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Scrubs Mafia: My First Scum Hunt

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Jul 1, 2012
What do you need explained? If you hadn't been cheating then cool. Why was is prohibited-- it's stops the game-- mods who have played before can even see who PMing who-- it makes is impossible for a fair game. The game in is a thread only not all over the forums or skype. I didn't not mean it was anything rude or a personal attack-- sorry I hurt your feelings. You had trouble with the no posting at night and I wanted to check.

I think I got hammered so that's that-- Don't know how you got scum on my maybe your abilities have restriction you don't know about or there really is a redirector some how you kill didn't go though on Night 2 and then annie died some how by some other nightkiller.

I am a doctor and female-- also an urologist I am a mother.

Hmm not sure if I believe this yet, we still need DH to confirm this. I wouldn't belive anything yet people.


Whoo are youu?
Nov 4, 2009
U.S.A., Lost in a forest.
I have already explained this multiple times. I Investigated as in terms of a power role, I didn't watch the activity stream, that would be a bit weird. I don't know where you got this idea from. I think I made it quite clear that I investigated you during the night phase as in what a cop would do. You came up Guilty it's as simple as that.
I didn't know/think you had any other ability other then you unlynchable-- and maybe a kill one-shot that you said. Sorry I miss understood you.

Good luck town make sure you nightkill and lynch right this could turn us fast! Jigglyball time! Whooo for Keyshe!


Whoo are youu?
Nov 4, 2009
U.S.A., Lost in a forest.

Were you the blonde in the night scene?! :O

No that was Odd the role blocker. I had a one-shot ability-- I used already wasted it too... :/ oneshots don't work out well for me XD

Really didn't mean a personal attack JC-- sorry I hurt your feelings. I really though it was possible you might have tried to watch who was PMing, glad to hear I was wrong. You got to tell me all about your role after the game! Thanks for all you did for us and the town you were fun playing. glad I'll be able to play with you more in ponies. :)

Peace out guys, take care of our son JD :)
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Jul 1, 2012
Once we get confirmation, I think we'll have to get back on to Xyphon and Pancake, both still stick out to me at the moment.
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