, and obviously dies for a few seconds. If he really still had the ToP in the child timeline then he wouldn't have struggled because he knows he wouldn't be killed and he would have used some of his powers to escape, but that doesn't happen. Also, once he comes back to life he gives a menacing laugh and, to me and many others, this laugh symbolizes that he had the ToP, a piece of something he was after for a while, and he never knew it.

Also, when Link is sent back to his childhood, we clearly see him walking up to kid Zelda who is standing at the window she was standing at when you first see Ganondorf. This happens long before the door to the temple of time is over. He is clearly sent back to a time before Ganondorf or Link goes into the temple of time. You're very wrong.

(this also explains why Link still has the Triforce of Courage when he goes back to see Zelda).

Really? Where does it say that Link still has the ToC when he's sent back in time?


Sep 15, 2008
Really? Where does it say that Link still has the ToC when he's sent back in time?

I was watching the ending of OoT yesterday because of a timeline argument I and Blackice had, and, in fact, when he appears in the garden to meet Zelda, he does have the MARK of the Triforce.
But, however, if you guys check earlier artworks of the series(specially LoZ and AoL artworks) Link beared the mark of the Triforce and that's what Impa used to tell that he was, in fact, the chosen one to rescue Zelda.
Where I'm trying to get is that the "sent back to the past" Link, bore the mark cause he was the chosen one to save Hyrule from Ganondorf's tyranny

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