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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jan 19, 2018
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I'm going to bed now and I'm not sure whether or not we'll be able to get the votes we need so I'm going to use an ability i was hoping to save for later in the game.

Vote: PK
Vote: PK
Vote: PK

hopefully that will be enough
Jun 15, 2020
"I've had enough of your mind games, Scrier! Where's Travaller? And what does he want with me?!" Spider-Man's voice calls out in the darkness towards his pale, enigmatic foe.

"Mind yourself, Spider-Man. Judas is presently in a position where even he cannot save himself. Soon, you will join him." The two foes continue their epic duel, but unbeknownst to one of them, the other has the capacity to be in two places at once... And this time, we're not talking about clones!


Meanwhile, across town, Scrier argues with one of his allies, the masked underworld crime lord known only as The Rose—a man not known for being even-tempered at the best of times. "You LIED to me!" He screams in anger, realizing his betrayal. "You said you were Scrier, but you didn't tell me the whole TRUTH... Scrier isn't an individual -- it's the name of your entire organization!"



Back across town, Spider-Man now finds himself surrounded by an army of Scriers! What's going on? Is this Mysterio tech -- an illusion? Are the clones?! Is Scrier in league with the Jackal? No, can't be, the two of them were nearly fighting to the death just the other day! So what... "Of course!" Spider-Man says, finally putting the pieces together. "No wonder you appear to be able to cover more ground than just one man can cover. You never were just one man!"

The Scriers don't even dignify him with an answer as the brotherhood moves in unison to subdue their target. Suddenly, when it looks as if they are finally about to win, another voice calls out from the night sky as a familiar-looking red-and-blue-clad superhero swings onto the scene. "Neat trick, Scrier, but you aren't the only one who can be in two places at once!"

Thwack goes the Brotherhood.jpg
Like a bowling ball, Spider-Man clobbers a bunch of Scrier-shaped pins!

The army defeated, their foe slinks away into retreat as Spider-Man checks to make sure his clone is all right (or is it the other way around?). As the last of them pull away, one Scrier shouts a taunt at his beleaguered opponents. "You'll never see the last of us, Spider-Man. Our numbers are greater than the stars in the night sky! And like the stars... We see everything!"

And with that, in a puff of smoke, the last Scrier is gone... For now...


Across town.

"I am impressed, Rose," Scrier speaks with a menacing tone. "Few have uncovered the true secret of Scrier. Fewer have we allowed to survive with this knowledge..."

The fate of the Rose is currently unknown...

DAY 2: Final Vote Count

Paranoid King (12): ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman, funnier6, Morbid Minish, Ragnarokio, Skystone, Aaarrrgh, The Sun Fan, Mellow Ezlo, Ragnarokio, Ragnarokio, Ragnarokio
Morbid Minish (1): KingofDominaria
Spiritual Mask Salesman (1): Scarlet Spider

With 12 votes against him, Paranoid King reached his Threshold and has been Lynched. He was the Goblin Aligned enigmatic cult known as The Brotherhood of Scrier!

Not Voting (11):
Rubik, Asfinyti, naga10, Freddeh, KingofDominaria, Duskyblue, Tevish Szat, Silverfish, Hapi, Killjoy, Paranoid King

With 22 available votes, it takes 12 votes to reach a Majority. Paranoid King was lynched by Majority vote.

It is now Night 2. Night actions must be sent before the Deadline to be counted. By default, you cannot post in the game thread during the Night, but some people might have abilities that circumvent that (and in fact, anyone can use "Burning the Midnight Oil" under communal abilities to do so, at the cost of their action).

The Night 2 Deadline is set for: July 29th at 2:45 AM EST. Click here for an accurate countdown timer.

  1. Morbid Minish votes Paranoid King
  2. Ragnarokio votes Paranoid King
  3. Captan Lunch is exiled
  4. Ragnarokio unvotes; votes Spiritual Mask Salesman
  5. Paranoid King votes Spiritual Mask Salesman
  6. ExLight votes Paranoid King
  7. ExLight unvotes and votes Paranoid King again, just to be sure (must really want him to hang)
  8. Tevish Szat votes Spiritual Mask Salesman
  9. Spiritual Mask Salesman votes Paranoid King
  10. Killjoy votes Paranoid King in sugar pink letters
  11. First Vote Count Tallied
  12. Aaarrrgh votes funnier6
  13. funnier6 votes Paranoid King
  14. Zinger2099 ModVotes funnier6 for asking too many questions (This game is supposed to be bastard-level difficulty, after all)
  15. funnier6 unvotes; votes Zinger2099 (But you can't vote the Mod, so this vote doesn't count for having an invalid target)
  16. Zinger2099 unvotes [404: No link found] (Wait, what? I don't remember doing that...)
  17. funnier6 unvotes; votes Paranoid King
  18. Paranoid King unvotes [404: No link found]
  19. The Sun Fan votes Paranoid King
  20. Killjoy unvotes; votes Killjoy
  21. Tevish Szat unvotes
  22. Second Vote Count Tallied
  23. Killjoy unvotes
  24. Paranoid King unvotes; votes No Lynch
  25. KingofDominaria votes Morbid Minish with a Bonus vote [404: No link found]
  26. Morbid Minish unvotes; votes KingofDominaria
  27. Ragnarokio unvotes; votes Paranoid King
  28. Aaarrrgh unvotes; votes Paranoid King
  29. Hapi votes Paranoid King
  30. Killjoy votes Paranoid King
  31. Paranoid King used Escape Handcuffs; the 2 most recent votes are removed [404: No link found]
  32. The 4 most recent votes against Paranoid King have been removed by a friend [404: No link found]
  33. The Scarlet Spider votes Spiritual Mask Salesman with a Bonus vote
  34. Third Vote Count Tallied
  35. funnier6 votes Paranoid King
  36. Paranoid King unvotes [404: No link found]
  37. Morbid Minish unvotes; votes Paranoid King
  38. Ragnarokio unvotes; votes Paranoid King
  39. Skystone votes Paranoid King
  40. Aaarrrgh votes Paranoid King
  41. The Sun Fan unvotes; votes Paranoid King
  42. Mellow Ezlo votes Paranoid King
  43. Ragnarokio votes Paranoid King three more times
  44. Paranoid King reached his Threshold and has been Lynched


Staff member
although it sounds like his role itself was the cult huh

unless they could recruit in the morning they didn’t have the chance to, which means it was neutralized successfully unless they hit someone D1 (N1 was supposedly roleblocked and D2 used the escape handcuffs)

and that prolly raises a bit of weariness about another anti-town faction which is kinda expected prolly

Tristan’s been pinging me a lot since the game started so I feel like he’s worth some poking unless he claimed something somewhere and I missed it


Staff member
anyway protecting+watching SMS and Minish sounds like the basic play just trust us in this one k

despite being town confirmed I don’t really care much about being protected or watched since my role is kinda useless now since everyone can just confirm whether or not they’re clones because of Tevish’s play last night :v

I’m a bit curious about funnier’s role in this mess too


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Freddeh is Norman Osborne, so there's a good chance he's Goblin aligned.

Was going to wait to say that in the paper, but it might be relevant.
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