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Zelda Art The Hero of Spirits

Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
This was a great chapter. I found it a bit difficult to orient when Regret was thinking and when stuff was happening, so when you need to switch to third person for a separate character, maybe going back to first person when they're thinking isn't the most well-defined way of showing that they are.

All in all, an excellent chapter. I think we all saw it coming that Regret's a demon, but you handled it in a way that still kept me on my toes until the true reveal. Byrne's dynamicness[?] is also interesting to behold. Thanks for sharing.

Dynamicness... new word. Neolinguistic!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Oh, Azzypazzy, I have to say that you shouldn't take everything that Keef, I, or anyone says to heart. With Keith's example, he's merely emulating Stephen King, who in turn is but one human. There's no catch-all for writing; how else could there be numerous notable writers in the world if they didn't all have a different style of writing? So, keep doing what you're doing unless it's definitely *wrong*.

Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
Considering that I have been caught up for well over a week now, it wouldn't hurt to make some semblance of a response, huh?
I love how you balanced action, story progress, and character growth throughout these past three chapters. Regret's revelation is also, to say the least, an effective cliffhanger. xD Very curious to see how he comes to terms with this.

Keep up the fantastic work, Az!

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Thank you so much, everyone! It's been quite a while since I've posted a chapter. But now it's finally time for Chapter Forty-Seven! The rest of the Demon characters I received through sign-ups appear in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Please tell me what you think of it.

Chapter Fifty-One


Regret knelt on the floor holding his head between his hands. He was trembling in shock in Drake’s shadow. The emotionless Demon King stood towering before the young and confused boy. Regret’s head was spinning as he tried to make sense of everything he just heard.

I’m a Demon? This guy is my father? I had a brother, and he’s dead? This is impossible! This has to be a lie! It has to be!

Regret kept telling himself that, but part of him doubted it. He didn’t have any proof that he wasn’t a Demon, but the portrait laying on the floor in front of him backed up what Drake was saying.

“Is it really true?” Regret asked, raising his head to look up at Drake. “I’m really a Demon?”

“You are.” Drake said.

“But I’ve grown up. I’ve aged normally. Demons have longer life-spans. They age slower than humans!” Regret protested.

“All Demons age identically to humans until they reach adulthood at the age of twenty. Then, their bodies begin to grow at a much slower rate. You have grown as any Demon your age should.” Drake said.

“But... What about my ears? They aren’t pointed. Don’t Demons have pointed ears?” Regret said, still trying to deny Drake’s words.

“Not all Demons have pointed ears. Whether a Demon has pointed ears or not depends on genetics. Your mother didn’t have pointed ears, and as you can see in the portrait, neither did your brother.”

Regret paused and contemplated this information. He didn’t want to believe it, but he didn’t have any evidence to the contrary. He looked back down at the portrait of him and Yuri. The boy looked almost identical to him. He had the same chestnut hair color and the same brown eye color.

There was also the matter of Regret’s amnesia. He had no memories of himself before waking up in the Desert Realm. He had no way to disprove what Drake was saying. Regret didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t be sure until he found out about his missing memory. Since Drake seemed to have all the answers, he asked him about this.

“Why don’t I remember any of this?” Regret asked.

“Your memories were erased with magic. The only thing you were left with was your name.” Drake said.

“Erased with magic...?” Regret said in surprise. “What are you saying?”

“I’ll tell you.” Drake said. “When you were born, you were frail and weak, unlike your older brother. Yuri was everything you were not; healthy, lively, and talented. He excelled in all areas of education, and you failed in all of them. You couldn’t even control your magic power properly. It got to the point where I could no longer bear the thought of such a failure living in my family, contaminating my royal lineage. And so, when you were six years old, I exiled you to the Physical Realm, and I erased all of your prior memories with magic.”

Regret inhaled sharply in shock. “You erased them?! So you’re the reason I can’t remember anything from my childhood?!” he shouted as he got to his feet. “Why did you do that?”

“To prevent you from further contaminating my royal lineage. If you, an exiled Demon, had gone around telling people you belonged to my family, it would be an embarrassment to my proud bloodline.” Drake said coldly.

Regret felt himself welling up with rage. He clenched his fists in anger and glared up at Drake. “For a stupid reason like that, you erased my memories? You robbed me of my whole childhood just so I couldn’t embarrass you?! What the hell kind of father are you?!” he said through gritted teeth.

“A father with a duty to preserve the dignity of his royal bloodline.” Drake said. “You threatened that dignity. But now, you’ve matured. You’ve become able to control your magic power, and you’ve gained a lot of strength. You are no longer the failure you used to be.”

“Is that why you brought me back?” Regret said.

“That’s correct. With Yuri’s death, I had no one to pass the throne on to once I die. I needed an heir. That’s why I sought you out. You are the only chance I have of continuing my royal lineage.” Drake explained. “You will reclaim your role as a Demon Prince, and rule my territory once I am gone.”

