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Sword Art Online Mafia

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Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Why does it suck? I rarely if ever take day one seriously and there are plenty of people who are doing it, I doubt I would make much of a difference. Day one is always kinda annoying to me.

I just expected more participation. And no, useless posts don't make a difference, but ones with actual substance do. Because the more opinions we get from different players, the more we have to analyze later on.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Why does it suck? I rarely if ever take day one seriously and there are plenty of people who are doing it, I doubt I would make much of a difference. Day one is always kinda annoying to me.
Same here, but there comes a time when you realize that the puns are done. Besides, how many "not serious" posts have been made since we started being serious?
Also, a single post can make a difference. It's happened before. And, if day one annoys you, then make it not like Day One. Join us in trying to make the most of it.

@Sadia Probably won't hear from you until the next day, but why Pen in particular? There are plenty of other solid players here.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Vote count:

Pendio - 2 (Mido, Sadia)
Sadia - 2 (Pendio, PokaLink)
musican - 1 (Justac00lguy)

Not voting: Crus@der77x, Repetance, Sheik, musicfan, Batman, Go_Dark_Link, Linkdude74, Kiddrangon, Blackkirby, Johnny Sooshi, Mellow Ezlo, DekuNut, Scarfed

With 18 players alive it takes 10 for a lynch. Day ends on Saturday, April 25th 2015 at 11:59 PM GMT -7

I hope everyone realizes the tie rule btw ;)


The game is on!
For me, I would like to know Pen's alignment now, because a couple people obviously don't want him gone.

And I would very much like to know your role, because you obviously want me gone. As it looks right now, we are both getting our wishes granted since both players will die if the day ends in a tie in this game, and I am actually surprisingly okay with this. And to be honest, I do not think I have ever seen you playing quite like this before. It intrigues me.

Also, I know it might not mean much coming from me, but Sadia is known to be a very crafty and cunning Mafia player while scum. So the fact that her reason for voting for me is because I have been proven to be a threat to the Town as a Mafiosi in the past does not hold too much water coming from her, since the terms that apply to me apply to her as well. Also, last year I lost a few games while playing as a Mafia member, so I am clearly not that big of a threat in that regard if I am Mafia (which Sadia seems to be basing this whole thing of off). However, while I did lose a few games as Mafia last year, I did not lose a single game in which I was on the Town's side, so I think that, if anything, I can be a useful and handy asset to the Town. Also, for everybody's information, I have sneaked in a soft claim somewhere (although do not expect me to either confirm or deny anything this early on).


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Day ends in about 2.5 hours. I'm probably going to go to bed soon and will post the lynch seen tomorrow morning. Any vote after midnight GMT -7 won't be counted.

The next game day will end 11:59pm GMT and will continue to end then. I didn't really think this through at first.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Alright, I made it before deadline.

And I would very much like to know your role, because you obviously want me gone. As it looks right now, we are both getting our wishes granted since both players will die if the day ends in a tie in this game, and I am actually surprisingly okay with this. And to be honest, I do not think I have ever seen you playing quite like this before. It intrigues me.

Also, I know it might not mean much coming from me, but Sadia is known to be a very crafty and cunning Mafia player while scum. So the fact that her reason for voting for me is because I have been proven to be a threat to the Town as a Mafiosi in the past does not hold too much water coming from her, since the terms that apply to me apply to her as well. Also, last year I lost a few games while playing as a Mafia member, so I am clearly not that big of a threat in that regard if I am Mafia (which Sadia seems to be basing this whole thing of off). However, while I did lose a few games as Mafia last year, I did not lose a single game in which I was on the Town's side, so I think that, if anything, I can be a useful and handy asset to the Town. Also, for everybody's information, I have sneaked in a soft claim somewhere (although do not expect me to either confirm or deny anything this early on).

I think you've misinterpreted me. It's not that I wanted you gone specifically, I just wanted to start up discussion. Games usually start out in a manner close to this. Also, it wasn't all because I thought you were "great as scum." For the most part, I picked you because I generally find you hard to read, regardless of alignment.

