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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Jul 12, 2020
Quick test - Can people see this?

I posted back on page 45, but it's still awaiting moderator approval. I had an earlier message that went straight through, so I'm not sure what's up.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
santa and sean connery are also technically possible answeres


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Quick test - Can people see this?

I posted back on page 45, but it's still awaiting moderator approval. I had an earlier message that went straight through, so I'm not sure what's up.

make some more posts outside the mafia section i guess, though it says you already have 5 posts so maybe DM jimmu about it? the filter only stops some posts for going through (ones that are flagged as being potentially spam by an AI that isn't great). It definitely sounds like your posts are still being filtered


Staff member
Quick test - Can people see this?

I posted back on page 45, but it's still awaiting moderator approval. I had an earlier message that went straight through, so I'm not sure what's up.
you need to post at least 5 times on some other parts of the forum so the anti-spam filter doesn't deny you
after you messages go through please comply them in a post by quoting them


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
you need to post at least 5 times on some other parts of the forum so the anti-spam filter doesn't deny you
after you messages go through please comply them in a post by quoting them

pretty sure he made 5 posts before the game even started, i remember looking at his profile when he signed up and seeing that he had made 5

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
To answer @KingofDominaria a few pages back, I don't feel like linking on mobile but in the game I recently hosted (should be on the first page of threads if you want to look) Rag was the godfather and took a super active role and maintained something of a town leadership throughout the game. So I trust her now, but what I was trying to get at is that her scum game can surprise you.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Funnier's newly adopted writing style is both amusing and obnoxious, but also impressive. And the idea that he is a Rubik clone is downright hilarious.

I do think it's plausible that funnier could be the Stan man himself. Though, in the previous iteration of Spidey Maf, was Stan Lee's character role PM the same as it was in the OP?
Jul 12, 2020
hey @Paranoid King you said you played some forum mafia before in some of your offtopic posts right
would you mind linking some games so we can have at least a bit of meta to work with?
No problem! Bear in mind that these games are about 2 years old at this point.

In order from most to least recent:
QF33: Deception in the Cosmere
LG39: Blood Money
MR24: Baleful Eye
LG37: Forest Thread (There were 2 threads in this game, but I never posted in the other one.)
QF25: A Sundered Sky

Alternatively, if you just want to see my posts in those games, might I direct you here? My mafia posts are page 5 and older.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
In relation to my vote on Poy, I did not feel particularly inclined to scum read him then, nor do I feel inclined to scum read anyone now. I was in need of someone to prove the authenticity of my vote on and he managed to draw the lucky straw. In fact his posts make me inclined to believe he was town, though he has a mind to post such seeming things as mafia, rarely is the day he does so with such art. As I don't believe there has been any vote count since I have cast it, the vote will stand. If not for the extraordinary amount of posts on her person I most likely would have voted Rag, and sooner, solely because her early game arguments are something that have long rested ill within bones, in spite of knowing full well that town Rag thrives on these moreso than her malicious counterpart.

In relation to my being on a journey of self discovery, I am late to give the news that I am in fact a clone, and in fact I am a clone of someone we are all in acquaintance with, which I find highly amusing. But, as mentioned before, this guise is but a guise and nothing more. My true identity I know it not, and seeking it is my primary motivation. My solitary clue in this search is that my true personage has white hair. My knowledge of comics being what it is, I cannot fathom the city the answer lies in, let alone, the ballpark, and would appreciate any manner of information leading to the recovery of said lost identity.

Though it seems an amusing search, with all its elements of mystery and intrigue, I am in no rush to solve it, as upon the end of that journey I foresee I will sink further into the sands of apathy, and I have no desire to lose that singular glow in my eyes.

With that, I believe I have said all that is needed, and may quit my correspondence until such time as it appears necessary to write something further
Omg this is funny, I'm sorry.

Hmm, white hair? Maybe Madame Web or Black Cat?
Jun 15, 2020
in spider man mafia 2 stan lee was both the example role pm and a role in the game, if i recall correctly.

Stan Lee was an actual role in Maximum Carnage: A Spider-Man Mafia
Stan Lee was the example role in Hobgoblin Lives: A Spider-Man Mafia 2
He is also the example role in this game, if you look at Post #....3?4? Something like that. But he was never used as an actual role and an example role at the same time. Roger Stern, the guy who created the Hobgoblin, was a role in ASMM2, which is probably what you are thinking of.
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