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Game Thread The Clone Saga: A Spider-Man Mafia 3

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Dec 13, 2019
Or, for that matter, where you got the similar notion wrt to Min Min as she's been no thing but a gatekeeper to info that "very much concerns helping" the town.
Dec 13, 2019
take off the tinfoil hat maybe

...do you not realize that removing threats to the town includes funnier and sms. Town does not have the luxury of just waiting forever for something to happen with them. Nor do they have a reason to.

If you think funnier is inert because the trial you're drinking their koolaid. Yesterday's vote count showed he removed KoD's vote just fine. So he's being mechanically shut down. His concern over this fact speaks to him being concerned for himself and not "achieving the town win" as he's saying.

There's absolutely no reason not to tunnel on known scum. Which Norman and the Osborn's haven't qualified as yet. We know the goblin aligned win con. It's not directly in contention of towns. The goblin alignment HAS won with town before. There's nothing to indicate they can't again so far. So choosing to ignore known threats funnier, sms, and CL in order to pursue them is stupid at this juncture. If we feel gaunts kill threatens the town win its highest priority removal. Follow that by known threats. CL needs to be exiled so that's another issue altogether.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
take off the tinfoil hat maybe
*grabs "over Nine Thousands hat and puts it on*
There's absolutely no reason not to tunnel on known scum. Which Norman and the Osborn's haven't qualified as yet. We know the goblin aligned win con. It's not directly in contention of towns. The goblin alignment HAS won with town before. There's nothing to indicate they can't again so far. So choosing to ignore known threats funnier, sms, and CL in order to pursue them is stupid at this juncture. If we feel gaunts kill threatens the town win its highest priority removal. Follow that by known threats. CL needs to be exiled so that's another issue altogether.
He's got a point. Also, Just because the goblin won WITH town before doesn't mean this time he'll flip and aim at winning with scum.


I, Chocobo
Jun 28, 2020
We know the goblin aligned win con. It's not directly in contention of towns. The goblin alignment HAS won with town before. There's nothing to indicate they can't again so far.
We know the Goblin wincon, yes, but we also know that Freddeh isn't Goblin-aligned. So you really have no basis for making that claim.

For that matter, we know all but definitely that SMS does have a town-compatible win con, so by your own logic he is in essence a known non-threat unless he loses his town motivation.

Given that Gaunt does seem to be killing town or pro-town players, and given that lying about PGO is a lynchable scummy offense, town has reason enough to start hunting 'Osbornes'.

(Maybe you know something that you should tell us?)
Dec 13, 2019
We know the Goblin wincon, yes, but we also know that Freddeh isn't Goblin-aligned. So you really have no basis for making that claim.

My claim is that Fred and the Goblins aren't known to be mechanical threats to the town because we don't know Fred's win con/status. Sms and funnier have both admitted that they are. Seems like a pretty solid basis to me.

Town doesn't have reason to hunt anybody other than gaunt. We know the Osborn's are hunting spider man. To that end they will likely off MJ and then Silver. After that it's completely up in the air. (Probably not) Coincidentally that's exactly what their aim was when they won with town. They killed spider man and then aided in removing Carnage from the game.


Staff member
Sms and funnier have both admitted that they are. Seems like a pretty solid basis to me.
SMS said and was proven to have a town wincon for now; and Funnier’s trial is already over.

I don’t care if goblin alignment could win with town before, just because it was the case before that doesn’t mean it’s the case here. Gaunt is likely Goblin aligned and the fact they’re killing town and town-sided spider players proves they don’t deserve trust. I’m not sure what’s going on with your obsession towards neutralized threats instead and it’s mildly annoying.


I, Chocobo
Jun 28, 2020
My claim is that Fred and the Goblins aren't known to be mechanical threats to the town because we don't know Fred's win con/status. Sms and funnier have both admitted that they are. Seems like a pretty solid basis to me.
They have admitted no such thing. Funnier has alleged a) that he required Spider-Man to submit a guilty plea in order to win, and b) that he can no longer win the game. Neither now constitutes a de facto mechanical threat. SMS admits that he could be a threat to town, but we have it on reliable third party attestation that SMS's pro-town win condition is legitimate. He is thus not mechanically required to act against town's interest.

Whereas, as you're no doubt aware, the Goblin win-condition requires - mechanically speaking - the death of Spider-Man, a powerful and necessarily pro-town actor. So, yes, the actual structural mechanics of Goblin-alignment in the minimal case, and likely that the actual Osborn(s) themselves, motivates them to undermine town's foundations.

So either you're talking about strict and non-optional mechanical confinement in the "I am mafia" sense, in which case none of the parties mentioned are a known and demonstrable threat; or else you're referring to mechanical threat in the looser structural/motivational sense, in which the Goblins themselves are actually more threatening.

Town doesn't have reason to hunt anybody other than gaunt. We know the Osborn's are hunting spider man.
"They're only hunting the most powerful pro-town role."

...Yup. No big deal.
Jun 17, 2020
Putting that boring discussion aside do any of you scarlet spiders have any way of dealing with CL or will we have to puzzle out a way to stop them?

I managed to comeback from a lynching and being exiled so maybe a town vig. Lmfao
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