The Good Samaritan
So I did end up getting SS and TP for Christmas yesterday, made me super happy!
Anyways, I've never really played either game before, and I'm right before the first dungeons on each game. So I thought I'd give my first impressions on each game. No spoilers please.
PROS SO FAR: Okay, I HAVE played this game before, but I didn't get far enough to really think of anything about the game. I have the Wii version of the game, and so far I'm actually really liking the Ordon Village area. I like the art style of the game and I think this game would be pretty freaking awesome if it was upscaled to HD. I love having Epona at the beginning of the game. I like the way Link looks also.
I basically agree here, as these were my first impressions as well. I have the Wii version, and once I stepped foot in Ordon I was in love. The village was so serene, calm, and quaint. I actually liked the graphics, it gave the game a more realistic feel. I really liked TP Link, and I thought Epona was nice to have from the get-go.
CONS SO FAR: Illia. Worst love interest ever. She's such a brat! Acts like Epona is her horse. Pssh. I also don't like the controls. The swinging of the Wii Remote makes sense and feels more comfortable in Skyward Sword, but with Twilight Princess I have to constantly shake the remote and I find it a little tedious. If there's a way to switch slashing to a button, please tell me how!
Wasn't fond of Illia either, and I didn't think she was even close to being pretty. I got used to the controls pretty quickly, so I didn't mind them so much. I didn't have too many problems with the game until I met Midna. I also thought Talo, Malo, Beth, and Colin were all pretty annoying.
PROS SO FAR: The cutscenes and animations are really REALLY good. I like how the characters show more emotion in their faces. Plus there's FINALLY some chemistry between Link & Zelda. It's about time. Dashing was a much-needed feature and I am loving it.
I loved the opening cut scenes, and I loved Skyloft.... Thaaaat's about all I can say for now.
CONS SO FAR: FLYING. UGH. I can't stand controlling my Loftwing. It took me 15 minutes or so to get the statuette from the golden bird. I'm sort of getting the hang of it, but the controls still suck. Fi is really annoying and says things that are blatantly obvious. I hope she's more useful further into the game. The game is also really slow right now. The Faron Woods are already getting old. Finding the Kikwis, I thought, was a pointless essential side quest. I'm really hoping things pick up once I enter the first dungeon.
The beginning is long, boring, tedious, and I disliked it just as much as the next person. It took me a while to understand the controls, but regardless if I got the hang of them, I was still having problems. Fi is definitely repetitive when it comes to pointing out the obvious, but you may grow to like her as the game progresses. Yes, some of the side quests aren't the best, but they're still entertaining. I wasn't too fond of Zelda, in fact, I wasn't fond of most of characters (Groose, Cawlin, Pipit, ect).
That's about all I can say, really. Both games weren't that bad, in fact I ended up liking both of them.