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Game Thread The Room

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout

((Storm/Ayano Keiko))


To quickly explain the players I haven't mentioned prior:

Ryuken: His mere posting of reads I think mildly helps his stock, but what sticks out to me the most at this time are mainly his reads of DekuNut and Minish in particular. The DekuNut read is on the flimsy side, but the way he goes about it comes of as someone trying to solve the game at first glance in spite of the read itself. The Minish read stood out to me because I was somewhat surprised that Ryuken seemingly didn't catch onto what funnier pointed out about Minish's reveal as Claudette.

DekuNut: Two posts. Random vote and response to myself on the game's proceedings thus far. Not sure yet what to make of his laid-back/motivation-has-yet-to-kick-in demeanor thus far, but he's delivered the response, which is more than can be said for the absolute null reads below.

Storm: Has not posted yet. Whenever you are able, come join us, friend.

Ayano Keiko: Votes me in early stages of the game, that's it. Not much else to say there.

YIGAhim: I kind of liked his tone early on, expressing a desire to familiarize himself with the wonderful source material. Unfortunately, his response to funnier leaves me in some doubt. It was rather vague, and the end of said response almost made it seem like he was waiting for others' input in order to validate whatever his next move would be. I can't really say for certain since the response was vague, but not matter the case I'm eager to hear his elaborations. Primarily a null read, but I think a response from him can change this in either direction.

Doc: same number of posts as DekuNut, although I'm not worried about his activity. His second post; however, is what I am interested in. He voices similar sentiments to what Funnier issued in his pursuit of myself, yet the interesting thing about Doc is that he does not follow through with a vote. Perhaps he may be scum not voting in order to wash his hands of a mislynch yet still participating in the hunt without having to commit fully. Now, however, it hits me. What would he have to gain by doing that considering the current situation? Ultimately this just leads me to one question:

@Doc, how certain are you about your read of me? If certain like it seems you were, I urge you: take the shot.


If there's one thing I am doubtful about when it comes to my overall list at this time, is while I have Doc and Stormageden at the bottom, I'm not certain as to whether they are aligned with each other, and I'm sort of leaning on the unlikely side right now.


Zofian General
Jun 28, 2017
Ram Village, Zofia
It's not so much the post itself as it is it's timing. It comes right after funnier and myself had our first exchange that segued into seriousness. In context it seems redundant to have mentioned at all. Not the most potentially incriminating action, but it does seem like an effort to blend in with the flow of the game. This being noted, do you have anything to share in light of recent events, Mr. Geden?

Well **** I must have scrolled over your exchange with funnier. I'll go and read over it. Also, I don't have much to say about the recent events, but I think the plot of The Room has a lot to do with the game. Though, I feel like your vote on me didn't have too much behind it.


Jun 7, 2017
the present

((Storm/Ayano Keiko))


To quickly explain the players I haven't mentioned prior:

Ryuken: His mere posting of reads I think mildly helps his stock, but what sticks out to me the most at this time are mainly his reads of DekuNut and Minish in particular. The DekuNut read is on the flimsy side, but the way he goes about it comes of as someone trying to solve the game at first glance in spite of the read itself. The Minish read stood out to me because I was somewhat surprised that Ryuken seemingly didn't catch onto what funnier pointed out about Minish's reveal as Claudette.

DekuNut: Two posts. Random vote and response to myself on the game's proceedings thus far. Not sure yet what to make of his laid-back/motivation-has-yet-to-kick-in demeanor thus far, but he's delivered the response, which is more than can be said for the absolute null reads below.

Storm: Has not posted yet. Whenever you are able, come join us, friend.

Ayano Keiko: Votes me in early stages of the game, that's it. Not much else to say there.

YIGAhim: I kind of liked his tone early on, expressing a desire to familiarize himself with the wonderful source material. Unfortunately, his response to funnier leaves me in some doubt. It was rather vague, and the end of said response almost made it seem like he was waiting for others' input in order to validate whatever his next move would be. I can't really say for certain since the response was vague, but not matter the case I'm eager to hear his elaborations. Primarily a null read, but I think a response from him can change this in either direction.

