In terms of Visuals, Twilight Princess Graphics in High Definition is good enough for me.
Skyrim like visuals are pretty much Twilight Princess visuals in High Deinition - realistic and dark.
There are some genres of games that suit DLC very well, especially the competitive type of games, but for singular adventure games like Zelda it just doesn't fit even if the DLC was free. To me free DLC makes me think that the developers couldn't be bothered to complete the entire game. With the way Zelda is developed there is no excuse to not completely finish the game.
Yes, but what if the game was completed fully, what if it satisfied your needs and then added free DLC, which would add more skills or maybe even another dungeon. It creates replay value, that Zelda normally misses out on.
People on this thread are saying that Zelda doesn't need to copy an inferior game, and that it should stick to its own ideas - this forum is going to be biased, I understand that. Hell, even I believe that Zelda is a better game then Elder Scrolls, but this doesn't mean to say I don't want features that we, as Zelda lovers, miss out on.
Expansion that's free is always going to be better.