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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Aug 22, 2019
It’s a miracle. I actually read every post, even if there really wasn’t much to read because nobody seemed to be scumhunting. The biggest thing I took away was KoD vs Rag, but both seemed kinda townie to me, so I’ll be voting somebody who disappeared into the background imo

Vote: Duskyblue
Pffft, you think I actually scumhunt? Funfun hit the nail on the head last game, I don't actively scumhunt. I antagonize and compile.
...Maybe that's why Rag is acting so strange around me.

Maniacal Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
Killjoy was telling the truth about being spidey aligned, just for the record. What that means regarding whether he's good or bad, I'm not sure, but he is spidey aligned without doubt.

Hi funnier fren. Please post if you have any thoughts. If you have a post restriction of some kind, or can only post to vote, react to this post (if you can).

Poy is being slightly more erratic than last game, which I guess is a good thing. I wish we could see him actually put in effort instead of just posting about how he's posting, but I guess we get what we get. I feel like I should townread him for being slightly different from last game, but he's a tough nut to crack.

Maniacal Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
It’s a miracle. I actually read every post, even if there really wasn’t much to read because nobody seemed to be scumhunting. The biggest thing I took away was KoD vs Rag, but both seemed kinda townie to me, so I’ll be voting somebody who disappeared into the background imo

Vote: Duskyblue
Oof, you ninja'd me.

But I like this post actually. Last game you put in no wiener whatsoever so it's nice seeing you take an actual stance, and it's a vote that seems to come from a genuine place.
Jun 25, 2020
Ok finally caught up. Mostly. Going to just rapid-fire some initial thoughts and a few quotes.

Lot of the thread was the typical RVS/BSery so a lot of this will be from more recent...

someone halved my threshold I REPEAT SOMEONE HALVED MY THRESHOLD
if a decent amount of people start scumreading me I might end up wanting yall to shoot me in the night

not yet though, but still

Alarmist plus suicidal as a dare against scumreads reads on the scummy to me (ironically enough).

Y'all realize this is too easy right? Like Zinger is just gonna throw town with mafia and let the main villain be easily killed? I want to make sure there's no trickery going on first.

Yeah you can be town. This also leads me to believe most of the rest they've said on The Jackal. Someone save this poor sweet soul.

Sounds like your being coached to through your QT

Nice to see maniacal laughter instead of denial for a change. I'm sure you have towns best interests at heart.

This really sounds like whoever your afilliated with thought it best you amend your statement. Though your solution of doing nothing is concerning. Like, are you asking to be tracked? Perhaps you are being used as bait?

I don't like that you're kinda picking it apart based on something that reads to me as just "this is a complicated game with a lot of text thrown at you that you may misread". I expect something like that to happen for a lot of people here so calling this out specifically is a little susp. That said, I do expect something like this from you as either alignment so just :eyes: for now.

Outside of that: people/events I can remember making a serious impact on the thread

Arrrrrgh starting off the thread as he did gets a slight town lean, him being aware of it prevents it from being a hard town read though.

Rag vs KoD: Makes me suspicious of both as they both dropped this argument much sooner than I would normally expect. Rag makes a passing comment about it later before completely dropping the vote.

Rag in general: Definitely cares about this game, and I've seen him be tangentially helpful to town with votecounts and the like as mafia before, I just can't recall if he also does this as town when he cares. Generally though Rag caring is pretty not alignment indicative (NAI).

KoD: Eh, I can never read him d1. Doing fairly typical KoD things though.

Killjoy: I like their participation in the thread, but the overreacts to accidental early posts feel a bit....off to me. Is this a normal Killjoy thing?

I tend to agree with Sun Fan's analysis of at least poznan though: Poznan looks pretty OMGUS to me. It does look like Killjoy is trying to egg them on though while not directly throwing shade/scum reads on which feels....suspicious....to me.


Vote: PK

Mostly to prove that I can.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Oof, you ninja'd me.

But I like this post actually. Last game you put in no wiener whatsoever so it's nice seeing you take an actual stance, and it's a vote that seems to come from a genuine place.
I have no idea why my phone corrected work to wiener.
Aah hahahahahahaha I even read it without thinking it might have been autocorrected. XD
Jun 25, 2020
It’s a miracle. I actually read every post, even if there really wasn’t much to read because nobody seemed to be scumhunting. The biggest thing I took away was KoD vs Rag, but both seemed kinda townie to me, so I’ll be voting somebody who disappeared into the background imo

Vote: Duskyblue

I would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that it ended far too suddenly. It could just be that the Minish thing derailed it but they're both pretty stubborn.

Maniacal Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
The case against Rag is interesting. I don't think her case against KoD really holds up, at least not for me, but tunneling is not against Rag's meta as any alignment I don't think. I also don't really agree with the votes on SunSun, though if I ignore meta and put myself in the NGA players shoes I can kinda understand them.
Jun 25, 2020
The case against Rag is interesting. I don't think her case against KoD really holds up, at least not for me, but tunneling is not against Rag's meta as any alignment I don't think. I also don't really agree with the votes on SunSun, though if I ignore meta and put myself in the NGA players shoes I can kinda understand them.

Nah, it was more the tangential "HEY LOOK I'M BEING HELPFUL" things like the vote count posts that trigger my suspicion on her.

Also replace all my incorrect pronouns on Rag, years of habit is hard to break.


I, Chocobo
Jun 28, 2020
It’s a miracle. I actually read every post, even if there really wasn’t much to read because nobody seemed to be scumhunting. The biggest thing I took away was KoD vs Rag, but both seemed kinda townie to me, so I’ll be voting somebody who disappeared into the background imo

Vote: Duskyblue
I find these sorts of unsubstantiated judgments to be dangerous. Without actually providing evidence (what was Dusky's original rate of posting? To what extent has it actually diminished?), they contribute little but the pretense of actually having committed to a position, which is exactly the sort of argumentative 'shield' that scum can hide behind. (In the sense that a vague perception both looks like work and yet is also safe and non-committal.)

Not that I think you're scum, per se. I'm just sayin'.

Maniacal Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012
Killjoy: I like their participation in the thread, but the overreacts to accidental early posts feel a bit....off to me. Is this a normal Killjoy thing?
Killjoy is a new player who is still trying to figure the game itself out, so I don't fault this too much. In the last game, which was his first, he was scum and spent most of his time asking questions rather than producing unique thoughts, and I don't remember him being super reactive.

I think he's slightly out of his element here and is just trying to figure out how this complex game works.
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