Doc: same number of posts as DekuNut, although I'm not worried about his activity. His second post; however, is what I am interested in. He voices similar sentiments to what Funnier issued in his pursuit of myself, yet the interesting thing about Doc is that he does not follow through with a vote. Perhaps he may be scum not voting in order to wash his hands of a mislynch yet still participating in the hunt without having to commit fully. Now, however, it hits me. What would he have to gain by doing that considering the current situation? Ultimately this just leads me to one question:

@Doc, how certain are you about your read of me? If certain like it seems you were, I urge you: take the shot.


If there's one thing I am doubtful about when it comes to my overall list at this time, is while I have Doc and Stormageden at the bottom, I'm not certain as to whether they are aligned with each other, and I'm sort of leaning on the unlikely side right now.
Dude, this is a reads list. On day one. When half the players haven’t done anything. ...Why? Do you actually believe in any of these?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Well **** I must have scrolled over your exchange with funnier. I'll go and read over it. Also, I don't have much to say about the recent events, but I think the plot of The Room has a lot to do with the game. Though, I feel like your vote on me didn't have too much behind it.

Sounds good.

Dude, this is a reads list. On day one. When half the players haven’t done anything. ...Why? Do you actually believe in any of these?

Given my place on the wagon, I thought it would be at least mildly courteous to get some words in if the situation does arise that I do fall into pieces. Whether these reads are good or not are definitely up for interpretation, and I'll be reevaluating them in the meantime. On this note, I should probably get some sleep.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Out of curiosity, if we're going to add more fruit to the basket (keeping in line with the fruit theme here :cool: ); would you mind elaborating on the bolded portion of your observation? Any specifics?

In any case, I think it's time to take you up on your call to vote, @funnier6.

Vote: Stormageden747

[QUOTE="Stormageden747, post: 1133860, member: 85116"]Okay, we need to end RVS now and get to the game.

I haven't learned anything from this RVS, anyone else see anything?

It's not so much the post itself as it is it's timing. It comes right after funnier and myself had our first exchange that segued into seriousness. In context it seems redundant to have mentioned at all. Not the most potentially incriminating action, but it does seem like an effort to blend in with the flow of the game. This being noted, do you have anything to share in light of recent events, Mr. Geden?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, not everyone here has posted. Hopefully, we get to hear from @Storm and @DekuNut soon. Storm seems preoccupied, though I wonder about Deku...

That's a bit... strange, isn't it? Wikipedia tells me Claudette is one of the "bad guys" in The Room, so if we go by what you're basing your reasoning on, wouldn't that be a scum role?
Then again, the GM wouldn't mess with us by lying about a role reveal or revealing a Mafia role, so whatever.


Are you tripping, scum? It sounds like you're agreeing with something, but I can't tell what it is. Elaborate on your stance on Mido or who's reasoning/reactions you find noteworthy.
Pardon my poor wording. The reasoning against him is there, but his response and explanation make sense. I think I need to keep an eye on him.


