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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jul 12, 2020
Ah, Storm!
Paranoid King didn't even try to figure out who I am

You'll be pleased to know that I have finally figured out who you are.

You must be...

Apparently your power is being incredibly creepy. Like, creepy enough to scare away supervillains. Yikes.

I ain't having any of that in my city. Vote: Storm.
Jun 26, 2020
Hey everybody, I have the possibly useless info from my imaginary god for the day

Town benefits most from the death of Killjoy (Weird change but OK)
Mafia still benefits most from the death of PK
Goblin still benefits most from the death of Silver
Spiders now have a ??? result for me, same as Scarlet.
Traveller is still hosed.
I've been told that the "Strange" Alignment benefits most from the death of Numbers, but I suspect this to be a misdirect of sorts. They weren't there before and there's been no indication of another kind of player in the game.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
I want to believe you but also I donut see how killing SMS benefited us yesterday and thus I don't trust.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I've got a
Hey everybody, I have the possibly useless info from my imaginary god for the day

Town benefits most from the death of Killjoy (Weird change but OK)
Mafia still benefits most from the death of PK
Goblin still benefits most from the death of Silver
Spiders now have a ??? result for me, same as Scarlet.
Traveller is still hosed.
I've been told that the "Strange" Alignment benefits most from the death of Numbers, but I suspect this to be a misdirect of sorts. They weren't there before and there's been no indication of another kind of player in the game.
*clears throat* AHEM. I believe that information is way off buddy, Town would benefit the most with Rubic gone
Jun 26, 2020
Scum friends will do what they wanna do.

Town friends might consider offing Killjoy, I want to see if my ability successfully told the game something it didn't know.

But team Jackal seems to be making quite the play, It's fascinating.

How today plays out will certainly be most interesting.
Jun 25, 2020
Scum friends will do what they wanna do.

Town friends might consider offing Killjoy, I want to see if my ability successfully told the game something it didn't know.

But team Jackal seems to be making quite the play, It's fascinating.

How today plays out will certainly be most interesting.

On that we can agree Mr Knight.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Hey everybody, I have the possibly useless info from my imaginary god for the day

Town benefits most from the death of Killjoy (Weird change but OK)
Mafia still benefits most from the death of PK
Goblin still benefits most from the death of Silver
Spiders now have a ??? result for me, same as Scarlet.
Traveller is still hosed.
I've been told that the "Strange" Alignment benefits most from the death of Numbers, but I suspect this to be a misdirect of sorts. They weren't there before and there's been no indication of another kind of player in the game.
I think your info is wrong, Goblins want Silver alive from what I know.
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