Regret couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “First you kidnap me without warning and tell me you’re my father, then you suddenly say that you exiled me and erased my childhood memories? And now you expect me to just be your son again and do whatever you say?! Screw this! Send me back to my friends in the Physical Realm! I’m not going to--”

For the very first time, Drake’s emotionless expression changed. His eyes became narrow and angry, and he silenced Regret’s protests by delivering a powerful punch to his jaw. Regret was was knocked back several feet, and his back hit the floor hard. The force from Drake’s punch caused him to skid across the floor on his back until he hit the far wall.

“I will not hear any arguing from you. You WILL do as I say. That is final.” Drake said. “You will be forbidden to leave this room until you accept your duty as my son to inherit the throne from me. Have I made myself clear?”

Regret could do nothing but avert his eyes from Drake with a defeated expression on his face. This look of defeat gave Drake the answer he was looking for.

“Meals will be brought to your room. If you need to use the restroom, talk to the guard outside. That will be all.” Drake said. He then turned around and left the room, closing the door with a loud slam.

Regret raised himself up to a sitting posture and leaned his back against the wall. He tried to rub the pain in his cheek away, but the stinging wouldn’t cease.

“I’m... really a Demon?” he said aloud to himself. “I’m really his son?”

Regret held up his right hand in front of himself and focused his magic power into it. His hand began to glow bright red. This was his aura; his magic power. Regret knew this, but he’d never truly understood it until now.

“When I talked with Alphonse in Nabooru City, he mentioned that humans normally can’t use magic... Back then-- no, even before then-- I just assumed I was special. I thought I was the only human alive who could use magic. I was such an idiot... I never once thought that there was something strange about that. I should have realized that I was different...” Regret clenched the fist that was still glowing red with magic power. “I realize it now, though. I really am a Demon. And if that’s true, then there’s a pretty good chance that I’m also Drake’s son.... But...”

Regret paused for a short while. Images of Drake and the picture of his now deceased older brother flashed through his mind. But then, images of his Gerudo friends in Nabooru City, as well as images of Alphonse, Zelda, and Layla, took their place, and those images stayed there. With their smiling faces in his head, Regret managed to put on a smile, himself.

He repositioned himself so that he was sitting cross-legged instead of leaning against the wall. “Those guys are my true family.” he said. “Unlike Drake who abandoned me just because I didn’t live up to his expectations, the Gerudo people took me in and made me a part of them. And Alphonse welcomed me into his group as if I had always been a part of it. I’m happy with those guys. They are my family, not some half-assed father who just wants me around to carry on his legacy. I will not just sit around in here and do what he wants.”

Regret rose to his feet and clasped his hands against his cheeks to rile himself up. “Alright.” he said to himself. “I won’t let the likes of him tie me down. I’m going to escape from here. Wait for me, everyone. I’ll definitely make it back!”


“The sign at the top of the gate says ‘Saint Versailles’.” I said.

Naomi, Byrne, and I reached the town after walking through the valley for two hours. We didn’t run into any people on the way. By this time, the sky had turned from orange to bright blue, and the sun was high above our heads. Cumulous clouds crowded the sky. That, along with the serenity of the valley, gave this area a very peaceful impression.

“I hope we can get the information we need here.” Naomi said.

“As do I. But let’s be careful.” Byrne said.

“Right.” I said, nodding.

The three of us entered St. Versailles and walked through the main street. The town had a very rural feel to it. Most of the homes were made of stone, and there were a lot of open-air stalls. People were bustling about the cobble-stone street. Watching them, I noticed that many had pointed ears.

- So we’re really in the Mystic Realm, huh? I never expected it would be like this. It’s hardly any different than any town in the Physical Realm. Seeing this world for myself like this is really opening my eyes...

As we walked, I noticed quite a few soldiers patrolling around. They wore black uniforms with red trimmings, and carried swords at their waists. I began to wonder how much of an influence the military had on this area.

While I thought about things like that, Naomi spoke. “Hey, let’s ask that person about the castle.” she said, pointing to a random pedestrian.

“Okay.” I said.

The man had brown hair and hazel eyes. He was waving to a little girl who appeared to be his daughter. The girl had brown hair and hazel eyes just like the man, and she was playing in the street. The three of us approached the man, and I spoke to him.

“Excuse me?” I said to him.

“Can I help you?” the man asked, turning away from his daughter to face me.

“Um, do you know about the castle over there? Like, who lives in it?” I asked him

“Tourists, huh?” he said, looking at us like we were ignorant. “That castle is the home of the ruler of this land, Demon King Drake.”

“Oh, so we were in the right place! Thank you very much.” I said.

“Don’t mention it.” he said. “Where exactly are you all from, anyway? I mean, everyone around here knows about the castle.”

“Wait, Alphonse, don’t--” Byrne began to say to me in a panic.

