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Team Fortress 2: Mann vs. Machine

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Aug 12, 2015
The second sentence is me replying to A Link in Time, not something he said. If a mod can fix the quote tags, that'd be much appreciated.


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
Another weird play from you. Similarly to how I criticized HeroOfTime on Day One for pushing Malon for answers, you are pushing FrozenChosen for answers when you could have just let it go. I for one didn't catch the connection, and scum might not have either. Why'd you spell it out like that?

That said, you make a good point. It is like it is, so the question is what to do in this situation. I personally think that if your theory is true, Johnny is more likely to be scum rather than vig since he didn't seem to know about the odd/even night restriction at first, something I'd imagine the vigilante would know about. There's no proof about this of course, but I think it's reasonable to assume that every town powerrole has a restriction like that.
Depends on your definition of weird.
It was his own choice to make the hint. And if I'm scum, as you've openly questioned a number of times, I would already have catched it.
Anyone who read his post noted his statement. That can't be undone anymore anyhow. Besides, till now we've only been playing defensively. Day 1 was wasted on Storm, day 2 on this apparent "clash" between me and Pendio, with a touch on that debate about Johnny, with arguments that so far were not even legitimate anymore. We've done a terrible job as town so far, if Frozen can change this to a possibility to proactively hunt for scum, that would be worth the potential negatives of his role being out in the open. The trick is to know when (and when not) to take risks, and I'm willing to gamble right now.

Exactly, I agree about your theory that if Frozen is generally a tracker/watcher of some sorts, Johnny is more likely to be scum. But who knows whether that was actually what Frozen meant, we might've just misunderstood his statement. So I won't vote till Frozen elaborates on that.

ALIT is not persé that scummy in my eyes but his post did seem like a possibile scum member trying to solidify the position of his team mate. Now, this is only based on the idea that Frozen knows for sure that Johnny targetted Sadia, and that Johnny is scum. Even then it's only one post, with many possible explanations. But it's not a bad idea to at least note it down and keep it in mind, in case the other 2 assumptions eventually appear to be true
Aug 12, 2015
Depends on your definition of weird.
It was his own choice to make the hint. And if I'm scum, as you've openly questioned a number of times, I would already have catched it.
Anyone who read his post noted his statement. That can't be undone anymore anyhow. Besides, till now we've only been playing defensively. Day 1 was wasted on Storm, day 2 on this apparent "clash" between me and Pendio, with a touch on that debate about Johnny, with arguments that so far were not even legitimate anymore. We've done a terrible job as town so far, if Frozen can change this to a possibility to proactively hunt for scum, that would be worth the potential negatives of his role being out in the open. The trick is to know when (and when not) to take risks, and I'm willing to gamble right now.

Exactly, I agree about your theory that if Frozen is generally a tracker/watcher of some sorts, Johnny is more likely to be scum. But who knows whether that was actually what Frozen meant, we might've just misunderstood his statement. So I won't vote till Frozen elaborates on that.

ALIT is not persé that scummy in my eyes but his post did seem like a possibile scum member trying to solidify the position of his team mate. Now, this is only based on the idea that Frozen knows for sure that Johnny targetted Sadia, and that Johnny is scum. Even then it's only one post, with many possible explanations. But it's not a bad idea to at least note it down and keep it in mind, in case the other 2 assumptions eventually appear to be true

Makes sense to me. I'd like to read over Johnny's posts once more and, like you, wait for an answer from Frozen Chosen before I vote. I think this could be a pretty good lead though - better than any others we have anyway.


The game is on!
I think that if Johnny is scum, you might very well be a fellow scumbud.

I had the same thought when I read his post. To me it seemed very overly protective. I think there is definitely a good chance if one of them is scum, for the other to be scum too. However, I also see the possibility of Johnny being Town, and ALIT being a Mafia member who is either trying to earn the trust of the Townie that he is defending, or trying to pull Johnny down with him, it case ALIT should die.

Of course it could be something entirely different too. I just wanted to add more possibilities.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
Aargh, no one's voted so far except Malon...

I honestly don't really know who to vote for presently. The only suspect I currently have is maybe Johnny Sooshi because of his post a while back:

Johnni Sooshi said:
This made me think of something actually. Malon hinted at not necessarily being able to use his power every day. What if the team aspect of TF2 means one is, say even day, one is odd day when it comes to specific powers? Thoughts?

For reasons stated by a couple of other members, I think this makes him either VT or mafia. If no other cases are made for other players, I think I'll vote for him tomorrow.
Feb 17, 2015
I never said I never knew about the two team setup.

I'm really sorry, dude. I meant you didn't know about the odd/even restriction just like Tristan mentioned.

