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The Zelda Races Game 2


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
I ride my horse from Lon Lon Ranch to the charred ruins of Kakariko Village and claim the land for the Zoras! Now, I go to the well and play the Song of Storms. Now either the town is flooded with water (which physically makes sense after the rain) or every building is rebuilt. Either way, this is now Zora territory!
*rides horse to Lon Lon Ranch and runs into the silo to refill my bottles with milk*



Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
Yes, but SW decides whether or not the buildings are rebuilt or it is filled with water.

*I ride my horse through the Lost Woods and emerge from Clock Town. The horse (I'll just name her Epona) gallops on to the Great Bay and I find myself inside Zora Hall with Epona sleeping on the beach in the distance*

Can I stay at Zora Hall for now @lex?
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@lex MM

The Lurker
Apr 29, 2010
Behind you...
Sure. You never know what is going to happen next with all these cheaters here* locks Zora Hall*
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*I warp to CB, grab hold of him, and warp us to the throne room of the Pirate's Fortress, and warp myself back to the Twilight Realm*


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
Thank you!
*Walks out of the room, but opens another bottle of blue fire to set fire to the inside of the room*
*Runs to the main entrance and places a bomb behind me to have the entrance expand (it's made of metal) and rides Epona to Romani Ranch*

The zoras will give you back Kakariko if you give the gorons Death Mountain back.


Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
*warps to the Pirates Fortress and see the place is on fire* okay.... how to put this fire out.... i know! *warps to Kakariko Ruins and grabs a slightly charred piece of wreckage, warps back to the Purates fortress, fills it with water and throws it over the interior of the fortress, continues until all the fire is out* yay :3 *sits in throne room and waits for the Gerudo*


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
Sheikah Warrior, you are not midna. You cannot simply teleport large quantities of water because the sheikah just barely got their teleporting ability when OW made them. Otherwise I would ask TwiliPrincess to fill the entire fortress with water and claim that for the zoras... wait *snickers*...


*Composer Brother, we are even now-I do not owe you anything anymore. *Warps a lot of water from the Great Bay into the inner wall of the fortress* Yay! It's the Pirate's Lake now! You can have it now CB ha!*


Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
i never said it was large. i said it was a container full of water to put the water out and i was continuing to do it for the whole interior of the fortress. that would have taken several hours but i did it :P


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
TP!!! :mad:
Oh well, I claim the Pirates Fortress for the Hylians.(I'll drain the water TP)

Just so you know OW (if you say it is impossible for your fortress to be filled with water), the pirates fortress has an outer and inner wall. The gaping hole I made of the entrance cannot drain the water because it is the inner wall that is filled not the entrance of the outer wall.

Give the Gorons back their Mountain and I will drain the water and give you the fort back.


The epic turnip king
Feb 22, 2010
In a platypus
Wait, I don't have water in Zora Hall now! *Grabs a bottle and slowly fills the bay back up with the pirate's fortress water*

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