Unfortunately, it was too late. “We’re from the Physical Realm.” I said thoughtlessly.

Just then, the man’s eyes widened in disgust. “Wait, don’t tell me you guys are humans!” he said loudly.

Other people walking by stopped and turned to look at us. Whispers of “Humans? Here?” and “How repulsive.” could be heard. I then remembered that Byrne had told me earlier about the bad feelings between humans and Demons, and I realized the huge mistake I’d just made.

- Uh-oh...

“Sigal, what’s going on here?” someone asked the man we were talking to.

This man had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes. He was a bit taller than Sigal and looked a bit more threatening.

“Ah, Kurt! Check this out! There are humans here!” Sigal replied to him.

“Humans?” Kurt, said. He looked over at us and sneered. “What are these things doing here in the Mystic Realm?”

“Things?” I said.

“Yeah, you heard me!” Kurt said.

“Now, now, let’s not get carried away.” another man said as he approached.

This man was tall and lean, and had ruby-red, neatly combed hair and dark blue eyes. He carried himself as someone with grace and dignity.

“It’s much more amusing to watch them shake and shout on their own, wouldn’t you agree?” he said in a condescending tone.

“Yes, you’re so right, Winston!” Sigal said.

As much as I felt offended by their words, I couldn’t stay here and argue with them. Even if I wanted to, there were far more of them surrounding us. Our first priority was to get to the castle and rescue Regret. So, I grabbed Naomi’s hand and began to walk away. Byrne followed us.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Kurt said.

“Leaving.” I responded plainly.

Sigal grabbed my shoulder. “You think you can just walk away from us? I think someone needs to make you learn your place!” he said with a grin.

- This is bad. At this rate, we won’t be able to avoid a conflict with them.

“If you don’t like humans, then we’ll leave. That’s what you want, isn’t it?” I said.

“But we’re not done toying with you yet! Isn’t that right, boys?” Winston said with a sadistic smile.

“Yeah!” Kurt said.

Kurt then began to reach his hand out to grab Naomi. I would let them tease and taunt me, I would even let them hurt me if it meant avoiding a conflict, but there was no way I’d let them do anything to Naomi. So, I grabbed Kurt’s wrist before he could touch her and stepped in between the two of them.

“I don’t care what you do to me. But she’s off-limits.” I said sternly, glaring at him.

“Wha-Why you...!” Kurt said.

Kurt began seething with anger. It seemed that in challenging him, I hurt his pride as a Demon. It wasn’t just Kurt, though; the others around him became angry towards me.

“You insolent human! How dare you!” Sigal said.

Even Winston, who I assumed was normally calm and composed, was angry. The other Demons surrounding us began shouting angrily at me, as well. The crowd was beginning to turn into an angry mob. If we stayed here any longer, they might get violent. I let go of Kurt’s wrist and grabbed Naomi’s hand again.

“Let’s make a run for it. I’ll carry you.” I whispered to her. She nodded. I looked over at Byrne. “Can you keep up with me?” I whispered.

“Probably.” he replied.

“Good. When I move, you move.” I whispered.

He nodded, and got ready to dash as soon as I started running. I began focusing magic power in my feet to propel myself forward, and I prepared myself to lift Naomi up in my arms so I could carry her while running. After all, she was a normal person. She wouldn’t be able to keep up with Byrne and me. But before I got the chance to run, the Demons surrounding us began throwing rocks at us.

“Take this, you damn humans!” people in the mob shouted.

Byrne raised his arms up to defend himself while I shielded Naomi with my body. All these people throwing rocks made it difficult for me to attempt an escape.

- Damn it. How are we gonna get out of this? If this keeps up, they’ll attract the soldiers’ attention. If that happens, and they arrest us, we’ll lose our chance to rescue Regret!

One of the rocks that was thrown hit a sign on the roof of one of the nearby shops, and that sign began to fall down. There was a little girl in it’s path. She was the daughter of Sigal who we’d seen playing in the street earlier.

“Arin!” Sigal shouted in panic.

Just before the sign was about to crush her, I rushed over in a flash using the magic power I’d focused into my feet. I managed to get her out of the way in time. We hit the ground sliding, with me cradling her in my arms to protect her.

“Phew.” I said as I helped her up. “You okay?”

She nodded up at me with a smile on her face. The other Demons all stared at me in disbelief. They were probably shocked speechless that a human like me would save the life of a Demon.

Arin ran over to Sigal and grabbed his hand. “Daddy, that guy isn’t a bad person! Please don’t bully him!”

Sigal winced at his daughter’s words and began to stutter. “B-but... That boy is a human! He-he can’t be a good person! I thought I taught you that!”

“But Daddy!” she insisted.

“Just being a human doesn’t make me a bad person.” I said as I walked back over to Naomi and Byrne. “Of course there are some bad humans. But there are also some good ones.” After saying this, I looked at Byrne, the one who shared that wisdom with me, and nodded.

