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Some Sign Ups!

Okay, really quick, how many of you have read the Shadow Falls series?

....Okay, cricket, we get it. Anyways, I'll explain. The series is set in a camp for supernatural teens. It's a great series, I highly recommend it. Anyway, onto the sign ups!!! Mine is the example:

Name: Kylaia Sorren
Age: 14 (should at least be from early years to late 20's)
Gender: Female
Appearance: striking blue eyes, light brown hair, somewhat thin (you can put clothes if you like)
Personality: intelligent, feisty, somewhat of a firebrand even, but kind and loyal
Supernatural Identity: Fae/Fairy (fairy, werewolf, vampire, shape-shifter, or witch)
Gifts: dreamwalking, aura/spirit reading, and healing (3 max. Just basic powers, nothing too major)
Backstory: Her mom died fighting in Afghanistan, and she wants to somehow avenge her mother's death. (this is set in the modern U.S. Nothing TOO farfetched, okay?)

Well, post people, post!
Aug 18, 2009
I haven't read anything on that series, but I will sign up. Hope my submission helps you.

Name: Rako Dex
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: dark brown eyes, dark brown long hair, likes to dress in black clothing, wears a long officer black coat.
Personality: quiet, serious, doesn't smile that often.
Supernatural Identity: Werewolf
Gifts: can heal
Backstory: He does not remember much about his past, as he grew in an orphanage.

If you need anything else, just let me know.


May 9, 2010
Name: Ashie Kazicane
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Bright yellow eyes, long curly silver hair, a long black cape that covers her face, a yellow and black short dress(Hatsune Miku style), headphones(yellow)
Personality: smart, nice, stubborn, mysterious
Supernatural Identity: Vampire
Gifts: Minding reading, dreamwalking, healing
Backstory: Ashie never knew her family, she somehow lost her memory when she was send away from them. She only wears hood up to hide from the sun, since she is a vampire.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Kyus Orcon
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Whatever he wants, but prefers a pale, wiry teenager with messy blond hair and grey eyes. Wears gray shirt and dark blue jeans.
Persoanity: Practical, never does anything unless he can get something out of it, kind of grows on the rest of the characters throughout the story, though.
Supernatural Identity: Shapeshifter (duh)
Gifts: If he takes the form of a real person, he can know what that person's thinking.
Backstory: Was taught by his parents that shapeshifters were shunned by the rest of the world, and so they lived separate. He realized this was because something changed.

You can have him in a relationship with another character, if you wish.
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Okay, for anyone who's going to be a vampire, here's some things you need to know. In the series anyway, they don't really need to hide from the sun, since it has absolutely no affect on them, and they can still eat regular food, but do still need to drink blood. Just for any future reference.
Aug 2, 2010
Name: Serris
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Red cloak will hood usually up when in public, has longish black hair,
Personality: very caring, but somewhat quiet, very thoughtful and can be emotional, but is usually collected. Is brutal to the ones against him.
Supernatural Identity: shape-shifter
Gifts: weak invisibility (not completely invisible, but sort of translucent) air powers. Advanced agility, resulting in a very skilled parkour ability.
Backstory: Suffered from amnesia, so he does not know who he is or where he comes from, much to his dismay. Now roams the land, he has no permanent home.

You can also have him in a relationship with someone else, if thats OK. ;)
Name: Serris
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Red cloak will hood usually up when in public, has longish black hair,
Personality: very caring, but somewhat quiet, very thoughtful and can be emotional, but is usually collected. Is brutal to the ones against him.
Supernatural Identity: shape-shifter
Gifts: weak invisibility (not completely invisible, but sort of translucent) air powers. Advanced agility, resulting in a very skilled parkour ability.
Backstory: Suffered from amnesia, so he does not know who he is or where he comes from, much to his dismay. Now roams the land, he has no permanent home.

You can also have him in a relationship with someone else, if thats OK. ;)

Okay, I said it once before, I'll say it again. For your gifts, don't do anything to major. No air powers. Sorry, but everything else is fine


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Name: Kirana Alfendell Jones
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Light tan skin, dark green eyes, brown pants, white shirt, grey cloak(she doesn't wear in public), brown boots, long dark brown hair to waist in half ponytail & hidden pointy ears
Personality: Nice, Kind, smart, brave, not easily fooled, quick thinking, quiet, doesn't like to tell people about her
Supernatural Identity: witch
Gifts:Talk to animals, healing, lie detector(have no other phrasing for it)
Backstory: She lived in a small, quiet, out of the way, not advanced village somewhere. Something happened when she was born and someone found the village. The man who found it was greedy and had a small army so he sold all the village people as slaves in a different country and burned down the village. Her parents saved her from this and she was taken to Topika Kansas and was adopted there by a couple by the name Jones. She never talks about her past to anyone and is quick to change the suject when it comes up.

Tell me if you need anything changed.^^


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
Here you go:

Name: Tekara Ki
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: emerald green eyes, golden brown hair with one small braid among the rest of her flowing straight hair, jeans, a black tank top, combat boots, and a green scarf.
Personality: Wise, quick, brave, and caring. Fierce when she needs to be.
Supernatural Identity: Fairy
Gifts: Healing, control of winds, and telekinesis.
Backstory: Grew up as a smart schoolgirl who never did anything wrong. Considered an innocent. But she held a huge secret that was the only reason she stayed in school so long. Now she's escaped her school years early and wanders the streets at night, as a protector of her hometown. (If that's too controversial with your story, then you can come up with something. ;D)


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
Name: Dillon
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short, light brown hair, light goldlike color eyes,thin, tall, wears a grey sweatshirt and jeans. He shape shifts into a lot of different things, but always has the same color eyes. His favorite from to transform into (besides human form, which is always the same) is a small gray tabby cat.
Personality: Quiet, kind, keeps to himself most of the time, will protect his friends from danger.
Supernatural Identity: Shape Shifter
Gifts: Gets a feeling when something bad will happen, catlike reflexes from the time he spends as a cat, extremely good vision (eagle like)
Back story: Doesn't remember anything from the time before his 12th birthday, which was when he woke up in the middle of a small town. All he remembered was his name.
Other: Could he be a friend of the main character? Also, a slight crush on Tekara.

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