Ace Adventurer/Truth Seeker
Nov 30, 2017
I've been reading, but I don't have much to say. I haven't really had much motivation for RVS this game, and nobody's actions have stood out.
Understandable. Unless funnier6 decides to press you for thoughts now, you should have no excuse not to contribute on D2.
Ryuken: His mere posting of reads I think mildly helps his stock, but what sticks out to me the most at this time are mainly his reads of DekuNut and Minish in particular. The DekuNut read is on the flimsy side, but the way he goes about it comes of as someone trying to solve the game at first glance in spite of the read itself. The Minish read stood out to me because I was somewhat surprised that Ryuken seemingly didn't catch onto what funnier pointed out about Minish's reveal as Claudette.
Well, it was less me not catching on to what funnier6 pointed out and more me being a bit skeptical of that reveal. This is definitely not a standard Mafia game, or at least what I consider standard based on what I've experienced from Pendio's X-Men Mafia. I do sometimes miss some stuff, though, so I won't be a bad sport myself. I'll even address it if I happen to catch it.
Well **** I must have scrolled over your exchange with funnier. I'll go and read over it. Also, I don't have much to say about the recent events, but I think the plot of The Room has a lot to do with the game. Though, I feel like your vote on me didn't have too much behind it.
Considering Storma is still learning the game and based on the past games I've been in, this seems genuine to me. Town lean.
Doc: same number of posts as DekuNut, although I'm not worried about his activity. His second post; however, is what I am interested in. He voices similar sentiments to what Funnier issued in his pursuit of myself, yet the interesting thing about Doc is that he does not follow through with a vote. Perhaps he may be scum not voting in order to wash his hands of a mislynch yet still participating in the hunt without having to commit fully. Now, however, it hits me. What would he have to gain by doing that considering the current situation? Ultimately this just leads me to one question:

@Doc, how certain are you about your read of me? If certain like it seems you were, I urge you: take the shot.


If there's one thing I am doubtful about when it comes to my overall list at this time, is while I have Doc and Stormageden at the bottom, I'm not certain as to whether they are aligned with each other, and I'm sort of leaning on the unlikely side right now.

While this is sometimes a scum move, what I've seen of him is that he tends to be polite and indecisive in his approaches, not voting until he either gets pressured, a large chunk of the day has passed, or a certain amount of posts have been made. Sure, maybe he's secretly trying to push suspicion on you, and it's something to keep in mind going forward, but for now I say we wait this out and see.
Dude, this is a reads list. On day one. When half the players haven’t done anything. ...Why? Do you actually believe in any of these?

You seem rather convinced Mido looks suspicious, questioning his post about his reads list instead of my own. You have observed other players, but in terms of reading scum, you actively go after Mido. I gather it's due to prior experiences since a majority of the games you've played with them were when they were Mafia-sided. Lemme ask you this: what nuances have you observed in their playstyles in your experience with them?
Pardon my poor wording. The reasoning against him is there, but his response and explanation make sense. I think I need to keep an eye on him.
I understand now. Thank you.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Understandable. Unless funnier6 decides to press you for thoughts now, you should have no excuse not to contribute on D2.

Well, it was less me not catching on to what funnier6 pointed out and more me being a bit skeptical of that reveal. This is definitely not a standard Mafia game, or at least what I consider standard based on what I've experienced from Pendio's X-Men Mafia. I do sometimes miss some stuff, though, so I won't be a bad sport myself. I'll even address it if I happen to catch it.

Considering Storma is still learning the game and based on the past games I've been in, this seems genuine to me. Town lean.


While this is sometimes a scum move, what I've seen of him is that he tends to be polite and indecisive in his approaches, not voting until he either gets pressured, a large chunk of the day has passed, or a certain amount of posts have been made. Sure, maybe he's secretly trying to push suspicion on you, and it's something to keep in mind going forward, but for now I say we wait this out and see.


You seem rather convinced Mido looks suspicious, questioning his post about his reads list instead of my own. You have observed other players, but in terms of reading scum, you actively go after Mido. I gather it's due to prior experiences since a majority of the games you've played with them were when they were Mafia-sided. Lemme ask you this: what nuances have you observed in their playstyles in your experience with them?

I understand now. Thank you.
I don’t really understand why you leave it up to me to determine whether Deku should be pressed for thoughts and why you think that would be an excuse for not contributing on day 2. This’ll be relevant in a minute.

I also think you’re overreacting a bit, if this game was crazy enough to let us believe there was an innocent child when there isn’t it would’ve been mentioned in the sign ups I’m sure.

Why so defensive of doc?