The Demons who had become an angry mob quieted down. They all seemed to have an internal conflict about my words going on. It probably wasn’t something they could all accept so easily. After all, every Demon here probably grew up being told that all humans are bad, and that they were better than them.

All of a sudden, a loud whistle rang out from the other side of the crowd. Everyone turned their attention towards that sound, and a platoon of soldiers was standing there.

“Men, quell this riot!” the one in front shouted.

“Oh, damn. We gotta run!” I said.

“Right.” Byrne agreed.

“Those guys are humans!” someone in the crowd shouted.

“Humans?! We can’t let them escape! After them!” one of the soldiers said.

“You’re all under arrest, too!” another soldier said, rounding up a group of citizens including Sigal, Kurt, and Winston.

“Hey! We didn’t do anything!” Sigal protested as handcuffs were being placed on his wrists.

“Oh, no? Then tell me, did this riot start itself?” the soldier retorted.

“That’s so unfair!” Naomi said as she watched this happen.

“We can’t do anything about it! Hurry, before they catch us!” Byrne said, ushering Naomi and I along.

“Damn it...” I groaned.

Doing nothing while people were being subjected to unfair treatment like this really bothered me, but as much as I wanted to help them, I knew that our first priority was to get to Drake’s castle and rescue Regret. I bit my lip in frustration as I ran away.

As the three of us ran through the main street in the direction of the castle, more soldiers showed up and barred our path.

“Get back!” Byrne shouted as he ran ahead of us.

Byrne unleashed his gauntlet upon the soldiers and fought with them. He managed to break through their defenses and open up a path for us.

“Go!” Byrne shouted.

“What about you?” Naomi said.

“I’ll hold them off!” Hurry up and save Regret!” he yelled back.

I felt conflicted about leaving him behind, but I saw the look in Byrne’s eye. He was determined to help us. I quickly understood why he was so bent on doing this. It was just like he said earlier; he didn't want me to die. Even if it was just for the sake of his own survival, he wanted to help me.

I lifted up Naomi in my arms and focused magic power in the soles of my feet. Using that power to increase my speed, I dashed through the opening and down the street. Naomi clung to me tightly as I ran through the town. Eventually, we made it out of St. Versailles. Still carrying her, I dashed through the valley searching for a place to hide from the soldiers.

* * *

“Do you think Byrne will be okay?” Naomi asked me.

“Yeah. He’s pretty strong. He should be fine.”

By this time, it was dark out. Naomi and I had found a small cave to hide in from the soldiers while we got some sleep for the night. The cave was by the riverbank and couldn’t be seen unless you were standing right in front of it, so it sheltered us from view.

Naomi and I were huddled close together, leaning against the wall of the cave. We didn’t have any food, and we couldn’t light a fire without attracting attention to this spot, so we were cold and hungry.

“I’ll think about what we’re gonna do next. Try to get some sleep for now, okay?” I said.

“Okay. But I’ll think about it, too. I told you I wanted to be helpful somehow, remember?” she said.

I smiled at her and said “Right. Goodnight, Naomi.”

“Goodnight.” she said, smiling back at me.

Naomi nestled her face into my chest and gradually fell asleep. I sat there for a while watching her sleeping face. She looked just like an angel to me. Then, I began to think about Regret. I wondered how he was doing. I still had no idea what Drake wanted with him.

- Regret, just hold on for a while longer. We’ll definitely come save you.


Regret sat on the bed in his room quietly, listening intently. Soon, he heard it again; the chime of a bell, marking the start of another hour. Regret didn’t know what time it was exactly, but that had been the thirteenth bell chime he’d heard since waking up in this castle. Regret could guess that it was late at night from that.

Regret decided that it was late enough now, and walked towards the door to his room. He knew there was a guard stationed outside, and that all he had to do when he needed something was knock on the door and ask. This is what Regret did.

“What is it, Young Master?” the guard’s voice called out from the other side of the door.

“I have to go to the bathroom.” Regret answered.

The guard opened the door and looked Regret in the eye. “That’s the oldest trick in the book.” he said with a smirk.

“I’m serious, though.” Regret insisted.

“Fine, then. Come along. But don’t think for a second that I’m going to let you out of my sight on the way there. And there are no windows in the bathroom either, so don’t even think about trying to escape.”

“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Sheesh.” Regret moaned.

“Then right this way, Young Master.” he said.

The guard led Regret through the hallway toward the restroom.

Escape Plan Phase One, complete! This was the only easy part. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull this off.
Last edited:


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
:right: :right: Me gusta, but I ALREADY know what's gonna happen: ofc Drake has super magical powers and will stop Regret from escape. :right: :right:

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Thanks a lot for your comments, guys! It's now time for Chapter Forty-Eight. I hope you enjoy this one! Please tell me what you think. :3

Chapter Fifty-Two


Regret followed the guard through the hallway as they walked toward the restroom. They passed various elaborate paintings and elegant busts along the way. As they walked, Regret continued to play out his escape plan in his mind. Once they reached the restroom, he would put it into action.

