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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jun 15, 2020
As some of you know, I designed a full 34 roles for this game (35, if you count the sample Stan Lee role in post #4). Only 28 of the 34 were actually used. I'm not going to do a full reveal of their roles because I will keep the unseen stuff to recycle into a future game, but here are the character comic images of the 6 roles you did not see:
Black Cat.jpg Amazing_Spider-Man_Vol_1_414.jpg Gaunt2.jpg Lizard.jpg Jackal2.jpg Joe Wade.jpg
Jun 15, 2020
Rumor Mills: I had a spreadsheet of 35 Rumors at the start of the game, and yes, you went through them ALL. I had to start making some new ones up before the game was over. By comparison, the Rumor Mill ability was used TWICE in the whole game of A Spider-Man Mafia 2, so, I thought for sure 35 was more than enough. Nope.

Most were true and useful (about 55%). Some were true but mostly useless (about 30%). Some were straight-up false (about 15%). The identifiers in brackets like [60%] and [Character] and [Design] were mostly purely random and had no bearing on anything.

Each time someone rolled one at random I deleted it from my master list so I didn't end up repeating any. Stupidly, I didn't make a copy before we started, and I don't have the patience to go dig them all up through individual PMs. But here are the two I know you all want to see, so, you're welcome.
Rumor Mill [Funny #1]: There is an item called "Red Lipstick" that leaves a red identifying mark on any Spider aligned players you "kiss" with your vote. This item makes sense in the hands of the person it belongs to, but items can be stolen! The psychopathic murderer known as Kaine has just such an item stealing power, and if he happened to steal this item, well...

kaine kissy.png

Rumor Mill [Funny #2]: Hypothetical thought experiment -- what would happen if a) Doc Ock is in this game, and b) Doc Ock's mechanical arms were an item, and c) Spider-man stole that item?

Jun 15, 2020
The Real Spider-Man Debacle: At the start of the game I rolled a 10-sided die to determine who was the one and only original Spider-Man. Included in that roll were all 9 Spider Aligned roles and the 1 Scarlet Aligned role. Kaine and the Mafia Clones were not included in this roll. Although there was only one real Spider-Man (and it was Silverfish), any of the other 9 roles included in the roll had the potential to gain the Town Aligned "True Spider-Man" role that Silver wound up getting if they simply believed they were the original (achieving their motivation). While many mechanics in the game referenced the real Spider-Man, the "real" status had no bearing on your ability to believe you were real and thus flip Town. As you know, believing the opposite (that you are a clone) landed you with a nerfed Self or Mafia role instead. The one exception to this was the Scarlet Spider, who had the ability to flip Town if he believed himself to be real but instead stayed Scarlet Aligned if he believed himself to be a clone—he didn't have the option to become Self or Mafia (well, he could become Mafia, but that would be under different circumstances unrelated to his Motivation).


Jun 27, 2020
So we could have had 9x Silverfish's role at once?

And why did the motivation say we have to be sure without a doubt? There can only be one original so how could the others ever honestly be sure without a doubt? You want lying heros? :P


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I have to admit, I didn't expect to end up making it to the end. Let alone ending up on the winning team, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I did. But, I kind of expected to get lynched a whole lot sooner.

Fry squint.png
...I'm starting to think the Vets went easy on my

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