I expect weird things from you so your early reads didn’t surprise me. I assume by “them” you mean Mido. Well I’ve been meaning to reread a few of his scum games since yesterday so I’ll have to get back to you on that though for starters this amount of activity is highly unusual for him and suggests quite a few things to me, so much tryhard. Considering at the moment we have insufficient votes to lynch and I won’t be back until very near the end of day I’ma leave things in a way I feel better about.


Vote: Deku

There’s that pressure for thoughts you were suggesting Ryu. @DekuNut it really is a shame you haven’t been mafia since I started playing cause I’m just going to always want to kill you as either alignment. :c

Also @YIGAhim need thoughts, as many as possible with as many details as possible.

@Stormageden747 you gonna vote somebody?


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Doc: same number of posts as DekuNut, although I'm not worried about his activity. His second post; however, is what I am interested in. He voices similar sentiments to what Funnier issued in his pursuit of myself, yet the interesting thing about Doc is that he does not follow through with a vote. Perhaps he may be scum not voting in order to wash his hands of a mislynch yet still participating in the hunt without having to commit fully. Now, however, it hits me. What would he have to gain by doing that considering the current situation? Ultimately this just leads me to one question:

@Doc, how certain are you about your read of me? If certain like it seems you were, I urge you: take the shot.


If there's one thing I am doubtful about when it comes to my overall list at this time, is while I have Doc and Stormageden at the bottom, I'm not certain as to whether they are aligned with each other, and I'm sort of leaning on the unlikely side right now.

My suspicion simply isn’t strong enough to warrant a vote. I’m not one to quickly make a vote if I don’t hope to see that person lynched or feel the need to place pressure. And your thoughts about funnier simply weren’t enough to make me feel certain that you are town. I dont know how certain I appear to be in my suspicion, because I can assure you, I am not.

Especially after Minish said that you have been mislynched for things like this in the past, I wasn’t and am still not willing to vote you for saying you trusted funnier’s response to the Claudette reveal. I was just putting my two cents in, and my initial reaction was that it looked odd to say you had good vibes from someone so early.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
That's a bit... strange, isn't it? Wikipedia tells me Claudette is one of the "bad guys" in The Room, so if we go by what you're basing your reasoning on, wouldn't that be a scum role?
Then again, the GM wouldn't mess with us by lying about a role reveal or revealing a Mafia role, so whatever.

Doc already explained this a little, but most characters in The Room could be seen as "bad guys". Just because lots of them seem to have questionable morals, so wiki might not be a great source to try and find out who would be mafia. Plus like Doc also said, there's very good reason to believe that Mark and Lisa are mafia.

From what I hear, his position is very secure. Don't let Minish_Link know that I've just stolen one of her lines.

Oh hi, you must be my brother. We agreed forever ago that that was my line. You took that just like you're trying to take my house. :(

Well, it was less me not catching on to what funnier6 pointed out and more me being a bit skeptical of that reveal. This is definitely not a standard Mafia game, or at least what I consider standard based on what I've experienced from Pendio's X-Men Mafia. I do sometimes miss some stuff, though, so I won't be a bad sport myself. I'll even address it if I happen to catch it.

I don't know if funnier was exactly skeptical of the reveal. Just moreso the reveal along with information from a previous game, led to him making a bit of a rvs joke.

Anyways. I don't think I'm a fan of Mido being the lynch today. While some of his posts have could come across as a bit scummy, I think they're just a result of Mido trying to play hard from the beginning. Which could also look like he's being defensive for no reason, but I'm not sure he would take this approach as scum when he's been mislynched for things like this before. I don't know if I'd say I have a town lean on him at the moment, but I like that he's putting in a lot of effort and I want to see more from him before I try to get a good read on him.

This might not come as a surprise, but right now Yiga is looking suspicious to me. Mainly because his posts haven't really been saying much, and when funnier asked him to explain what he said, he just kept quoting posts that he was talking about instead of actually explaining anything. That felt a little odd to me, like he's trying to say something, but even he himself isn't sure what he's supposed to be saying.

