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Skyward Sword SS. Why So Much Hate?


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
In fact, we defeat Demise in the past, should according to the crystal thing in the beginning, Demise shouldve always been defeated...

I actually have the answer for this. It's a little thing I like to call... "Zelda Logic"! :bleh: In all seriousness, that's honestly the best possible explanation, unless Hyrule Historia gives an in-depth explanation. Seeing as how there was a lack of significant backstory in the game, it was somewhat difficult to comprehend the Demise situation.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
In all seriousness, that's honestly the best possible explanation

Nope. The best explanation is that we're playing the events as they "actually" happened. Temporally, Demise was always defeated. But what truly went down is how we went about the events leading up to Demise's...demise. :)
Jan 13, 2013
When Link changed something in the past, and then went back into the future(the present? lol), he entered a new timeline :). Both "present realites" already existed. Hehe...


Demon slayer
Jan 29, 2010
Personally, I liked the game. I was a bit disappointed by the Story and the graphics, but everything else was fine. Granted Fi is just a bit annoying, but it's nothing so teeth gnashingly annoying that I want to shout it to the whole Internet to get attention.
Yes I'm looking at you, Flamers
To each his own. Some people just like to make fusses when the game they were hyped for annoys them in some way.


May 18, 2013
but it's nothing so teeth gnashingly annoying that I want to shout it to the whole Internet to get attention.
If I want to complain about a video game, I will. I shouldn't be afraid of being called a "flamer".
Yeah, definitely. It's a cool concept, but it's been a bit overused. It made sense to use in Skyward Sword, but it needs to take a good, long vacation.
A really LONG one, the next two Zelda games shouldn't use it.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Yeah that's the thing. SS never happened; it was a lot like Sonic 2006 in that respect. o_O

I don't believe the ending was supposed to suggest SS never happened. I think everything continuity wise still happened, as all the effects on the world still exist. Unlike Sonic 06 where no one remembered anything and the effects of the world were different (kinda). I believe timetravel was simply a poorly used plot device. Because without time travel, we can't have Link make his wish AND have Demise appear not to mention certain other moments that wouldn't make sense.

Screw time travel.

Time travel can be a great ally when used correctly, but Zelda is just so bad with continuity that its really gotten old. All they have to do is make rules and stick to them, but they don't because apparently suspension of disbelief will take care of everything!
It doesn't


Bored to death
Jul 20, 2013
So I'm new to the forums so don't completely go crazy on me. One thing that I keep hearing recently is how divisive people are about SS. I keep hearing it was too linear and how the dungeons weren't that difficult. Those all my be true but I think the story itself makes up for it in the long run. I have been playing Zelda all of my life I have fond memories of playing OoT with my uncle when I first started playing. But no Zelda game has ever made me so emotionally invested in its characters. The relationship with Link and Zelda, e evolution of Groose from an awful person to actually helping save Zelda, heck even Fi, who a lot of people complain about I enjoyed her C3PO-esque behavior had an effect on me especially at the end. I'm not afraid to admit that the ending made me cry. The music, the motion controls, the formation of Hyrule was an incredibly satisfying gaming experience and just as good if not better than OoT

Yeah, I'll tell you what's wrong with this crappy game.

First of all, what's with Nintendo's obsession with motion controls? I mean really. What happened to the days of the GameCube? I don't want to swing my hand and pretend like it's a real sword. I can do that in real life with a pencil. And people are acting like they've never swung anything in their lives.

Plus, the motion controls were so broken. I was fighting Trollarach (Moldarach) and I did the stabbing motion right? But Link swung his sword to the left. WHAT THE HELL? And you had to use motion controls for every single thing. Swimming? Flying? Playing the harp (which was useless to have as an item, cause you can't play like how you can play the Ocarina), Skydiving? Throwing bombs and rolling them, OH GOD NEED I SAY MORE? Aiming your Clawshots, Bows, Beetle, and slingshot. Gyroscopic aiming does not work well. There's no precise accuracy in it. Why couldn't it be like Twilight Princess's point-and-aim at the screen. There was precise aiming in that.

And something I'm gonna get a lot of hate for is the art-style. It looks so bad. It's horrific, it's blinding, it makes your eyes melt. I mean why couldn't they use the same style from Twilight Princess? Now before you say "where's the color" or "it looks so blurry" or "realism doesn't fit Zelda", listen to me. The Wii can achieve some degree of realism. Look at Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Look at the cutscenes of Metroid: Other M. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Why in their right minds, would Nintendo choose to go with this style? Why couldn't look at these games for inspiration? The art style looks terrible.

And now on to the music! Skyward Sword's mediocre soundtrack sucked balls. Compare it to the actual good Zelda games. Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, A Link to the Past, The original. Man, SS's music is laughable compared to this. Plus, it was unmemorable. I can't remember one song from the whole game.

And, the gameplay sucked. No need to say more.

The Characters in the game obviously weren't Zelda Team's best work. Demise looked like a tweaked version of Akuma From Street Fighter. I don't know why they decided to put someone like Ghriahim in the game. They put Zelda in the game just so it can be a Legend of Zelda game. She was of little importance to the story.

And speaking of the story, it was put together last minute. It was trying to tell to many thing at once, which was overwhelming for a player. They tried to put so much in the story, like the origin of Hyrule, the curse of Demise that bounds Link, Zelda and Ganondorf, how the Master Sword found it's final resting place forever. It just didn't work out. They don't mentioned anything about the Three Goddesses of Hyrule, WHICH CREATED THE WORLD, in the story.

This game sucked ***. That's why it gets so much hate.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ooookay then, don't take this guy seriously.


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