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The Most Disappointing Game You've Ever Played


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I'm sure you've all had that time where you get a game that looks awesome, and then you play it... and it sucks. What was it and why was it disappointing?

I know that it's happened to me. With Sonic and the Secret Rings. That game was flat out awful, not kidding. First of all, the game developers might've thought the comic style of cutscenes was interesting, but it just made the game look like it was lazily done. The levels were either boring or too ridiculously hard thanks to the messed up controls. Yeah, in order to run, you needed to tilt sideways Wii remote forward. To jump you needed to lift it up quickly.

Oh yeah, and the theme song was pretty uninteresting, too.

(edit: See, the game was so bad that I couldn't even remember the controls)
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Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Skyward Sword is the most disappointing game I've ever played, all that hype pent up for absolutely nothing. I spent years for that title, and for what? What I got in the end release definitely isn't what I was waiting for. INB4 any other inb4s.

EDIT: To avoid any further chastisement, I have to say that Battlefield 3 is definitely one of those disappointing games. The trailers all looked incredibly real, as did gameplay that I saw. When I finally got my mitts on the title, though, what I was playing was nothing more than a 2x more annoying version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 without perks and with stupidly long respawn times. Never again will I purchase an EA game, even if it looks amazing.
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Azure Sage

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For me, it was Twilight Princess. It was really disappointing. The story was boring to me, the characters were entirely unlikable, especially Midna, and it was ridiculously easy. I've never gotten a game over in that game. The dungeons were all a cake walk and none of the puzzles required any thought to solve. Every single boss was pathetically easy. Character development was done poorly; Midna changed in a single night. That's way too fast. On top of that, Zant's cool character was ruined by Ganondorf's sloppy introduction. I just really dislike this game. I'm really disappointed with it.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Probably Star Wars: The Old Republic. When I saw the announcement for an MMO of the FREAKING KOTOR GAMES, I flipped out. It looked soooooooo good before release, and then... bleh. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't very good, either. Average would be the best way to describe it, and that just doesn't cut it for a successor to the masterpieces that were the KOTOR games, not to mention THE HIGHEST-BUDGETED GAME EVER MADE.

I'd say Duke Nukem Forever, but I never expected that game to be good in the first place, and I had never played the previous games, to boot, so it wasn't exactly disappointing for me specifically.

For me, it was Twilight Princess.

I don't see how you can consider this to be the biggest disappointment for you. Prior to playing Twilight Princess, the only other Zelda game you'd played was Phantom Hourglass, and you've said yourself you thought that was merely a good, but not great game. It's not like you came off of the N64 games, or something.

Azure Sage

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I don't see how you can consider this to be the biggest disappointment for you. Prior to playing Twilight Princess, the only other Zelda game you'd played was Phantom Hourglass, and you've said yourself you thought that was merely a good, but not great game. It's not like you came off of the N64 games, or something.

...? :? What does that have to do with anything? I was not impressed by the game. Not only unimpressed with it as a Zelda game, but as a video game in general. The fact that it was my second Zelda game has absolutely no bearing on anything.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
...? :? What does that have to do with anything? I was not impressed by the game. Not only unimpressed with it as a Zelda game, but as a video game in general. The fact that it was my second Zelda game has absolutely no bearing on anything.

Unimpressed and disappointed are two completely different things. I don't really see how you could have expected much out of TP coming off of PH.

Azure Sage

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Unimpressed and disappointed are two completely different things. I don't really see how you could have expected much out of TP coming off of PH.

I expected it to be good based on what I'd heard about it. Once again, it being a Zelda game has no bearing on anything. And for the record, I always judge Zelda games individually, not as how good one was compared to another.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Unimpressed and disappointed are two completely different things. I don't really see how you could have expected much out of TP coming off of PH.

I definitely agree with this. Disappointed means that you had some expectations that were betrayed. Assuming you were new to the series at that time - don't know if you were or not - then you wouldn't have too many expectations unles you played a legend (wait for it) ary game.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Definitely Duke Nukem Forever. I was waiting for that game for so long, waiting for 3D Realms to get their **** together, bring Duke back and show all these new FPS' how it's done!

When Gearbox picked up the rights I was so excited, we were finally getting it, and I pre-ordered it as soon as I could. And just, wow, what a disappointment. Even if that game came out years ago, it'd still be pretty bad. Clunky, un-refined, and just not Duke Nukem. So, definitely my biggest disappointment. I still love Duke though, his lines are the only good thing about DNF. Though some of the humour got lost along the way.

