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Breath of the Wild So when is the next round of info coming???


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012
I really don't care if they delay the game for 2020, but just give me at least one second of gameplay, or an artwork or a few words about the game... when do you think they're giving us the next round of info/trailer ? Aonuma said the game wouldn't be at E3 2015.. but did he mean it won't be playable, or it won't be at all?

What do you guys think?
Jul 10, 2012
Knowing recent Nintendo, the earliest moment we'll see a glimpse of it will be E3 2016, maybe a Nintendo Direct a few months before that.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Knowing recent Nintendo, the earliest moment we'll see a glimpse of it will be E3 2016, maybe a Nintendo Direct a few months before that.

I'd agree with this. I imagine more information will be in a Direct, and then a bigger look at E3 or perhaps TGS.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I'm not sure unfortunately we won't get any info this coming E3. I'm thinking we might not hear anything for awhile, it's a shame because hype for the game is dying fast, soon nobody will even care. Zelda Wii U will be but a faint memory by E3... so whenever more info surfaces way later people might be like,“Oh I forgot about that!” I probably will. Lol.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I'm not sure unfortunately we won't get any info this coming E3. I'm thinking we might not hear anything for awhile, it's a shame because hype for the game is dying fast, soon nobody will even care. Zelda Wii U will be but a faint memory by E3... so whenever more info surfaces way later people might be like,“Oh I forgot about that!” I probably will. Lol.

That's not necessarily a bad thing! First, it gives other games a chance to shine. Second, it'll rebuild the hype when they finally do announce something.

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