monster hunter- don't care, not my thing
mario party- seems good/return to form for mario party finally
card game- probably going to be a big hit with the jrpg crowd, can't say I'm interested though. Looks well done regardless
disco elysium- seems vaguely interesting but probably would not bite the bullet on this type of thing without rave reviews
age of calamity dlc- not for me
chocobo gp- looks actually fun, may replace mario kart for the time being
kirby- this will be the first kirby game I buy since super star ultra
animal crossing dlc- imho whatever they do probably won't be enough but I'll take anything, even a scuffed Roost
mario golf dlc- free dlc? the 10 people who play this game actively are losing their minds
disney magical world port- why does this look like Balan Wonderworld
kotor- my brother plays this game, he'll probably get it
dying light 2- I'm sorry, Yet Another Zombie Game is not what we needed right now. "Persistent high speed internet connection required" and "nintendo switch" don't go well together either
triangle strategy- octopath was bad this will be bad too, it's interesting that they adjusted from demo feedback but, eh...
metroid dread- yes hmm metroid very good of course
n64/genesis- I'm on the fence with this. I think it'll mostly come down to if internet friends get the games because then I'd be more incentivized to get the games as well to play mario kart online with them and such. no matter what it would always be temporary though. The controllers are kinda funny but I might check out a genesis controller cause they look cool
shadowrun- I'm all for everything but the turn based tactical combat, I guarantee you the whole game will be incredibly well paced until you hit these combat segments that grind to a halt as you spend 30+ seconds plotting out a single turn
castlevania- I actually don't like these games lol I won't get this but I feel like there's some hard to access games included in this collection?
actraiser- looks pretty fun, the sidescroller part anyway
deltarune chapter 2- I'm fairly invested in this project of Fantastic Mr Fox's, it's really easy to see how much more effort is being put into this game than undertale so I'm glad it seems to be working out for him. Mostly I was really attracted to the premise of the first chapter, so hopefully I'll get some free time to play through and stream chapter 2 like I did for chapter 1, and I have high hopes with low expectations.
hot wheels unleashed- with my limited experience in hot wheels games, I think this'll be an underrated racing gem that goes unnoticed by the populace just because it's called "hot wheels"
surviving the aftermath- Yet Another City Builder
SMT5- Persona knockoff kappa
wreckfest- def gonna be worse than hot wheels
namco thing- unnecessary waste of development resources
Mario movie cast announcement- hoo boy there's a lot to say about this that's already been said and that's why we have a thread for it
splatoon 3- OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH where to even start. They barely showed anything it feels like but there's already so much pushing this game to replace splatoon 2, which is very good for nintendo. The combat looks off the rails with some of the most intensive specials we've seen in the series yet. I don't know how this bodes for competitive but it's gonna be a riot casually. The story is also getting super involved, with a bazillion returning cast members and a promising hook. mammals returning? WHAAA? HOW? I cannot wait to get back into splat tim
bayonetta 3- i-is this what the first two bayonetta games looked like? Is this alpha footage? This looks like a mobile game. Hopefully it gets better visually when it releases lol