At least I still have Half Life 3 to look forward to... <3


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I expected it to be good based on what I'd heard about it.

Well I didn't know that, probably because you've never told me (I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS :kawaii:). That's a pretty crucial bit of information, don't you think? :P

At least I still have Half Life 3 to look forward to...



Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion

What are you talking about? Her dreams will never be crushed - because let's face it, HL3 is never gonna release. ;) You know Valve cannot count to 3 ;)


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I know that it's happened to me. With Sonic and the Secret Rings. That game was flat out awful, not kidding.

I know that feeling. A friend of mine has an uncle who's a pretty hardcore Sega fan and I remember when Sonic and the Secret Rings came out, he asked if I was getting it. I said I wasn't planning on it and he said to me "Don't you want any good games on your Wii?"

Sonic and the Secret Rings was the worst game I ever owned for that console, and I bought Red Steel (another game which suffers from the same lazy comic-strip style). It truly was awful. The controls were so simple and yet didn't work (giving me my first misgivings about motion control in general) and the level design was pitiable. Like most Sonic games, the only saving grace was the soundtrack, but everything else was just rubbish.

As for the most disappointing game I've ever played, I wouldn't really know what to say. A few titles come to mind: Skyward Sword, Half-Life 2, Starfox: Assault, Batman: Arkham City, Knights of the Old Republic 2, Halo 3: ODST. But if I'm totally honest with myself, the one game that has disappointed me more than any other has never been released. In fact, that's pretty much why it's disappointed me so much.

TimeSplitters 4 is the game which has disappointed me more than any other. When this was first announced I cannot put into words how excited I was. TimeSplitters is my favourite First-Person Shooter franchise and one of my favourites series' in general. I absolutely adore it and played all three religiously when I was younger. No other series let you have a five-way deathmatch between a Victorian gentleman, a duck, a gingerbread man, a robot powered by a goldfish and a piece of beef where the only weapons allowed were bricks. No other series had you play through a Noir-esque depiction of 1930s Chicago, only to transport you to 19th century Paris to fight zombies and demons with the Hunchback of Notre Dame. There was just nothing else quite like TimeSplitters and I loved it deeply for that.

When I heard that Free Radical Design was closing down I was devastated. It was like having your dreams crushed before your eyes. All of the excitement, the hope and the joy at knowing a fourth TimeSplitters was on the way died and a part of me died with it all. I could feel my heart get heavy in my chest. When Crytek bought up what was left of Free Radical a spark of hope reignited in me. They were reknown for first-person shooters and their Cry Engine was excellent at creating a vast array of worlds and environments in gorgeous detail. I got so hopeful that TimeSplitters 4 might yet see the light of day, but alas, it was not to be. Right now, Cervat Yerli, the head of Crytek, is anathema to me. He says he won't green light the game because there is not enough fan demand. That doesn't make sense to me. The last several months have been chock full of fans showing their support for the series and anyway, when they made Crysis there was no fan demand and that didn't stop them. Having a guaranteed audience of any size is less of a risk than having no guaranteed audience at all. Yerli won't even give us an HD collection of the original games, such a villain is he.

Nothing has disappointed me more than the swift and painful birth and death of TimeSplitters 4. I highly doubt anything will disappoint me nearly as much in the future.
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つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Ventus said:
What are you talking about? Her dreams will never be crushed - because let's face it, HL3 is never gonna release. You know Valve cannot count to 3

Hey! They'll work it out eventually, they've counted to 2! Only 1 more number to go. And it'll be amazing and worth the wait. <3 In Gaben we trust.



The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Pokémon Conquest. I was expecting a lot more out of this game than what I got. I suppose you could say that I had high expectations for it, even if it was a spin-off; however, this is a Pokémon game -- I always expect the best. I couldn't grow fond of the game, and the more disappointed I got, the closer I became to giving up on it. Now it just sits on my shelf collecting dust. The game isn't an absolute piece of trash but, in my opinion, it's most certainly not the best the franchise has made.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I thought it was going to be a return to TTY but improved...no...it wasn't even Paper Mario. It was just trash. I thought SPM was going to be the biggest disapointment, but that looks like the OoT of gaming compared to this. *sigh* Let this game and first person Zelda always be a reminder than Miyamoto is only human.

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