He suggested the possibility of the odd/even restriction but implied he didn't already know that it existed.

Sorry if that was confusing.

Now, talking about my knowledge that he is not vanilla Townie. I was purposefully trying to be vague on that one. I heard some mention that they would like to go forward with this day by lynching Sooshi, so I would like to know if you want me to give a detailed answer as to why I think Johnny Sooshi isn't a vanilla townie. If the majority of people say so, then I'll go into more detail.

That being said, if you would like to know my other suspicions, hop on over to my homepage where I take an in-depth look at Kokirion and Pendio's argument, Link in Time's slight protection of Sooshi, and Jamie's role claim of gudfather. Don't forget to subscribe. (Sorry, I'm really tired and I need to wake up. I'm not funny in the morning... or really ever for that matter....)
But I do find these guys, except Jamie, suspicious.
Aug 12, 2015
For reasons stated by a couple of other members, I think this makes him either VT or mafia. If no other cases are made for other players, I think I'll vote for him tomorrow.

Not necessarily. He could also have a town powerrole, but decided to be sensible and try to keep the mafia in the dark about it.

Now, talking about my knowledge that he is not vanilla Townie. I was purposefully trying to be vague on that one. I heard some mention that they would like to go forward with this day by lynching Sooshi, so I would like to know if you want me to give a detailed answer as to why I think Johnny Sooshi isn't a vanilla townie. If the majority of people say so, then I'll go into more detail.

I vote no, since enough has been said already. If Johnny flips town we'll know where to look next, so I think the possibility of you purposely trying to mislead us into lynching a townie is rather low.

Vote: Johnny Sooshi

I don't want to speedlynch Johnny, but given that Day Two ends tomorrow and no one except Malon has really voted yet, I think it's time to cast my vote now. If his votecount gets too high before the end of the day, I'll gladly unvote to allow for more discussion.
Aug 12, 2015
Not necessarily. He could also have a town powerrole, but decided to be sensible and try to keep the mafia in the dark about it.

Before people jump me about this, please note that I don't believe Johnny has a town powerrole. I was merely pointing out that HeroOfTime's argument isn't completely sound.
Nov 17, 2014
My suspicions are leaning towards Pendio. He has seemed really scummy this game, but this round especially. I was going to vote for him last round, but without any real evidence, I decided to just leave it the way it was. Now, people have brought up some interesting points. I'm ready to cast my vote. also, people need to understand that this is just a game. You've all started attacking each other! Calm down, and look at the posts like reasonable human beings. If someone attacks you, you don't need to retaliate, either.

K thanks, bye...
Aug 12, 2015
My suspicions are leaning towards Pendio. He has seemed really scummy this game, but this round especially. I was going to vote for him last round, but without any real evidence, I decided to just leave it the way it was. Now, people have brought up some interesting points. I'm ready to cast my vote. also, people need to understand that this is just a game. You've all started attacking each other! Calm down, and look at the posts like reasonable human beings. If someone attacks you, you don't need to retaliate, either.

K thanks, bye...

What about Pendio do you find suspicious? Not arguing, just asking. :)

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
The reason I started to doubt if Johnny is indeed a VT is because someone else replied to him inquiring about the odd/even night set up, making me think that it's more likely said person is either a VT or scum. I already mentioned this in one of my earlier posts. Now, I'd rather not explicitly say who it is so the mafia doesn't catch on, but I find it extremely convenient that Johnny would mention the odd/even night set-up in the first place if he didn't have the knowledge that it was being used in this game. His mentioning of x-shot night roles may have been a bonus he tossed in there so the mafia wasn't aware of what was actually occurring in the game. Unfortunately, the odd/even nights quickly came out to the general public either way. Of course there's the possibility that Johnny simply considered the possibility of such a set up because he's played so many games, so I don't think he should be written off as mafia or VT just yet, but it seems too convenient for him to just blindly hit the nail on the head.
Nov 17, 2014
What about Pendio do you find suspicious? Not arguing, just asking. :)
Well, it's mostly just a feeling, but some of his posts, too. I'll look through the previous posts and see if I can find one that stood out as scummy or suspicious.
Aug 12, 2015
The reason I started to doubt if Johnny is indeed a VT is because someone else replied to him inquiring about the odd/even night set up, making me think that it's more likely said person is either a VT or scum.

Before you go looking for that post, that was me. I asked because I wanted to find out wether he didn't know or just didn't say. In other words, I was scumhunting.

Well, it's mostly just a feeling, but some of his posts, too. I'll look through the previous posts and see if I can find one that stood out as scummy or suspicious.

It'd be great if you could, because it's easier to generate discussion that way. :)
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