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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Sakurai has elaborated on the system of Global Smash Power in his newest piece, and talks about its benefits.

Nobody Is #1 In The New Smash Bros. Games, And That's A Good Thing

You could call it a 'reverse ranking'. It counts how far you are from the bottom instead of how far you are from the top. It's simple, but in solves a lot of the problems with conventional ranking systems!

Also, I'm posting this because it's awesome.



The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Nintendo just confirmed that they will host a Super Smash Bros. International Smash-Fest at Best Buy!


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Monday, 28th April

The Assist Trophy, Midna! This is the 3DS version. She's going to grab and throw things all over the place. Her uncontrollable, whimsical nature remains intact.
The first sight of Midna in the 3DS title, who was revealed to be a new assist trophy in the Direct last month.

Tuesday, 29th April

Tether recovery? Yes, you can! And from even longer range than before. Multiple fighters can latch on--who actually grabs hold is determined by the same rules as the standard ledge grab.
Amazing, outstanding, incredible. This gives characters with tethers a great buff, and in the case of Link, a much needed one. While many special moves that functioned as tethers in Brawl have been replaced, such as Olimar's and Zero Suit Samus' Up Special Moves and Sheik's Side Special Move, they are retained as being performed through aerial grabs. We were told through a previous post of the new ledge mechanics, and they would be put in place in this occurrence, as well.

Wednesday, 30th April

With the Super Leaf, any fighter can have ears and a tail. You can also float in the air by pressing the jump button. We're still figuring out whether you'll be able to attack with the tail...
An item first seen in a press screenshot released for the Direct. It is similar to the classic Bunny Hood item in that it adds animal parts for enhanced abilities. It could be equipped like other Mario power-ups by simply touching it (such as the Super Mushroom), or need to be picked up like most items.

Thursday, 1st May

The menacing foe, Orne! It inflicts devastating damage--it's even more powerful than the Ultimate Chimera in the last game. RUNNN!!
The Ultimate Chimera was the stage hazard in the New Pork City stage in Brawl. When bitten, hundreds of percent of damage and extreme knockback impact the player, which could only be survived by teching, essentially. In Kid Icarus: Uprising, where the Orne originates, it was instant-death on contact, so it is fitting to have this amount of strength here. It could be a Smash Run enemy, stage hazard, or perhaps even an Assist Trophy.

Friday, 2nd May

We didn't introduce ALL of the Assist Trophies in the Smash Bros. Direct. Here's Dillon from Dillon's Rolling Western!! He may rival Sonic in the art of rolling.


This is his trophy. He may be an animal, and his buckles are definitely on the adorable side, but there's no denying he looks cool!! His Assist Trophy can even do things like a quick charge.
A character seen for the first time in the Smash universe, worthy of an appearance. Dillon's Rolling Western was a 3DS eShop exclusive title released in 2012, and had a sequel in 2013. He is the 21st Assist Trophy known to be in the game, and the 10th new one. Of these, only two have been seen in both versions, Midna and Isabelle. Regarding regular trophies, Dillon is the fifth on Wii U, eighth in total, and the first of all those to be seen in gameplay also.
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Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
They give a release date for the 3DS version yet? If they're releasing it in the summer, it feels like the date should be known by now.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Monday, 5th May

You can get up on the lights of this special ring. It's a perfect secret hiding place.


And you can attack the lights and have them fall to the ground! That makes things dark. The lights are way up high, but even Little Mac can get up there by jumping off the ropes.
What seemed to be a straight-forward stage now has a destructive hazard. There's still questions to be answered regarding things such as how much abuse the lights can take and how it will respawn, if at all.

Tuesday, 6th May

Members of the Enemies That Love to Hide Association, here are Octorok and Met. Calmly grab them while they're ducking.
The first sight of Octoroks. They use the design as seen in Skyward Sword. This post also lets on that Smash Run enemies can be grabbed. The same could be done in Brawl's Subspace Emissary, but they were automatically thrown and could not be pummeled. In Melee's Adventure Mode, the few enemies that appeared, including Octoroks, were treated as heavy objects, and could not be thrown in the traditional sense.

Wednesday, 7th May

Fight! The Wonderful 100!! We also made trophies of some of the other Wonderful Ones.
This is Wonder Red from The Wonderful 101 on Wii U. He is the sixth known Wii U trophy, and ninth when including those on 3DS.

Thursday, 8th May

Bullet Bill here is an item. Can you guess what happens when you use it?


Answer: You turn into Bullet Bill and go full speed ahead!
This item has been seen before in a press screen released for the Direct. It functions similarly to the item in Mario Kart, which transforms the character into a Bullet Bill.

Friday, 9th May

Uniting three parts will complete the legendary Air Ride machine…the Dragoon! It's back! But we didn't just leave it the way it was, and added some nice touches to the design of the targeting screen. It is, of course, in stereoscopic 3D on the 3DS.


