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Snowpeak Snowboarding

Dragon Tamer

Cold hearted...thing
Oct 23, 2008
Cookie Kingdom
This part of the game was fun. It took me a couple of times because I kept funning into trees. :P Then I kept running into that huge whole at the end of the race. -.- But, I finally gat used to it though! I liked raing both in fact. What I like the most was jumping in the air. I felt like flying. :)


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
I liked the snowboarding minigame. I think Yeta was always a bit more enjoyable to fun. At least for me. Yeta was a challenge and challenges are always more enjoyable than something easy. I like something that's going to make you break your television because you got so frustrated you through your remote at the tv.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
For some reason, I was never able to get into it. The control felt weird for me. Then again, you're talking to the guy who has played Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 for the N64. Come to think of it, I only did it once. I guess it is the difficulty getting over there that turned me off from going there. In addition, I was playing the Wii version, so that could explain why it felt weird (they could've at least used what Super Mario Galaxy uses (Wiimote held horiziontally, vertically, or straight).

I know I crashed a few times my first time doing it, in addition to falling off the cliff once. I know, I fail. :P


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
This was a really fun mini-game. I liked seeing how fast I could beat Yeto and then wait and let time pass til he comes. Yeta was a challenge, because of her speed and she uses the short-cuts. I hated being neck to neck with Yeta when you go over the bridge, because she would speed up and run me over.

Din Akera

Jan 27, 2010
My own little world
This was definately one of my favorite mini-games. Yeta was a challenge, and it was nice! What I didn't realize is that you lose a heart everytime you go off the cliff edge. It wasn't until I fell (again) and it reset Link to the start and the beeping strated to point out that I was low on hearts, that I realized it.


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
I love this minigame.I always loved racing yeta more than yeto she was more of a challenge.I remember me falling all the time and how I would always get mad


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
The snowboarding minigame in Twilight Princess was just complete fun for me. I would love to just race Yeto and Yeta when I was bored. When I am playing Twilight Princess it is always a necessity to get that one Heart Piece you gain by beating Yeta in the snowboarding minigame.

After I had gotten my Wii, I played it very often, and then when I tried playing this game with the gamecube controller it was awkward to use the gamecube controller after not using it for so long.
I did not really like canoeing, but I absolutly adore the snowboarding! It was a great twist and more suprises like that should start popping up. (But I am not saying make Zelda a sports game. =P) Yeta took em over an hour, but when I got the hang of it, I did it over and over and over again! So fun. ^ -^


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
I love this minigame(especially the music:P). The other day I was going back to Snowpeak Ruins and couldn't help racing the yetis again. But I completely forgot that you have to take the one overpass to beat Yeta. I tried to beat her without it but knew I would fail-_-


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I absolutely loved this part of the game. I would sit there and do it all day if I didn't have anything better to do. Racing Yeta was the best, I would lose some and win some, eventually I didn't love at all. I was pretty good at it to be begin with, so Yeta was a bit of a challenge, but not much.

The best part about it was just fooling around whenever running it multiple times and trying to hit treetops as much as possible, jumping over things unnecessarily, just messing around. Things get old, though. Like I said, though, I absolutely loved it when it wasn't old.

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