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The Twili - RP

Oct 31, 2011
The Boundary
"Just give it up, you can't win." Hakumen lunges at Maka as he is about to strike her Allison jumps in the way, "Daddy phrase don't hurt Ms.Maka." She said with tears in her eyes,this caused him to stumble. "Why did you stop? Did i say you could? Strike her damn you!" She screamed. Hakumen begins to hold his head in pain.
Oct 31, 2011
The Boundary
"Strike her down! I command it!"
"n-no." He said lowly.
"Fine if you won't i will." She said getting sending the dark energy spike at Allison. In a blink of eye Hakumen is standing over her. The spike through his chest, just a few inches from Allisons face.


please play etrian odyssey
Jun 22, 2012
do you really wanna know
Utau covered her mouth. Ikuto shuddered. Dang it, this brings back visions of...no, I can't think of that right now! He rushed in front of Hakumen and used his wolverine-like claw thing to block any future attacks.

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