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The AoL Backstory

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Jan 1, 2009
Hyrule and Azeroth
Didn't Nabaru become a sage during the kid part of the game? I distinctly remember that at least half of that temple had to be done as a kid. She told kid Link that she didn't like Ganondorf. It was established during the child portion of the game that she was not his follower. Whether other people would believe that or not is up to them, but if the kid who just saved the world told me that this supposed thief is really an ally, I would take his word for it.
Non of the OoT sages are awakened during the child portion of OoT, and I doubt that any of them were awakened at all on the CT, considering what the TP sages are like.

Doesn't change that the developers intended for it to look like the towns of AoL are named after the sages.
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