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Breath of the Wild The toughest shrines


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Do not give any solutions or hint at what the solution might be. I'm pretty determined to solve the shrines myself as I come across them, and most of the ones I've come across so far have been pretty simple to figure out so far. There was one shrine where I seemed to have taken the most complicated way to solve it (I looked it up online after solving it because I was curious to see if there were others that had found it as tough to solve as I had, only to discover that there had been a much simpler solution under my nose the whole time, lol), however the toughest one for me so far has been the one in the Korok forest. It took me ages to crack that nut, because that puzzle just didn't make sense to me, but it was so rewarding when I finally figured it out.

What shrines have you guys found particularly tough to solve, or are there shrines you are currently struggling to solve? Again, this is not a thread about sharing solutions, just discussing the shrines.


The Adventure Of Me
Mar 13, 2017
There is one with spiked floor sections you are supposed to move in a certain way with motion controls. I had to skip it for now because I have no idea what to do.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Anything where I need the ****ing gyroscope

Definitely was tricky with the one I have done so with the gyroscope, but I had the additional one of having to have my gamepad plugged in to use it since it wouldn't charge properly through the docking station
Oct 14, 2013
The dueling peaks shrines.
The constellations shrine.

Those shrines were the only ones where I didn't know what to do right away. Sure with the rest working out how to get to the end was often tricky but I knew what I had to do. Like for example "I had to get past the balls in a different shrine and I knew I had to get past them, and I knew something else was needed I jsut was not sure how to use that certain something".

For the above listed shrines I entered them took a look around and was like what the **** do I do here. Well obviously put the orb into the hole. But which holes? Totally stumped me for quite a few hours. And the little sighmost in each shrine don't really tell you what to do. Only a very vague area of thought to think about.

They are obvious once you work it out, but that's hindsight only.
Aug 28, 2016
Had a bit of trouble with only three types of shrine...
combat shrines that I'd found by wandering too far early in the game (came back and beat them easily later on).
shrines that required me to shoot arrows when I was running low (had to make every shot count in order to avoid running out).
shrines that used stasis to launch items (could go through weapons a little quickly for my liking... especially one which requires a very accurate shot, so took multiple attempts).

The motion control ones were a little tricky at first as the rotation didn't seem to match up to my actions... but this got a lot easier when I realised I should hold the controller flat when I activated the motion controls... after that they became a lot easier.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I managed to find a lot of combat shrines and Eventide Island very early on in the game, and I died a lot from both of those. The constellation one in the Korok Forest was the most difficult puzzle for me so far. I think I've done 49 shrines so far.
Mar 13, 2017
I HATE the tempered shrine or whatever it's called. Basically golfing that ball into the hole over the water. I broke like 6 weapons and finally had to quit. I think the hammers and spears give you the best chance at hitting it straight but I still can't get the right distance.

Also got frustrated with the Trial of Thunder one and left after awhile.

I've got exactly 100 shrines done.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
The dueling peaks shrines.
The constellations shrine.

Those shrines were the only ones where I didn't know what to do right away. Sure with the rest working out how to get to the end was often tricky but I knew what I had to do. Like for example "I had to get past the balls in a different shrine and I knew I had to get past them, and I knew something else was needed I jsut was not sure how to use that certain something".

For the above listed shrines I entered them took a look around and was like what the **** do I do here. Well obviously put the orb into the hole. But which holes? Totally stumped me for quite a few hours. And the little sighmost in each shrine don't really tell you what to do. Only a very vague area of thought to think about.

They are obvious once you work it out, but that's hindsight only.

The dueling peaks were pretty obvious to me how to do from the beginning, I just had to find the right angle ;) But the constellation one was the one I felt was the hardest so far, lol, such a headpalm when I figured it out, lol


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
The constellation shrine as well. I had to google the solution and I still don't fully understand it lmao

The shrines all throughout Hebra are really well-designed, I found a lot of them to be among the toughest shrines.
each column has a constellation in front of it. Look at the far wall and however many times you see that same constellation, is how far down you place the ball
Aug 4, 2016
I have found the shrines suprisingly easy so far. Well some are challenging and take some working out, but the problem imo is they are too short. You just feel like you're getting into the puzzle/using the runes again and then it's over. They are good overall , but I wish there was half the number of puzzle shrines but they're all twice the length.

Yes the motion control ones are frustrating, but at least don't seem too difficult as I haven't had to skip doing one yet.

What did people think of the Tu Ka'loh labyrinth shrine? I was really looking forward to it when I arrived, but it seems to be over all too quickly and hardly having to face any enemies at all (just 2 keese).
I've only done 80 or so of the 120 shrines, but the only one that comes to mind as one I legitimately struggled with was the Trial of Power. It was one of my first shrines after getting off the Great Plateau and guardian scout ii's with 4 hearts and unfamiliarity to the battle controls is not a good mix. It was also surprisingly long compared to most of the other shrines I've done, and I think the only shrine that I've done that may have been longer was the Blue Flame one up on Death Mountain. Curious if there are Wisdom and Courage counterparts of it, but I grow more doubtful withh each new shrine I find.
Oct 14, 2013
I will say one of thre hardest Shrines si that ****ing mini golf one. Easy enough to get the orb from it but to get the hidden chest (for doing the 2nd round of mini golf) is a real *****. So much so I gave up on doing it.

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