Just the target screen felt lacking so here's a pic of the Dragoon itself. I wanna get on it. I wanna get on and ride it.
The only previous sight of the Dragoon was one of its parts appearing for half a second in a clip of footage in the Direct. It presumably functions the same as in Brawl, along with the refined cursor and possibly other elements.

Also, there was an unseen screenshot on the official site for roughly ten minutes before the Bullet Bill image on Thursday, shown below. It is in Smash Run on 3DS, and features Zelda along with the Ice Climber Polar Bear enemy. It was already known to exist in the mode thanks to prior screenshots, but even disregarding the image contents, it is still rather mysterious why it was taken down.

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Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Monday, 12th May

Here's wire frame Little Mac--re-envisioned from the original Punch-Out!! game. The man that actually drew the pixel art wire frame in the original was none other than Shigeru Miyamoto. He said he drew the pixels for the wire frame on graph paper.
Little Mac's alternative costume first seen in the Smash Direct.

Tuesday, 13th May

Here's Charizard's new special attack, Flare Blitz. It's a very powerful attack--however, you'll take recoil damage if you make contact. Pretty true to the original game, huh? Flare Blitz is Charizard's side special move, and Rock Smash is the down special move.


And here's Mega Charizard X. This will appear as Charizard's Final Smash.
Both of these moves were also seen in Charizard's reveal trailer during the Direct. Neither were stated to be particular moves and could only be speculated upon, but this post tells us the details. Additionally, we now know Rock Smash is a returning move despite not seeing it yet. It has a reassigned input, however.

Wednesday, 14th May

Here's one of my personal favorites, the trophy of Brittany from Pikmin 3. She won't be joining the battle, but her model and expression is well-designed.
Pikmin 3 is the most recent Pikmin title, on the Wii U, and Brittany is one of the three major captains in that game. Seeing this trophy, she is the seventh known trophy in the Wii U Smash Brothers, and tenth when including those on 3DS.

Thursday, 15th May

The unexpected Assist Trophy, the TV-Game 15! Color TV-Game 15 is a home entertainment system that was released in 1977 in Japan before the release of Space Invaders. This is the oldest game to join the Smash Bros. series.

Normally, controllers for these types of games had knobs with variable resistors--these allowed the players to control in-game movement by how far they twisted the knobs. The TV-Game 15 used microswitches instead. We've worked a little too hard to reenact the behavior of the original, so the paddles always move in linear paths with the same, consistent speed. We pay attention to such peculiar details!
Better known as PONG, this assist was first seen in the Direct last month. It is one of the ten currently known new assist trophies, and twenty-one when including those returning from Brawl.

Friday, 16th May

You can choose to play as the girl villager too!! How lovely.
Here are various assumed skins for the Villager, being a variety of the playable characters from the Animal Crossing games. This marks Villager as the third character in the new Super Smash Bros. titles to have an alternate like this, after Wii Fit Trainer and Little Mac. The only character to have this attribute in a previous title is Wario, who is yet to be seen in SSB4.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
I'm intrigued on the new GCN controllers, and how they'll act like the Classic Controller made for the Wii. Talk about options, what with the half-dozen different controller types that Smash Wii U will likely be playable with (Wii U Gamepad, Wiimote, Wiimote + Nunchuk, Wii Classic Controller (and Pro Variant), Wii U PRO Controller and new GCN Controller). Will the new GCN controller be compatible with Brawl, whether played on the Wii U or not? I wonder...

That contest sounds exciting. With videos being only 15 seconds maximum in length and a few days to make them, I'm really interested in what people can come up with.

A new piece of information I thought I'd bring up is that the Wii U Smash Brothers will apparently use Near-Field Communication (NFC), says a French Nintendo Representative. I have to say I'm speculative.


Prepare yourself, Ike has just been announced!



Pic of the day. Ike, the swordsman of magnificent strength, joins the battle!! Strike your foes down with his powerful smash attacks.


For this game, Ike's design is based on the hero that appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. His sword deals heavy damage in Smash Bros., so this design suits him very well! Rest assured, he can use Aether as well.

Go view his pics on the official site.
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
This took me by surprise. Everyone has been thinking Ike would be replaced by Chrom, but I guess not. It would be nice to see three Fire Emblem fighters in this installment. Here's hoping.

As for my specific thoughts on Ike returning, I never liked him because I always committed suicide with his up smash. :P But he's very strong and all the power to those who've mastered him.

E3 and the possible full roster reveal there can't come soon enough.


i never knew daylight could be so violent.
Apr 12, 2012
somewhere, I suppose.
a mystery inside of an enigma wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket of I don't even know what
This took me by surprise. Everyone has been thinking Ike would be replaced by Chrom, but I guess not. It would be nice to see three Fire Emblem fighters in this installment. Here's hoping.

With the recent surge in the franchise's popularity, I don't think it be too farfetched for a third FE rep.

But in the event that we only get two, I'd like to see Marth use Lucina's outfit as an alternate skin, butterfly mask included.

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