See the avatar? From the first issue of the first Knuckles comic. Those were epic.
I stopped following the Sonic comic around issue 100. I'd started around issue 25, and I was enthralled; but after endgame, the comic had absolutely no direction. I don't know how well it recovered. The Adventure-focused comics were alright, but they weren't as good as, say, the Mecha Madness issues.
Which brings me to the Knuckles comics. Almost all of them were heartfelt, enthralling, and completely original. There were some cliches, sure, but I felt like the focus was squarely on the characters, and I always wanted to see what dilemma they'd find themselves in next. Oddly enough, it really picked up during and after "Reunions." I'm not sure what issue number that was, but it's precisely when I realized how good the characters were, and how much I cared about threats to them.
Sonic was good prior to Eggman's death (and starting around issue 20, because before then it was too silly), and decent enough around the Adventure issues. Knuckles was ten times better, which is saying something.
Unfortunately, my mom threw away all issues of the comics, so I got nothing. Bummer.