They turned a corner and walked a few more feet before stopping in front of a door. “This is the restroom. Please make it quick, Young Master.” the guard said.

“Uh-huh.” Regret answered.

He turned the brass knob and pushed the door open. Inside, the restroom was tiled with topaz. The sink and toilet were made of silver. There was even a rack with books on the wall. Regret closed the door behind himself, making sure that it was unlocked. Then, he turned and faced the door, and waited.

Ten minutes passed by. Regret did nothing but stand there, staring at the door, waiting. At last, the guard on the other side called out to him.

“Young Master?” he called out. “Young Master, are you finished in there?” Regret didn’t answer. He kept watching the door quietly, waiting. “Young Master, please answer me.” the guard called out again. Still, Regret kept quiet. “That’s it. I’m coming in, Young Master.” he said.


Regret quietly watched as the brass knob turned. The second the door opened, Regret lunged forward. He grabbed the guard by his collar and unleashed a fearsome punch. The guard was knocked out before he had a chance to struggle. His body went limp. Still clutching his collar, Regret dragged him inside the bathroom, and closed and locked the door.

Regret removed the uniform from the guard and changed into it. He felt a little awkward doing this while the guard was in there, but he didn’t have time to worry about that. The guard was unconscious, anyway. Then, disguised as a soldier, Regret left the guard in the bathroom along with the clothes he’d changed out of, making sure the door was still locked from the inside after he left.

Alright, now all I have to do is walk out of here. I just hope no one realizes that I’m an imposter...

With that thought in his mind, Regret began to wander the hallways of the castle, looking for the exit. He passed many extravagant decorations on his way, and occasionally exchanged salutes with other soldiers as they passed him by. So far, no one noticed that he was an imposter.

After wandering the halls for nearly twenty minutes, Regret finally managed to find his way to the entrance hall. As he walked into the center of it, he gazed around in awe. The sight was phenomenal. The walls and ceiling were waxed and topaz in color. The ceilings were high and concaved. A scarlet carpet stretched across the room, from the front doors to the vast staircase that led up to another set of impressive doors. There was a corridor on the right and left side of the room; Regret had entered from the right.

On either side of the double doors at the top of the stairs were large, detailed portraits. The one on the right was of Drake, and the one on the left was of a woman Regret hadn’t seen before. But, staring at the portrait, Regret had a feeling he knew who she was.

“... Mother.” he whispered.

Just from the portrait he could tell she was beautiful. She had a thin face and thin lips, and her brown eyes were big and bright. Her flowing chestnut hair was draped over one shoulder. She wore a beautiful robe made of black silk with white laced trimmings. But more than anything else, her big smile was heart-warming.

Regret couldn’t help but notice similarities in his own appearance to hers. They had the same hair and eyes. He thought that he and his brother must have taken after her instead of their father. He also wondered where she was. If she were his mother, she’d probably have gone to visit him by now. But, then he recalled Drake referring to her in past tense earlier, just like he did with his brother Yuri.

Has she already passed on, too?

Regret couldn’t hide that thought. He began to feel a huge pit form in his stomach. Because of his memory being erased, it felt to him that Yuri and his mother were strangers, characters in a story he was being told. There was no way for him to know if he had a good relationship with either of them. To him, all the experiences he might have shared with them didn’t exist. He would never know what kind of people they were. He felt robbed of more than just his past, now; he felt robbed of his very identity.

Regret sighed to himself before peeling his eyes away from the portrait. He walked towards the front doors and reached out for the handle. But, then he thought of something. There were probably soldiers stationed outside.

What should I do about that?

As Regret thought about this for a short while, he came up with an idea. It was risky, but even if it didn’t work, he could just knock them out and make a run for it. Although, he preferred to avoid that if possible.

After grabbing the handle of the door, he pushed it open and stepped outside. He found himself staring out into a grassy field, and beyond that was a large valley. A cobblestone road stretched from the front doors of the castle down into the valley. Silhouettes of trees, vegetation, and other such landmarks dotted the valley. There was also a large silhouette of a town in the center. Above the valley, the dark night sky was gleaming with stars and a large, bright moon. The light of the moon reflected across the waters of a river that flowed through the valley.

Regret only had time to take in this beautiful sight for a second. The next second, he realized that there was in fact a soldier stationed outside. This soldier was staring right at him. Regret quickly pulled himself together and saluted him. The soldier saluted him back.

“Do you need something here?” the soldier asked him.

“Y-Yeah, I’m here to relieve you.” Regret said.

“That’s odd, I haven’t been stationed out here for very long.” he said.

“Well, what can I say? Orders are orders.” Regret said with a shrug, trying to sell his lie.

