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Scrubs Mafia: My First Scum Hunt

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Jul 1, 2012


Erm what?

I'm basically confirming a Mafia player and you choose to ignore this? Correct me if I'm wrong but this game is about lynching Mafia from a Town perspective. Any true Townie would trust their Town Hero who investigated her during the night. You sure you're not scum Pancake?


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
You know what Jc, I'm sorry. It was just getting annoying...

Anyways I might as well defend myself because t's pointless to go down without a fight.

As I have stated again and again, my reason for voting Atticus was because I suspected her at the time, reason being her scum list and panicky attitude. I didn't do it straight at the beginning of Day 2, I did it a couple pages in. And I only re-initiate my vote on her because she was working very closely with a confirmed town and it seemed a bit desperate to me. Everybody thought the same at the time, for example Pendio and Josh, I just stated out loud what everyone was thinking.

Also, I have no idea why Annie defended me. Maybe she didn't want to seem suspicious by joining on my bandwagon, so she chose to be on my side? I really have no idea. Well whatever reason it is, if I was scum, I don't Annie would have been dumb enough to defend her "scum buddy" in case she died later. She might just be planting seeds like Xy said.


Jul 1, 2012
I do not understand how you, as the Town Hero, can guarantee Keyshe's guiltiness.

I don't see how I can make this anymore, clear...

I investigated Keyshe during the night, the only reason I'm being demanding is because this day is short one, plus I don't want a wrong lynch to get pushed when we have an obvious one right in front of us.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Vote Tally

PancakeSamurai - 3 (Josh, Atticus, A Link In Time)
Xyphon - 4 (Go_Skyward, Keyshe, Luna, Pendio)
Keyshe - 3 (justac00lguy, Xyphon, Raindrop14)

Again, everyone needs to post 5 times to stay alive today. I don't feel like posting who hasn't posted 5 times yet, cause that's probably a majority, and I have a life (and a finally working AC) to get to this afternoon and evening. Rest assured I'll be back on later tonight.

Oh and keep abuse to a minimum. No name calling and such please. Kay thnx.



Jul 1, 2012
Guys I'm really baffled my Pancake's reaction, as you know already, I pushed for his lynch and he just survived by a tie with Atticus. However, I basically confirmed that Keyshe is Mafia and he decides to act in an angry manor. Not just that but he basically ignores what I've said. Note this is the same person who had pretty much joined every single bandwagon, but he ignores a confirmed Mafia? Plus notice the way he completely tries to change the topic by "defending" himself.

Now Pancake was going to my next target, but since my investigation confirmed Keyshe is scum then I would like to just get that lynch out the way. However, I highly recommend we go after Pancake next. Right now i feel there's a very high chance that Pancake's scum. Everything is fitting together now, the way both him and Annie stuck together, the way they tried to lynch Atticus etc.

So we have Keyshe as Mafia and Pancake as high possibility of being Mafia. Now that would mean four Mafia are now discovered.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Guys I'm really baffled my Pancake's reaction, as you know already, I pushed for his lynch and he just survived by a tie with Atticus. However, I basically confirmed that Keyshe is Mafia and he decides to act in an angry manor. Not just that but he basically ignores what I've said. Note this is the same person who had pretty much joined every single bandwagon, but he ignores a confirmed Mafia? Plus notice the way he completely tries to change the topic by "defending" himself.

What on earth are you talking about? I'm sorry I got mad because you kept bring up the fact that Keyshe is mafia. I'm also ignoring confirmed mafia? Please tell me who hammered Thar's lynch. Oh, yea. T'was me. c:

I wasn't changing the topic by defending myself, I was just defending myself. It was just bad timing when I finished it.

I'm holding on to my vote until I'm 100% certain because I think you may be lying.

I don't know, I should check the Town Hero abilities.


Jul 1, 2012
What on earth are you talking about? I'm sorry I got mad because you kept bring up the fact that Keyshe is mafia. I'm also ignoring confirmed mafia? Please tell me who hammered Thar's lynch. Oh, yea. T'was me. c:

I wasn't changing the topic by defending myself, I was just defending myself. It was just bad timing when I finished it.

I'm holding on to my vote until I'm 100% certain because I think you may be lying.

I don't know, I should check the Town Hero abilities.
Why would I be lying? I'm the Town Hero, I'm a confirmed Townie, I have no reason to lie, at this point I'm here to lynch Mafia and that's that. Town Hero's can have abilities, it just depends on the role. If you were a Townie you would trust me, it's that simple, was Annie not enough proof?


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Why would I be lying? I'm the Town Hero, I'm a confirmed Townie, I have no reason to lie, at this point I'm here to lynch Mafia and that's that. Town Hero's can have abilities, it just depends on the role. If you were a Townie you would trust me, it's that simple, was Annie not enough proof?

Okay, I just wasn't 100% sure. I was just being cautious.

Didn't you say Annie was gf though :right:


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.

Post Count

A Link In Time - 1
Josh - 3
Pendio - 2
Heroine of Time - 2

Xyphon - 23
justac00lguy - 11
Atticus - 8
Raindrop14 - 9
Go_Skyward - 1
PancakeSamurai - 11
Keyshe - 2
Luna – 7

I double checked this time.
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