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Scariest Zelda Enemy?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I don't know, I never found anything in The Legend of Zelda to be scary. I only find it Awesome, Interesting, and Fun. But I always like fighting Darknuts.


Hylian Thief
Jul 16, 2010
It's a secret to everybody
I feel that we've had this thread before....ah well, I'll say this again:


Because the bottom of the well area just wasn't scary enough on its own, they had to throw in a deformed pale zombie with giant teeth and multiple long blood stained limbs sticking up out of the ground waiting to grab you.
Might he have been easy to beat? Maybe, but that doesn't mean I didn't get a panic attack every time I got captured by those bloody hands and have him slowly approach and lower his neck in an attempt to bite my face off. His black empty eyes didn't make the experience any better either.
I first played this game when I was 8, mind you, and this creature induced many nightmares and panic attacks.
I'm 20 now, and I'm not really looking forward to meeting this monster again on the 3DS.
I was scared of him when he was on a 2D screen; now I have to deal with him popping out at me in 3D?
I'm having fun already.



I am all of me.
Aug 5, 2010
Top of the food chain.
Well back when I was younger I found Pamela's father to fairly creepy (Hes the mummy that comes out of the closet in MM). Other than that I'd have to go with the dead hand.

Oh yeah. he's scary. and the worst part is that you can't even attack him. stupid little girl.

@ Valexi, where does he appear? i don't remember ever seeing him. :hmm:
Mar 7, 2010
South Finland
I feel that we've had this thread before....ah well, I'll say this again:


Because the bottom of the well area just wasn't scary enough on its own, they had to throw in a deformed pale zombie with giant teeth and multiple long blood stained limbs sticking up out of the ground waiting to grab you.
Might he have been easy to beat? Maybe, but that doesn't mean I didn't get a panic attack every time I got captured by those bloody hands and have him slowly approach and lower his neck in an attempt to bite my face off. His black empty eyes didn't make the experience any better either.
I first played this game when I was 8, mind you, and this creature induced many nightmares and panic attacks.
I'm 20 now, and I'm not really looking forward to meeting this monster again on the 3DS.
I was scared of him when he was on a 2D screen; now I have to deal with him popping out at me in 3D?
I'm having fun already.


I think I don't need to say anything any more.


The chosen one
May 13, 2010
i think skullwaltulas are scarier redeads or dead hands they look creepy and surprising they are the reason i cant get a 100 percent on Oot redeads and dead hands they are total pushovers


Wallmasters. They aren't so much scary as they are surprising. Once I enter a room and I know there's a wallmaster in there, I try to move as much as I can as to not have to start all over 3:

Although I must admit, when I was in the Shadow Temple in OoT a Skulltula popped out of nowhere and I shrieked in horror <.<
It was more of the surprise than scariness, though.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
I'm not really scared of anything. I'm really only scared of things depending on their appearance, not what they do. What's so scary about wallmasters? They try and jump down on your head…well, they're sorta scary because of that. But what I'm most scared of are Redeads, because most of the time they're in a dark place and they make extremely annoying freaky sounds…
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Wallmasters. Specifically from OoT/MM.

And not just in appearance, but in gameplay concept too. They're worse enough in the way that they're a creepy purple/blood color, and look exactly like a severed hand, but also what they do to you. Nothing is worse than being right in the middle of a huge dungeon, only to be kicked out and having to trek back through it again. I remember always freaking out in the Forest Temple when I would see the shadow, followed by that sickening "wooooo" sound that it makes when it's right above you. No so much in appearance, but just what it does to the player mentally.


Super Awesome Member
Jun 2, 2009
A computer if I'm online
The four Poes in the Arbiters Grounds in TP are pretty creepy, and as stated above the Dead Hand in OoT was pretty scary. I think most of the monsters that were scary are from TP with it's "superior graphics."


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
Only some enemies scare me. Like Key Masters. I'm not really scared but just nervous to go against them. Redeads just creep me out. I'm talking about the ones from Wind Waker.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
REDEADS! I was so terrified when a redead first looked at me, everytime I heard that moan afterwords, I left the room and did serious contemplation on whether or not saving the world was worth it.

Next are wallmasters. I absolutely hate them. The wind that blows just before they come down sends a chill through my spine. The first time they grabbed me I stopped playing for a good while. In my head I was thinking, "WHAT WAS THAT! OH MY GOODNESS A HAND JUST GRABBED ME FROM THE CEILING!" Or something like that.
Aug 18, 2009
Scary? Well, to be honest here, I didn't find anything in WW scary. Maybe the redead's screech was the closest thing to scary, but not really. I will have to go with Redeads just for that.

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