I actually totally forgot about the tie rule. I don't exactly mind dying. But this does make me all the more suspicious of Pokalink.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Ok I'm going to be writing the lynch scene right now. I'm on mobile so this might take a while. I'd advise you not to post after this because if the night post ninjas you and you post at night you'll still be nightkilled.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Vote count:

Pendio - 2 (Mido, Sadia)
Sadia - 2 (Pendio, PokaLink)

musican - 1 (Justac00lguy)

Not voting: Crus@der77x, Repetance, Sheik, musicfan, Batman, Go_Dark_Link, Linkdude74, Kiddrangon, Blackkirby, Johnny Sooshi, Mellow Ezlo, DekuNut, Scarfed

Decision on who to kill the first day was tough but they got two targets from their investigations that day. With only 4 people speaking up that day though, you have to wonder if these guys are foolish or not. They might have accidentally killed someone very close to them. Well... spoiler alert... they got lucky.

They first stabbed Sadia until her hp went to zero. She didn't explode into a million tiny pixles however, and this threw everyone off. Her body then began to morph. Getting bigger and bigger and more misshapen until they relalized who it was. It was their ride.

Then they all stabbed Pendio until his hp went to zero. The same thing happened... no explosion in to millions of pixles. They ripped of his cloak and were all in shock. An ncp of the recreation of this man from the original game? Or was he a ghost that just won't leave us alone?

Saida was Tonkii the Town Bus Driver

Pendio was Kayaba Akihiko (Heathcliff) the Godfather


The living (16):
  1. DekuNut
  2. Crus@der77x
  3. Repentance
  4. Mido
  5. Sheik
  6. musicfan
  7. Batman
  8. Justac00lguy
  9. Go_Dark_Link
  10. Linkdude74
  11. Kiddrangon
  12. Sarfed
  13. PokaLink
  14. Mellow Ezlo
  15. Blackkirby
  16. Johnny Sooshi
The dead (2):
  1. Sadia Tonkii - Town Bus Driver (Transformed Day 1)
  2. Pendio Kayaba Akihiko (Heathcliff) - Godfather (Disconnected Day 1)

Night 1 begins

Dont forget to send me your bought actions in a private message. Night ends Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 11:59 GMT



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Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
The night was coming to the end and you could see the beautiful sunrise in the horizon. After the killing of one of the scum on the first day, they decided to have a night of celebration. On the way back to town to try to kill more of the scum trying to murder them all, Johnny Sooshi wanted to make a detour to look at the beautiful scenery of ALO. Seeing as she was not in this game for very long and the old game she played was a pallet of browns and greys, she wanted to wander around and appreciate the beauty of this game for once. However, she didn't realize she was being followed.

When she reached a river, she decided to sit down and just watch the water. It was a relaxing time until she heard a familiar sound which terrified her. The sound of a gun being loaded. She quickly turned around and puller out her sword, but seeing the gun in his hands terrified her. Her fear of guns set in and her skin went pale, and she was shaking. Before she could make a move though, the figure shot her in the middle of her forehead and she went limp.

The sound of the gun shocked everyone and they rushed to the scene. There next to the river was Johnny Sooshi. Just laying there with her blood dying the water around her read. Someone then walked up to her and ripped off her cloak to reveal ears, a tail, and a sniper rifle.

Johnny Sooshi was Asada Shino (Sinon) the Town Vigilante


The living (15):
  1. DekuNut
  2. Crus@der77x
  3. Repentance
  4. Mido
  5. Sheik
  6. musicfan
  7. Batman
  8. Justac00lguy
  9. Go_Dark_Link
  10. Linkdude74
  11. Kiddrangon
  12. Sarfed
  13. PokaLink
  14. Mellow Ezlo
  15. Blackkirby
The dead (3):
  1. Sadia Tonkii - Town Bus Driver (Transformed Day 1)
  2. Pendio Kayaba Akihiko (Heathcliff) - Godfather (Disconnected Day 1)
  3. Johnny Sooshi Asada Shino (Sinon) - Town Vigilante (Shot in the head Night 1)
Day 2 begins

With 15 players alive it takes 12 for a lynch. Day ends on Sunday, May 3rd 2015 at 11:59 PM GMT

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