“Yeah, that’s true... Well then, I’ll leave it to you.” he said, saluting Regret.

Phew. Thank goodness he bought it. Regret thought this as he saluted him back. He watched the soldier walk inside the castle. Once the door was closed, he waited until he could no longer hear the soldier’s footsteps before he took off sprinting towards the valley.

It worked! I made it out! Now I just have to find a way to get back to the others in the Physical Realm. Don’t worry, guys. I’m on my way!

Regret felt confident and exuberant as he dashed down the road. He was sure he’d be able to return to his friends. That confidence, as well as his desire to get back to them, drove him as he ran away from the castle into the darkness of the valley.

* * *

Naomi and I walked towards the front doors of Drake’s castle. Birds could be heard chirping in the surroundings, and the early-morning sky was overcast. The only sound aside from the birds was the sound of our boots walking through the grass.

We were walking along the front of the castle, coming up the hill from the left side. Looking up at the castle, I thought it looked impressive. The stone that shaped it was topaz in color, and there were stained glass windows along the walls. Just the front wall alone towered high above our heads. It stretched off to the left and right for several hundred feet. There was a tower at each of the four corners, and an even larger tower rising up from the center. The shingled roofs were colored gray.

Redirecting my gaze to what was in front of me, I, dressed in a soldier's uniform, lead Naomi, who was in handcuffs, to the front doors of the castle with one hand, carrying the sheathed Lokomo Sword in my other. We approached the soldier stationed in front of the castle, who saluted me. I simply nodded back instead of saluting him, on account of my hands being full.

“What’s all this?” the soldier asked me.

“I caught her sneaking around the castle grounds. She had this sword on her.” I answered.

“I see. Good work. I’ll alert the Captain. Wait inside the entrance hall. He’ll come to hear your report.” he told me.

“Yes, sir.” I said.

The soldier opened one of the double doors and held it open for us as we walked inside. Then he saluted me again, and I nodded back. The soldier walked off down a hallway on the left. Now it was just the two of us here in the grand entrance hall.

For a short while we said nothing. I broke the silence with a whisper.

“I’m still against this, you know.” I whispered to her.

“This was the best way for us to get inside the castle. And it worked, too! We made it inside, didn’t we?” she whispered back.

“Yeah, but...”

“I told you. I want to do everything I can to help.”

“I know. But...”

This incursion of ours was all Naomi’s idea. She explained it to me when I woke up this morning.

“Here’s the plan.” she’d said. “You’ll find a soldier patrolling around the castle, and knock him out. Then you’ll take his uniform and wear it to disguise yourself. Then you’ll lead me to the castle, saying you caught me sneaking around with a weapon. That weapon will be the Lokomo Sword. This way we can enter the castle without making you look suspicious. I bet the castle has some kind of jail cell in it. They’ll put me in there, and then you can look for Regret disguised as a soldier. After you find him, you bring him back to the prison-- if he isn’t being held there-- and get me out. Then we escape from the castle and look for Byrne so we can get back to the Physical Realm.”

“No.” I’d said, rejecting it immediately.

“Whaaat? What’s wrong with my plan?” she’d asked.

“The part where you get locked up in the castle’s prison! I’m not putting you in danger like that!” I’d said.

“Well, do you have any better ideas?” she’d asked me.

“W-Well...” I’d stammered.

“Exactly. Don’t worry, this’ll work. And I’ll be fine.” she’d said.

“And how are you so sure you’ll be fine?” I’d asked.

“Because you’re here with me!” she’d said with a smile.

I couldn’t resist her any longer after that line. She probably expected that, which made me begin thinking she was a little more devious than I’d realized. At the very least, she was really stubborn when it comes to things like this.

After we sorted out our plan, I did what she’d said and ambushed a soldier I’d found patrolling the area around the castle. He was alone, so I didn’t waste a second as I pounced. I hit him on the back of his head as hard as I could with my sword-- still sheathed, of course. Then, I dragged his unconscious body away from the castle and back to where Naomi was waiting.

She turned around as I removed the soldier’s uniform, as well as my own clothes, and changed into them. I even took his officer’s sword and strapped it to my waist.

I felt surprisingly comfortable in the uniform. It was a solid black, double-tailed coat with a collar and crimson red trimmings. The trousers were also back, and the black boots had red laces. The undershirt was red, too. The officer’s sword’s sheath was black, and the belt that strapped it to my waist was red.

“Wow Alphonse, you look like a prince in that!” Naomi had said.

“Heh heh... Thanks.” I’d said, feeling embarrassed by her comment.

Fortunately, the soldier had a few pairs of handcuffs on him. After I finished getting changed, we hid my clothes in a bush and handcuffed the unconscious soldier’s arms around a tree. We gagged him by ripping off part of the sleeve of my hoodie so he couldn’t shout for help when he woke up. We used the other pair of handcuffs to help sell the story of Naomi’s capture.

