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Sword Art Online: The Game Begins


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
The town of beginnings is still quite busy, despite there being three floors to spread out to. Many who chose to stay safe rather than continue the game had decided to remain here, among low-level enemies. So, too, had those who had given up hope, and many children. The only ones here of any note were those who came to guard the town and visitors.
The new guy's appearance had caused quite a stir in the area around him. It was almost unheard of for someone new to come to the game. The few who had joined later were those who had given up hope in the real world and had come here to start over. There were also a few who came seeking loved ones who had been trapped in the game. Some were simply thrill-seekers, imagining the game to be the ultimate fight for your life.
A crowd began to form around the young man, as they wondered which group he was a part of. Why he was here. though most were afraid to actually ask.


Zofian General
Jun 28, 2017
Ram Village, Zofia
Kaless was quickly mobbed by townsfolk and warriors alike. "I want to join a group and fight to floor 100. Anyone here I can join?" Kaless screamed into the crowd around him.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
The crowd has a number of reactions. Some of them awkwardly look away and shuffle back. Others laugh. There are a few groans.
A wannabe hero. That's what he is.
A man with a scruffy beard and brown hair shakes his head, "Youre level one, boy. Far too low leveled to be going anywhere near the front lines just yet," he extends a hand, "Call me Dean."


Zofian General
Jun 28, 2017
Ram Village, Zofia
Kaless understands what this man says, but wants to grind to a level high enough to fight with. A man extended his hand to Kaless and introduced himself as Dean. He took Dean's hand and shook it. "The name is Kaless. Are you a fighter?"

Kaless wanted to be a hero. Not for fame, or fun, but to save lives. His life in the real world was awful, but he wanted to save someone. SAO was the perfect opportunity to so such.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
"A broker actually," Dean responds. He looks at the boy in front of him. He was 17, but far from mature. He was impulsive... but also motivated.
"I may not be a clearer, but I know some people on the front lines. I'll help you grind, see what you're made of. If you look like you can be of help to them, I'll send your name upstairs. How does that sound?"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
" I wasn't too sure, as I started cutting down trees and building walls after that. he could have beaten the floor as far as I know"


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Dean starts walking through the maze of streets that made up the town, expecting Kaless to follow him. The city seemed impossible to get around at first, but over time he'd grown confident in finding his way around.
The fields were pretty sparse with people. Most of those who travelled here now were travelers; very few were a low enough level to do any good grinding down here, and those who were typically were for a reason. It was nothing like those first few days had been. For a while it had seemed almost impossible to find anything to grind on.
Emerging from the busy city, he doesn't turn back to his trainee as he speaks, "Do you understand the combat system at all?"

"Well obviously he didn't do that," Al reasoned, "We would've known and there's no way he would've survived a boss fight alone. Chances are he's just in one of the towns meeting someone, or off doing a quest... but still, that's the last we've heard of him," he gestures for Lupus to take lead, "Show us where you saw him."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Lupus leads Alwin into the labyrinth of logs to where he was building the Guild Hall
" he was right here, but now he's not


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Aiko followed behind Lupus, worried about where Ulrich might be. As they made it to the location, Aiko suddenly gasped. Ulrich's health bar had suddenly started getting dangerously low. "Guys! He's in trouble!" Aiko ran off in a random direction, trying to find Ulrich before something bad happened.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Al chases after her. He's worried too, but he doesn't want to show it. Someone had to stay calm.
"Aiko, stop!" He reaches out to grab her arm, but misses, "We don't even know where he is!"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Lup[us and Bel Nod and Run behind Aiko
"I have levels in tracking. I have him on my mini-map. this way"


Zofian General
Jun 28, 2017
Ram Village, Zofia
Kaless followed Dean through the streets and crowds of the starting city. They reached the outskirts of the town. Dean asked Kaless a question about the combat system, "Somewhat, could you explain in more detail?" Kaless asked.

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