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Should LoZ introduce a new Hero as a main character?


The Real Master of Epona
Jul 10, 2008
The Name is E-Scope
I think it is a waste of time because if the new character looked alot like Link and had the name that rhymes with Link like Pink would be a bigger waste of time. If it was a total different link like it could be hard to get used to and a name that is total different to the name Link.

But if we tokk a character from a game like

Zelda: Say if you were playing OOT as zelda, all you would do is teach Link songs, give him the light arrow and open doors for Link when ganondorf is battling. That would be considered boring.

Ganondorf: Hmmm..... Send out evil monsters, yell at ohantom ganon, battle Link which would be the only fun part.

So ya don't do that idea Nintendo Zelda gaming people!


Hrmmm.... its an interesting point.

However, Link will always be the main character of Zelda for me. If there was someone new, it wouldn't be part of the Zelda series, for me, at least.

I would like to point out though, that there has been another playable character - the little goron kid in Phantom Hourglass, for the Goron Temple? dungeon. Is that the kind of thing you mean for a sidekick? I think that that was good in itself, for one dungeon, but doing that all through the game wouldn't be fun for me.

Shadow Goris

The Stalker
Apr 3, 2008
In Link's Basement
Maybe link could be fighting off some being or entity that is causing some plague but catches it himself and his role goes to a very close freind or brother or someone that wants to prefaile link.


ZDG's Prophet
Jul 11, 2008
What about a fellow adventurer who has a different weapon, different style, etc? Or maybe a helper of a different race, but that isn't limited to only elemental or race-based abilities(like the masks of MM)?
Mar 9, 2008
Well yes, it would defenetly be a follower.
But a playable one that you could use in combat and puzzles, to make the game more complex and intersting.


It would be cool if you could choose as you play as, such as Link or *insert completely different character here*. For example, if somebody gets tired of playing as Link, they could play as Tingle! It be even better if each different character had their own characteristics.


Good concept actuly. I would say it more like a gears of war thing were theres two modes co-op and single were the second player plays as a guy thats allways in the main game. Then in second player mode you can be that person and play as him.


ZDG's Prophet
Jul 11, 2008
It would be cool if you could choose as you play as, such as Link or *insert completely different character here*. For example, if somebody gets tired of playing as Link, they could play as Tingle! It be even better if each different character had their own characteristics.

I'm saying a brand new hero should enter the fray, not Tingle or Zelda.

Playing as Ganondorf would be fun, but I'd imagine without a full game and items it would be boring after anything more than a couple of hours. Maybe playing as some Hylian Knight who has gone rouge when the King turns evil, or a Gerudo like Nabooru who sees the evil intent off Ganondorf and then joins you.

Different weapons, different items, different abilities... but they would be able to complement Link and assist him in quests, and maybe even puzzles and bosses Link can't pass without help from a co-op player could be included.

Or maybe designing your own player, that could enable an MMO Zelda for Wii, in real time, and I think fans would eat that up.


Or maybe designing your own player, that could enable an MMO Zelda for Wii, in real time, and I think fans would eat that up.

Ok now that would be cool.... To make your own character would take the LoZ to new lengths if they even included a mmo. They could go to were you and another person can play the storyline as well. Then save it like a normal game and when you both can rejoin and play again. That would be totally sweet and fun too.
They could do like... The 64 cloths in diffrent colors, then TP and other games. Even the look of the guy like the 64 ect. And then the gender could change as well so were It could be like Link and his sister maybe(like one of the players play like his sister.) or brother... The programing might take a wile to do such but it would make the game more customizable and enjoyable for the player.


ZDG's Prophet
Jul 11, 2008
Ok now that would be cool.... To make your own character would take the LoZ to new lengths if they even included a mmo. They could go to were you and another person can play the storyline as well. Then save it like a normal game and when you both can rejoin and play again. That would be totally sweet and fun too.
They could do like... The 64 cloths in diffrent colors, then TP and other games. Even the look of the guy like the 64 ect. And then the gender could change as well so were It could be like Link and his sister maybe(like one of the players play like his sister.) or brother... The programing might take a wile to do such but it would make the game more customizable and enjoyable for the player.

I wouldn't want to limit gameplay to just Link and a sibling, but as long as one could design a player and have them roaming free in Hyrule I could see the idea being a good one. It would not be a conventional Zelda by any means.

Maybe they could incorperate Mii's from the Wii system and use those for online play?


Aug 26, 2008
Fargo, ND
Since in all there have been at least 6 different Links (though I guess this differs depending on your beliefs on the timeline) I don't think this is a problem.

Glided Sword

Well didn't they already do that in wind waker?

Yeah, they did that in Wind Waker and it was a nice concept, controlling one character but I thought it would have been cool if they could attack. You also do that in MM when you're trying to get the Sun's Mask back: you switch between Kafei and Link, stepping on switches, fighting enemies and such. If Nintendo does decide to make a second main character, it'll only be a person that can be called upon to help you whenever or just in specific dungeons.


More than one playable character?...
Well, they should have more than one Link!

I know that concept has already been done in Four Swords Adventures, but...
What if they allowed you to choose from LttP Link, or OoT Link, TP Link or WW Link and such?

It can all be explained away by Nintendo's wonderful way of explaining absurdly impossible events with magic.
"Link plays the Song of Time on his Ocarina, when suddenly..."

Traveling through time together, rescuing all the Zeldas and defeating all of the Ganondorfs from different eras! They band together as a group, "The Heroes of the Triforce".
And they communicate by a series of screams and grunts.

...K, maybe not.

Link has been the main character for pretty much every Zelda game that's been released to date. The simple matter of fact is he doesn't need another hero to help him on his quest. He's been the only hero of the game for about 21 years now. Nintendo will keep the series fresh using other methods of innovation, another hero at Link's side would be unnecessary.

Or maybe they could play as Navi, and Navi could say "Hey!" or "Listen!" until the enemy's head explodes.

Daka TutHut

It would be like Sonic and Tails. The side kick could be a mage, or archer! And he could talk, in place of Link, maybey? I like it, there could be combo moves, with style points. Maybey not style points, but some really neat battles.

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