After that, we approached the castle and put our plan into action. So far, it was working.

We stood alone in the entrance hall of Drake’s castle, awaiting whoever the Captain was. It took ten minutes for him to arrive. He entered from the left corridor, accompanied by two other soldiers, one of whom was the one who let us into the entrance hall earlier. I nodded to the Captain as a substitute for a salute, and he saluted back.

The Captain appeared to be twenty, though as a Demon he could have been two hundred. He had combed black hair and dull orange eyes, and was wearing the same uniform that I was disguised in. Although, I noticed he had four stars on his shoulder. That was how I guessed he was the Captain.

“Presenting Captain Rinz of Demon King Drake’s military.” one of the soldiers behind him announced, confirming my guess.

That was probably for Naomi, the “criminal”, to know who she was in the presence of. They would naturally assume I knew who he was since I was a “soldier”.

“I’ve received a report that you discovered that girl sneaking around the castle grounds carrying that sword. Is that correct?” Rinz said to me.

“Yes, sir. She looked as if she was searching for a way to get into the castle when I surprised her.” I said.

“Has she said anything to confirm that?” he asked.

“No, she’s refusing to talk.” I said.

When I said that, Naomi made a “Humph...” kind of expression, completely selling the story of a stubborn prisoner. I began to wonder if she was always that good of an actor.

“I see. We’ll change that soon enough. Good work.” Rinz said. Then he paused. “... I don’t believe I’ve seen your face before. Are you new?” he asked me.

“Yes, I enlisted just recently.” I said.

Rinz seemed to be observing me very carefully. I began to wonder if my cover had been blown. I felt very nervous, but I managed to maintain my composure and prevent myself from showing any signs of nervousness. But there was something in Rinz’s eyes that made me doubt that he was buying our story.

Finally, Rinz spoke again. “I see. You’ve done a good job, rookie. Take her to the prison below the castle now. We’ll interrogate her later.”

- Phew... He bought it after all.

“Yes sir. Except... She’s already tried to run once in the time we’ve been waiting here. I may need some help escorting her.” I said.

“Then I’ll have Officer Berrigan help you take her to the prison.” Rinz said, nodding to the soldier on his right, the one who let us in.

Berrigan saluted to Rinz in understanding and walked over next to me. Rinz and the remaining guard saluted to us, and we saluted back. Then the two of them left back through the corridor on the left.

“Alright, let’s take her to the prison.” Berrigan said as he began to lead her to the corridor on the right.

“Yes sir.” I said as I followed him.

I made sure to walk just far enough behind him so that I could predict which way he would turn without looking like I didn’t know the way myself. After leaving the entrance hall through the corridor on the right, we turned right again and opened a door that was just inside the corridor. It revealed a stairway, and after descending it for what felt like a few floors, we traveled down a dimly lit hallway. At the end of the hall, we turned down another hallway to the right. There seemed to be several other hallways branching off from the one we just left. I wondered just how big the prison really was.

At the end of the hall, we reached a metal door. Berrigan pushed it open, and then we walked through the threshold into a large room. On both sides of this room were several jail cells, each with a lot of prisoners in them. The prisoners eyed us silently as we led Naomi down the path between the cells for a few feet. We stopped at the fourth cell on the right.

“Stand back, you maggots!” Berrigan shouted, instructing the prisoners to move back while he opened the cell door.

The prisoners grumbled as they complied and backed further away from the bars. Berrigan unlocked the cell door and shoved Naomi into the cell, then slammed the cell door shut rather loudly.

I felt a spark of rage light inside me when he shoved Naomi like that, but I did my best to hold it down. After she was inside and the cell door was locked, Berrigan turned to me.

“Good work bringing her in, Rookie. Keep this up and you’ll be on the fast track for promotion!” he said to me with a smile.

“Uh, th-thank you.” I said.

“Well then, I’ll be going now. Put that sword with the other confiscated items. They’re in the closet at the end of the room.” Berrigan instructed.

“Yes sir.” I said as I saluted him.

Berrigan saluted me back and left the prison, closing the metal door behind him. After his footsteps could no longer be heard, Naomi called out to me.

“Alphonse, come here!” she said as she ran up to the bars of her cell.

I approached the cell and spoke. “What’s wrong?”

“Look! These people were in St. Versailles yesterday!” she said, pointing to three men in the cell.

The three who were pointed out perked up. “Wait a second.... It’s those two from yesterday!” one of them said.

As the three approached us, I recognized them as Sigal, Kurt, and Winston, the Demons who harassed us for being humans. It wasn’t just them, either; a lot of the prisoners in that cell were people in the crowd who surrounded us in the town yesterday.

- Uh-oh. If those people are in here, they could tell the soldiers that Naomi and I are humans. They’ll blow our cover!

“What are you two doing here?!” Kurt said. “And why are you dressed as a soldier?!”