Vote: Yiga


Ace Adventurer/Truth Seeker
Nov 30, 2017
I don’t really understand why you leave it up to me to determine whether Deku should be pressed for thoughts and why you think that would be an excuse for not contributing on day 2. This’ll be relevant in a minute.

I also think you’re overreacting a bit, if this game was crazy enough to let us believe there was an innocent child when there isn’t it would’ve been mentioned in the sign ups I’m sure.

Why so defensive of doc?

I expect weird things from you so your early reads didn’t surprise me. I assume by “them” you mean Mido. Well I’ve been meaning to reread a few of his scum games since yesterday so I’ll have to get back to you on that though for starters this amount of activity is highly unusual for him and suggests quite a few things to me, so much tryhard. Considering at the moment we have insufficient votes to lynch and I won’t be back until very near the end of day I’ma leave things in a way I feel better about.


Vote: Deku

There’s that pressure for thoughts you were suggesting Ryu. @DekuNut it really is a shame you haven’t been mafia since I started playing cause I’m just going to always want to kill you as either alignment. :c

...Sometimes I wonder if I need to make my sarcasm and jokes more obvious around you.
It's not that I mind you changing your vote to Deku. In fact, I respect that change. It just seemed like you took that part of my post so seriously. I fear in the future, you'll try to raise suspicion on me because I said something like "you give me "funny" vibes."

And as for Doc, I'm not defending him, just sharing my observations based on previous games and saying to keep an eye on him.

High activity and tryhardness from Mido... I will note that. However, unless something extremely odd happens this game or if you find something else on him, I'm not gonna be on board with a Mido lynch.
This might not come as a surprise, but right now Yiga is looking suspicious to me. Mainly because his posts haven't really been saying much, and when funnier asked him to explain what he said, he just kept quoting posts that he was talking about instead of actually explaining anything. That felt a little odd to me, like he's trying to say something, but even he himself isn't sure what he's supposed to be saying.

Vote: Yiga
I'd like to see more from Yiga tomorrow since his thought process is the most mysterious to me. I feel like he's waiting for someone to slip up and accidentally hint at their role or a scum buddy or something else equally incriminating, then place a vote. He's done that as town and as scum from what I've seen in previous games, which makes his thought process all the more mysterious.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
YIGAhim said:
Pardon my poor wording. The reasoning against him is there, but his response and explanation make sense. I think I need to keep an eye on him.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.

My suspicion simply isn’t strong enough to warrant a vote. I’m not one to quickly make a vote if I don’t hope to see that person lynched or feel the need to place pressure. And your thoughts about funnier simply weren’t enough to make me feel certain that you are town. I dont know how certain I appear to be in my suspicion, because I can assure you, I am not.

Especially after Minish said that you have been mislynched for things like this in the past, I wasn’t and am still not willing to vote you for saying you trusted funnier’s response to the Claudette reveal. I was just putting my two cents in, and my initial reaction was that it looked odd to say you had good vibes from someone so early.

Ah, gotcha. That's fair. I appreciate the reply. Coupling this with what Ryuken discussed about you, I'm feeling a bit better about your potential alignment.

I guess I will say this: I think my efforts to stir the pot have been more distracting than overall helpful upon further reflection, so I apologize for that. In any case, Doc's response about his certainty I think looks all right. YIGAhim made good on his clarification as well, but his response does seem somewhat even-steven. A little more doubtful about YIGA, but I have been wrong about him before, too.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Me: Okay, I think it's about time I read the game thread. Let's check the vote count.
Huh, that's not good.
I wonder how much time I heve left
Vote: Storma

I'll start reading in case I somehow made it before deadline. He never gave a time, so my hope is that it's until he shows up to end the day.
If not, I wish you guys luck.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
What Mido said about the genuine raction could easily be honest, and his explanation for it was sound. There is not much more to say.

Besides, it wasn't meant to swing any votes anyway, so I don't suppose it was harmful. An innocent slip up :shrugs:. We should simply keep an eye on it
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