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The older you get...


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
...the more nostalgic you get. Well, is it true for you? Do you get nostalgic now you're getting older?
In my case it depends. I'm more the opposite. I rather stay in the present. Mainly because my family does get nostalgic and personally I don't like dwelling in the past for too long


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Not really more nostalgic. I look back fondly upon the games that I enjoyed and the painting of the lord of the rings warhammers, fight club, setting fire to things I shouldn't but generally I feel I wasted a lot of my childhood and there was a lot that I really didn't like. I'm much happier now than I ever was in the past and I try to make the most of my time now and make better memories.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I feel a bit nostalgic now and then when I think about Skyward Sword, Mariokart Wii, the other Wii games and some other stuff. But not that much

You might like this song if you're the nostalgic type

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
It kind of depends. I sometimes get nostalgic for my time in the military, but it's nostalgia with a tendency to overlook all the issues I had with it.

When it comes to video games, I tend to say no. If anything, I'm harder on video games the older I get. I feel like I'm usually the first person to look back at a thing I previous liked and say, "Wow, the writing in the first Mass Effect game is awful."


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
When it comes to video games, I tend to say no. If anything, I'm harder on video games the older I get. I feel like I'm usually the first person to look back at a thing I previous liked and say, "Wow, the writing in the first Mass Effect game is awful."
I don't keep up with the currently releasing game. I'm in the ps3 generation and I just started playing Mass effect 2

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
I do have a little of nostalgia as I get older, but most of it is missing being a kid and playing games with friends. I do miss being a kid because everything was awesome, and while I did have some hard times in my childhood I look fondly at things that I enjoyed and remember the joy I felt for it. Good memories.
In some ways, yeah, in some ways not at all. When it comes to hobbies and interests I do tend to get nostalgic (like for gaming and such) but there's plenty of irl experiences or periods of time I'd rather forget altogether if I could.
I'm most nostalgic for fall 2013 and that was easily one of the lowest points of my life, so it's always weird to me that I have so much nostalgia for it. But I think it's because that's when I found a lot of outlets to cope, and it's those things that made me happy that still do that kind of make me reminisce.

My nostalgia is generally associating ideas and objects with a period of time, so the stronger emotion tied to that period, the more likely things I interact with around then (especially if its a first time interaction like playing through a game for the first time) will become associated with a season or time or day or certain weather, and make me feel cozy.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I would say it depends. I'm nostalgic for videogames but not even super old ones. It's really in the past decade that I think gaming has taken a nosedive with predatory practices. Thankfully it looks like the industry may be moving away from those.

I'm much more current with other media like books, movies, and TV shows. I definitely have some older favorites, but I keep up a lot with new stuff too.


Mar 8, 2023
I have noticed that lately I've been interested in revisiting things from my childhood like shows I used to watch, music from different times of my life, old web pages, computer interfaces and so on. Though it's not so much nostalgia in the sense of wistfulness or longing back but rather just "ooh neat, I remember this". At the same time I've randomly come to think of little things from my childhood that I had half forgotten before now. I don't know, maybe I'm in some kind of quarter life crisis.

I don't get as nostalgic in regards to video games, and I think that's simply because I tend to hold onto them in another way. As a kid I was obsessed with Super Mario Bros. and it's very ingrained but I also still play it every now and then so it doesn't get nostalgic in that way. Though I did have more strong feelings than I had expected to when I looked up old flash games I played as a kid, since it had been so long since I last saw them.


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
Not... really? I say that given nostalgia doesn't really exist for me, since everything that I could feel any nostalgia for is still definitely still here for me as an adult, or it's better than ever (note, I was born in 1990, so technology in particular is WAY more fun & diverse now). I can still have summer fun with my friends, I can still play X game, I can still watch whatever show... etc. The only thing that isn't the same is my health, & I do miss my grandmother because I took that for granted, & I regret that. I'm also very, very not nostalgic for who I used to be as a person (bad) & now I have total freedom to be who I want to be in regards to my gender, so.

That & the older you get, you realize how little autonomy you really had as a child, between parents & school obligations. Even summer break was usually still slammed with homework, or whatever. The moment I had any "free" time, I'd have to be "working" anyway. There's a semblance of having all the free time in the world & freedom as a youth... but not really. There was also just a ton with bullying. The older I get I realize how much I am not nostalgic for those times where I had to listen to other people dictate how I could use my little free time (parents disapproving hobbies, travel, banning friends from coming over, etc.). Games & things seemed "better" back then, but not really, because none of it was my own income at that age & could be taken away from me in an instant if my parents suddenly found something to be mad over. One thing I also like FAR more as an adult away from anyone else is that I can invest in collectables & electronics away from smokers. I had no idea how much that in particular destroyed everything I owned back then, & I couldn't just tell my parents not to smoke & destroy my stuff. I never realized how disgusting it was until I found my old model kits with a literal sticky layer of smoke tar over the plastic, which would never come out.

And additionally, there's also nothing stopping me from enjoying everything I did as a child, but now with more freedom & my own income to really invest in what makes me happy & when. If I want to drop $300 dollars on Tamagotchi & have cake for dinner, I can now, ahaha. Dunno. The past just isn't nostalgic for me personally since everything I loved as a kid is simply still here or better than ever. I'm nostalgic of some old times with friends, roleplay & old websites, but really, I can just find new sources of that & enjoy it better now? FREEDOM. That said, I am happy to be running a blog for vintage LCD toys as an adult & loving every minute of it now with that freedom.

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