I heard some of the prisoners around us murmur things to each other like “He’s not a soldier?” and “An imposter?”. I simply ignored them.

“What are you three doing in here?” I asked, dodging his question.

“We were all put in prison because they held us accountable for starting that riot in town yesterday!” he replied.

I recalled that when Naomi, Byrne, and I were running away, we saw some of the soldiers arrest some of the townspeople for this reason. I didn’t expect that they were brought to the castle to be put in prison, though. I wondered if St. Versailles had a prison of its own.

“It’s thanks to you damn humans that I was taken away from my daughter Arin!” Sigal yelled at me. “It’s all your fault we’re in here!”

“Humans?! Those two are humans?!” the prisoners around us said in surprise.

The prisoners began getting riled up, and they were beginning to get louder. I’d seen how hostile Demons could be toward humans first hand in St. Versailles yesterday. If this kept up, there was a high chance that Naomi could be hurt while she’ was in the cell. There was also the matter of all the noise they were making. If they kept up this racket, they might attract the attention of the soldiers. Then our cover would be blown for sure.

“Calm down, everyone! Listen to me!” I shouted over their noise.

“Ha! Why should we listen to you? You’re the one that got us locked up in here!” Winston said.

“Yeah! Why should we listen to a damn human?!” Kurt said.

“Because I can get you all out of here!” I shouted over the noise again. After hearing that, everyone quieted down. “I’ll explain everything to all of you, so please just quiet down and listen to me!” I pleaded.

The prisoners looked around at each other with uncertain expressions. Then, Sigal spoke to me. “You’d do that? You’d break us out of here?” he asked.

“Yes. I’ll get you out of here and back to your daughter. I’ll get all of you out and back to your families. I promise.” I said.

I was sure that a lot of them were probably criminals who deserved to be in prison, but there were many from St. Versailles that were wrongfully locked up in here. Even though I said that to get them all to calm down, I wanted to help them escape regardless.

The prisoners were all dumbfounded. They began conversing with each other, probably discussing their options. Naomi and I waited quietly for their response. Finally, they all looked back at me, and Sigal spoke.

“Very well. If there’s a chance that we can get out of here and return to our families, then... Even if you are a human, well listen to what you have to say.” he said.

“Thank you.” I said.

Before I began to speak, however, I thought back to Rinz. My worries of the prisoners blowing our cover reminded me of the worry I felt when I was looking into Rinz’s eyes. There was something about his eyes that made me think he didn’t believe my story, but his actions contradicted that. It made me feel really uneasy.

- Maybe it was just my imagination...


“That rookie from earlier is an imposter.” Rinz said, sitting behind his desk.

“A-an imposter?!” the soldier who accompanied Berrigan and Rinz into the entrance hall said in surprise as he stood in front of Rinz’s desk. “Are you sure?!”

“Yes. I interview every new recruit in person when they enlist. I know all of their faces. I’ve never see that boy before in my life.” Rinz explained.

“Then... Why did you let him go? If he was an imposter, why didn’t you arrest him and lock him up along with the girl?” the soldier asked.

“I want to know what he’s planning first.” Rinz said as he shuffled the papers on his desk. “He had the balls to impersonate a soldier and sneak into the castle. I want to see what he’s planning to do here. And besides, with that girl in the prison, our work is already half done. Even if that was part of their plan, it works in our favor, too.” Rinz stopped shuffling the papers and stared at the one on top. “... What is this?” he said.

“Ah, that should be the report from the incident in St. Versailles yesterday. It contains physical descriptions of the three humans who caused the riot.” the soldier informed him.

“I see...” Rinz said as he began to read it. “First we have humans appear in town, then Drake’s son escapes... Things have been really hectic around here lately.” he sighed.

“Indeed. About the incident in St. Versailles, it seems that the one who fought with the soldiers to let the other two escape the town got away too, and he is currently missing.” the soldier continued.

“That so...” Rinz said as he read the report.

Rinz suddenly stopped reading once he reached the part of the report that contained the physical descriptions. His eyes widened, his brow furrowed, and his hands began to tremble in anger as they gripped the paper tighter.

“S-Sir?” the soldier said.

“The description of the human boy and girl matches the imposter and the girl who entered the castle today.” Rinz said.

“You mean they were...?!” the soldier exclaimed.

“That’s right. Things have changed now.” Rinz said as he stood up. He grabbed his officer’s sword, which was propped up against his desk next to his chair. “I can no longer afford to wait and see what they’re planning. They must be executed immediately!”
Last edited:
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Oh, nice! I'm sorry I didn't see this chapter until now, mostly because I didn't read it until now. :p I like how everything is linking and playing out, one can feel the story climaxing and yet it feels just like old memories coming back--just as before.

Teeheee and leaving a cliffy behind :P You are very good Az! Keep up the great job!! It's fun how Regret sneakes out and Alphonse sneaks into the castle :P

...And this, yeha.

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